Portland State University

Department of World Languages and Literatures

Italian 103 - Winter 2011

TENTATIVE SYLLABUS (this syllabus may and will change)

Instructor: Eleonora FrigoE-mail:

Office: NH451AOffice hours: Monday 2.30-3.30 and by appointment

Course Materials:

-Avanti! Beginning Italian, McGraw Hill (Second Edition).

- Quia, do your online homework here

-FYI: firstyearitalian.pbworks.com (Italiano 103/IT103 Spring 2011) – Wiki page, class website where you can find useful information (syllabus, announcements, reviews, files, assignments descriptions,etc.)

-Larousse Pocket Dictionary, Italian/English English/Italian, Houghton Mifflin, 2005.

- - online dictionary

Expectations and Homework:We will cover roughly from chapter 9 to chapter 12 (plus selected topics from chapter 13 and 14). Study the pages we are going to cover on a certain day before class (refer to the schedule). Lesson plans are prepared assuming that you have studied the materials beforehand. We will be completing the online QUIA exercises and the textbook contemporaneously.Do not wait for me to assign homework: at the end of each week there will be a deadline for the homework corresponding to the material covered in class that week. For other assignments such as temi, refer to the class schedule and the class website. If you have to miss class, do not email your instructor asking for homework, ask a classmate instead, as your instructor may not be able to answer promptly. Assignments must be in Italian (unless otherwise stated), represent your own individual work (unless otherwise stated), follow instructions, and be presented in good conditions (you will be marked down otherwise).We may work on assignments that will require peer review. This doesn't mean that you will do the work for someone else, that you can have someone do your work, that you can contact a native speaker to review your work, or that you can have every assignment reviewed by someone else. What you turn in MUST be entirely your work; your teacher will let you know when peer review is acceptable. Expect your instructor to answer emails in 1 or 2 business days.At all time cell phones must be turned off. No computers are allowed in class.

Late homework/assignments policy: Late homework (i.e. Quia) will not be accepted. Other late assignments will be penalized a letter grade per day (i.e. B to B-). If you are seriously ill or have a family emergency, you must notify me as soon as you know there might be a problem with meeting a deadline. My email works 24/7, so you can send a message at any time. If I know 48 hours ahead of time that you need to be late with an assignment, I can try to be flexible. I will be less flexible after the fact, and apply my late policy strictly. If you miss a deadline due to an emergency, I will need a written confirmation (on letterhead) of what the problem was. Also, keep me updated and be responsible. Don't wait for me to contact you and send you reminders if you miss work and deadlines.

Dealing with hardware/software failure:Computers can and do fair, especially when you're tired, overworked and can least afford it. Always:

- plan ahead

- proofread your work several times

- backup your work

- send yourself your presentation/compositions etc via email, don't rely on your USB driveonly

- save a copy of your work on your USB drive, don't rely on your emailonly

Failure to plan ahead on your part is not my emergency! It's your problem. I will get to it as soon as I can. But don't expect me to drop everything and come to your aid if you are doing the assignments at the last moment.

Teacher availability:I don't live in my office or in front of my computer, so if you need to talk to mecome to my office hours or make an appointment.

CourseGoals and Methods:Learning a foreign language is one of the most enriching experiences in anybody's education. It entails exploring a way of life, a different culture and the traditions of another country. The goal of First Year Italian is to help you become proficient in communicating with native speakers of Italian and help you interact with the Italian speaking communities of the world.The course will be conducted mostly in Italian.Our methods aim as much as possible at the harmonious development of all four linguistic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Group activities are commonplace and must be approached with a spirit of teamwork, cooperation among classmates is essential. Your daily preparation and participation are crucial to the success of our classroom experience. The language is taught within a cultural context that helps students to become familiar with some of the most significant elements of Italian cultural life and encourages their cultural awareness. The class is learner-centered, so much of language acquisition will happen outside of the classroom and is dependent on your involvement with the language. Your instructor is a facilitator, but the learning process depends on you. Language acquisition requires a steady, constant, daily effort. Ideally, students should spend two hours a day practicing Italian.

