MEETING MINUTES - July 17, 2008

Website address:

Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Ball, Chairman, at 7:06 p.m.

Members Present: Richard and Florence Ball, Bob and Darlene Kauffman, Carol Mayer, Dick and Darla Bebo, Bob and Kim Kinder, Bess Milhauser, Carmen Yoder, W.H. Burnum, John & Bernice Siebenthal, Elaine Carlson, Bob Cornelius, Geni Pittelkau, Edythe Moss, Shelley Kadwell, Mary Ann Celley, Dwight and Carol Yoder, Evert and Marion Larson, Jeannine Borde, Joe and Gail Freeman, Patty and Gary Welch, Jackie Jones, Merldine Cardoza, Doug and Pat Smith, and Sandy Poole.

Minutes: The minutes from May 20, 2008, were read by Shelley Kadwell, Secretary. No additions or corrections. Motion made by Jeannene Borde, to accept minutes as presented, seconded by Patty Welch. Unanimously approved as written.

Old Business:

Fir Village developers meeting held 6/10/08, was attended by Richard Ball and Jackie Jones from our association. Mr. Netter plans to go to the planning commission around August. There will be 10 single family homes and 2 duplexes. Once started, the homes will need to be completed within 2 yrs. Traffic calming device suggested on 13th and Fir. Currently the City hasn’t said anything about the one at Fir.

There is no parking now on the south side of 13th Avenue between Aspen and Elm.

New Business:

In August there will be paving on 13th from Aspen to Pine. At that time the City will install traffic calming devices, etc.

American Steel “open house” on October 15. We’ve heard there could be 200 American Steel trucks a day down 13th. We have also heard that large trucks may instead be diverted to Hwy. 99E via Sequoia Parkway. There will be a Safety Task Force Meeting on Aug. 14. Terry Tolls, Chairman of the Industrial Owners Assn., will be at this small informal meeting. Two from our own Safety Task committee will attend that meeting.

Clearance problem on 13th and Fir. Richard Ball and Jackie Jones have both contacted the Code Enforcement Officer who will have this issue corrected.

Survey is on the website, but we’d like to get a better database of people in the neighborhood. Merldine Cardoza, the Smiths, the Balls, Jackie Jones, and Shelley Kadwell have volunteered to distribute surveys door-to-door within our SWCNA.

Questions: Mr. Burnham asked if the islands are going to be placed where the city had them outlined earlier (13th and Elm, for example), as this would be hard to go around. We will look into this.

Edith Voss asked if anyone has talked to American Steel about the traffic situation and our neighborhood. Richard Ball said that should be taken care of at the August 14 Safety Task meeting.

Gail Freeman was concerned about school bus traffic going all the way along 13th.

Pat Smith wondered how we ask people to do the survey. We could introduce ourselves as members of the SWCNA and state that we’d like to have them complete it so we can address any concerns they have. On the surveys, Pat asked if we could ask whether residents operate care/foster homes. If so, they could then be listed on the website.

Richard Ball will contact the city and ask what traffic calming devices they plan to install during the 13th Avenue repaving project.

Judy Vanderhort is concerned that American Steel trucks, school buses, and new cars from Fir Village will adversely affect 13th. She asked if there had been any consideration regarding a 4-way stop at 13th and Fir.

John Siebenthal mentioned the outgoing traffic on 13th Street, and the cars crossing 13th heading south on Ivy could qualify for the Indianapolis raceway. We should ask the police to monitor this.

Elaine Carlson said that the 13th and Ivy signal should have a left turn arrow at the light. They have these going North and South, but we need one East and West as well.

Richard Ball mentioned that he would like to see us be a more visible association. He suggested the following:

·  SWCNA Community Potluck Picnic at Canby Community Park

·  Carpooling/Classified ad posting on the website

·  General Canby Day Parade entry with a SWCNA banner

·  Walking groups

·  “Oldies” dances with CD’s

·  “Kiss a Pig” contest between neighborhood associations for charity purposes

Mr. Welch would like the web address put on the agenda in the future. It has also been included in these minutes.

Adjourn: Gail Freeman motioned that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Florence Ball and passed unanimously at 8:18 p.m.