Attendance: Attendance is very important for the continuity of class activities and it is mandatory. Absences are recorded each day and will have a negative impact on your grade. A maximum of 2 absences is allowed in this course to accommodate for illness or personal emergencies. Every two unexcused absences beyond the 2 allowed will lower your final grade of ONE LETTER.Late arrivals and early departures will also affect your class participation and attendance grade.If you arrive fifteen minutes after class has begun, you will be considered absent. Please plan to be in class by the scheduled time. No more than two tardies will be tolerated (three tardies = 1 absence).In addition, please remember to bring the required textbooks to class every day.

Participation: Active participation and contribution are essential to your success in this course, and to build fluency in listening and speaking. Your attitude is very important and will greatly affect how much you and your classmates will learn.The participation grade is based on the quantity and quality of your participation, where quality is determined by active, on task participation in group activities, by coming to class with homework prepared, by volunteering, by being prepared when called on, etc.

Evaluation and grading criteria:

  • A = Volunteers regularly, always prepared with homework, demonstrates familiarity with the vocabulary, tries to express him/herself as accurately as possible, is on task with group activities. Never uses English in discussion, responds fully, elaborates on answers, elicit discussion from partners by asking pertinent questions; is respectful and attentive to others.
  • B = Sometimes volunteers, usually prepared when called on, usually on task with group activities, is familiar with part of the vocabulary, pays some attention to accuracy. Communicates insufficiently in some discussion contexts, frequently uses English with and without instructor permission. Gives short answers, has difficulty elaborating when requested, is respectful.
  • C = Almost never volunteers, sometimes prepared when called on, seldom on task with group activities, is familiar with only a few vocabulary terms, rarely pays attention to accuracy. The student communicates insufficiently in most or all discussion contexts, responds to contextual questions with isolated words or silence; is tardy, speaks mostly English in class, makes mostly errors with regard to material covered; is disrespectful to others or inattentive.
  • D = Never volunteers, seldom prepares homework, does not stay on task in group activities, is not familiar with vocabulary, pays little attention to accuracy. The student is unable to communicate in most or all discussion contexts, is often absent and disrespectful to others.

Midterm Exams and Quizzes: There will be 2 in class exams plus a final exam. Make up exams are strongly discouraged and are available only by prior arrangement and/or with a note from the doctor. Refer to class schedule for dates. There will be regular verb quizzes (at least once a week, possibly every day). There will be no make-up quizzes.

Writing Activities (Temi): Two writing activities will be assigned for homework during the term. For the first Tema, you will get the chance to write two drafts, for the second Tema there will be only one draft. Evaluation criteria used are available upon request.Refer to class schedule for dates and descriptions.

Reading Log: You will be reading a short book of your choice in Italian. You will be required to turn in three reading logs. Refer to class schedule for dates.

Skit: It will be done in small groups (2/3 people) and it will be given on the LAST DAY of class. Topics will be assigned during the second half of the term.

Oral Exam: It will be given individually during office hours halfway through the term.The focus will be on the material covered up to that point.

Final Exam:It will be given during the finals week and will include everything covered in First Year. Refer to class schedule for dates.


Attendance, Participation, and Preparation 15%
Exams (2) 20% Final Exam (written and oral) 20%
Quizzes and Homework 15%
Writing activities (2) 20%
Presentation 10%

Final Grade Scale:

B+89-87C+79-77D+ 69-67F 59-0

A 100-93B 86-84 C 76-74D 66-64

A- 92 – 90B- 83-80C- 73-70D- 63-60


If you need an accommodation please inform your instructor immediately. You will need to document your disability with the Disability Resource Center (Smith Hall 425, 503-725-4150) in order to request support services where appropriate. Your instructor cannot accommodate your needs if you do not inform the Disability Resource center well in advance.


If you are part of a sport team, absences will be excused only upon receipt of you team’s game schedule, signed and dated by your coach and on letterhead. Please hand in a calendar of your sport meetings AT THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. Remember to discuss all your travel plans with the instructor and keep him/her informed of your upcoming trips.

TutoringFree Services will be offered weekly throughout the semester. You are encouraged to take advantage of this service and to use it in a timely manner. Don’t wait until the last minute! If you have questions or doubts, or simply need to review don’t hesitate to visit your professor during office hours and to see our tutor. Sometimes, just a bit more focused and individual attention can clarify doubts, solve problems and strengthen your language abilities. Please notice that the tutoring service will not be offered during the final exam reading period.

Portland State University supports equal educational opportunity for all regardless of sex, race, national origin, age, marital status, handicap, religion or sexual orientation.

The following constitutes conduct as proscribed by Portland State University for which a student or student organization or group is subject to disciplinary action: All forms of academic dishonesty, cheating, and fraud, including but not limited to: (a) plagiarism, (b) the buying and selling of course assignments and research papers, (c) performing academic assignments (including tests and examinations) for other persons, (d) unauthorized disclosure and receipt of academic information and (e) falsification of research data.

Tentative Class Schedule:

-Studiate e completate gli esercizi prima della lezione.

-I compiti su Quia sono assegnati separatamente e devono essere completati settimanalmente.

-Altre fotocopie (handouts) possono essere distribuite ed assegnate in classe.

-I quiz sui verbi si faranno almeno una volta alla settimana, possibilmente tutti i giorni dalla seconda settimana.

-I compiti a casa vanno svolti individualmente.

Settimana / Giorno / In classe / Compiti a casa (due before class)
1. / 28.3 / Ripasso
Cap. 8
Sillabo / Leggere il sillabo
Iscriversi a Quia
Controllare la pagina FYI della nostra classe
30.3 / Cap9
Strategie di comunicazione
Cultura / Leggere pp. 238-241; 242-246
Leggere articolo "La scuola dei copioni" (link su FYI)
Fare es.A p.238; B p.239; B-C p.245
2. / 4.4 / Cap9
Cultura / Ripassare il passato prossimo
Leggere pp. 247-257
Fare es. B p.250; D-E p.251; A p.254; B-C p.255; D p.256; E p.257
6.4 / Cap9
Cultura / Leggere pp. 258-261
Fare es. A-B p.260; A p.263; B p.264
3. / 11.4 / Cap10
Strutture / Leggere pp. 271-281
Fare es. B p. 273; A p.276; B p.280; C p.281
13.4 / Cap10
Film (Il Mostro) / Cercare informazioni sul film che vedremo in classe.
Consegnare primo reading log
4. / 18.4 / Cap10
Strategie di comunicazione
Ripasso per il midterm / Leggere pp. 269-271; 282-284
Fare es. A-B p.269; A p.270; A-B p.283; A (Istat) p.285; B p.286
20.4 / Midterm 1
(Cap10) / Ripassare tutto, in particolare i cap. 8-9-10
Consegnare il tema 1
5. / 25.4 / Cap11
Strategie di comunicazione
Esami orali / Leggere pp. 293-301; 311-313
Fare es. A p. 293; C p.294; A p.298; C p.299; E p.300; B p.313
27.4 / Cap11
Esami orali / Ripassare pp. 160-163
Leggere pp. 301-310
Fare es. A-B p.304; C p.305; E p.306; B-C p.308; A p.309
6. / 2.5 / (Cap11) / Consegnare secondo reading log
4.5 / Film (La vita è bella) / Cercare informazioni sul film che vedremo in classe.
7. / 9.5 / Cap12 (saltare il remoto, menzionarlo soltanto) / Leggere pp. 318-326; 331-332
Fare es. A p.318; A p.324; B-C p.325; D-E p.326
11.5 / Cap12
Strategie di comunicazione
Strutture / Leggere pp. 333-338
Fare es. A p.334; B-C p.335; B p.337; C p.338
8. / 16.5 / Cap12
Ripasso per il midterm / Leggere pp. 339-341; 343
Fare es. B. p.340; scriviamo p. 341
18.5 / Midterm 2
Cap13- selected topics / Ripassare tutto, in particolare i cap. 10-11-12
Leggere pp346-348; 351-352; 371
Consegnare il tema 2
9. / 23.5 / Cap13/14 - selected topics / Leggere pp. 354-365
Consegnare terzo e ultimo reading log
25.5 / Cap14 - selected topics / Leggere pp. 375-381; 394-395
(373-374; 381-384)
10. / 30.5 / Vacanza
1.6 / Skit
Ripasso / Preparare le skit
Ripassare tutto
11. / 6.6 / Esame Finale h 1930-2120 nella nostra aula