QRIS Program Name / Early Achievers
Contact for QRIS and person completing this form (if different) / Adie Fatur, QRIS Manager
Char Goodreau, QRIS Administrator
Agency that administers the QRIS / The Washington State Department of Early Learning
Service area / Statewide (began statewide rollout on July 1, 2012—will roll out into final areas on July 1, 2013)
Pilot Phase / Washington conducted a pilot called, Seeds to Success, from 2009-2011.
Approximately 90 child care providers (centers and family child care homes) in five communities participated by testing and Implementing elements of QRIS including coaching and program assessment. Information about the pilot can be found on:
Date full program launched / July 1, 2012
Voluntary or part of licensing / Voluntary
Website and link to current standards /
- Website for Early Achievers:
- Current standards:
- Participant Toolkit:
Types of ELD Programs Eligible to participate /
- Licensed Child Care Centers (serving children 0-5)
- Licensed Family Child Care homes (serving children 0-5)
- Tribal and Militarycertified programs
- Head Start and State PreK (ECEAP)
Total numbers of ELD programs participating and (and % of universe) / (Numbers current as of June 2013)
Total licensed facilities participating in Early Achievers: 1194 (19% of total)
- Total licensed facilities in WA: 6,1568*
- School Age –*448 (not eligible for QRIS at this time)
- Child care center – 1,539
- Family child care – 4,169
- Total HS grantees in state: 32
- Total State PreK contractors: 40
Number of participating licensedchild care centers (and % of universe) /
- 512 child care centers participating (33% licensed centers across the state)
Number of participating regulatedfamily child care programs (and % of universe) /
- 682 Family child care providers participating (16% of licensed Family child care)
Number of participating Head Start programs / Currently, participation in Early Achievers is only open to a small group of Head Start programs that are participating as part of a pilot. Participation is expected to open to all Head Start programs in fall of 2013. 8 Head Start grantees are participating in the pilot.
Number of participating public Pre-K programs / Currently, participation in Early Achievers is only open to a small group of State PreK (ECEAP) programs that are participating as part of a pilot. Participation is expected to open to all ECEAP programs in fall of 2013. 6 state PreK contractors are participating in the pilot.
Other participating programs (please name)
Percent of programs at each rating level / Level 2: 100% of participants
There are no ratings at this time. First Early Achievers ratings are expected in summer of 2013.
Rating structure(block, point, hybrid) – has there been a change in the type of structure? / Early Achievers is a hybrid model. All facilities must meet the same foundational elements of quality at Levels 1-2; facilities earn points based on evaluation to earn Levels 3-5. In Levels 3-5, facilities must meet specific elements of quality, but can demonstrate that quality in different ways based on facility strengths, program philosophy, and needs of children and families served.
In our QRIS pilot, our standards were a block system. We received strong feedback from pilot participants and support staff working with participants that the block system did not encourage movement or allow for flexibility in demonstration of quality. This feedback contributed to the changes in our system to a hybrid prior to statewide rollout.
Number of levels / Early Achievers has 5 Levels.
Length of time rating is valid / 3 years
Is there a maximum length of time providers can stay at a level? / Currently, there is no time limit on length of time at any level. Providers achieve Level 2 through completion of required activities including self-assessment and training. Levels 3-5 are achieved through the rating process.
Different process used to assess family child care / Family child care homes and child care centers are assessed using the same set of quality standards and data collection processes. Within the standards, we customize the assessments based on program type: we use FCCERS for family child care,and Combined CLASS for Family child care. Additionally, though all facilities must meet the same quality standards, the components are flexible to allow for a variety of program types.
Different process used to assess Head Start, and/or State Pre-K / In development: The Department of Early Learning is currently finalizing a reciprocity agreement for Head Start and State Pre-K (ECEAP) which will award credit for portions of the state quality standards based on meeting Head Start and ECEAP performance standards.
Different process used to assess accredited programs / NO
Broad indicator categories / Early Achievers has 4 Quality Standard Areas:
- Child Outcomes
- Curriculum & Learning Environment & Interactions
- Professional Development & Training
- Family Engagement & Partnership
Date of last update to standards / April 2013
Licensing compliance included / Licensing is the foundation of Early Achievers, and equals “Level 1” for licensed facilities. Facilities must be in “good standing” with licensing in order to participate in Early Achievers. “Good standing” is defined as a license that is not suspended, revoked or on probation.
Ratio and group size indicators included / NO
Observational tools used / ERS; CLASS. Evaluation team also conducts records review and staff/family interviews.
Frequency of observational assessment / Facilities are rated once every three years.
Financial incentives, describe or provide link to details / Facilities receive:
- Quality Improvement Awards—available after rating for Levels 3, 4, and 5. Awards are intended to both recognize achievement and support ongoing quality improvement work.
- Scholarships for education
- (future) Tiered Subsidy Reimbursement
Evaluation of the QRIS completed? If available on the website, list link / Evaluation of current QRIS not available.
Information about evaluation of QRIS pilot available at:
Data System – does your state have one for QRIS? Does it interface with other systems? / Early Achievers uses WELS (Web-based Early Learning System) to capture rating and coaching information. WELS interfaces with MERIT (Washington’s Managed Education and Registry Information Tool). All Early Achievers participants must use MERIT to track: professional records; facility information; staff education verification and employment; Early Achievers registration; completion of Early Achievers Level 2 required activities.
What other information about the QRIS are you most proudabout? (current or working on) / Washington has a strong history of inclusion of stakeholder feedback in the development of our QRIS. Our current model reflects the participation, feedback and contributions of child care providers, families, and community stakeholders across the state. Because we conducted a two year field test of QRIS, Washington was strongly positioned to quickly develop and implement Early Achievers statewide. In one year, Early Achievers was rolled out and available across the state.
The Department of Early Learning continues to consider feedback and lessons learned from implementing partners and participants in order to adjust and refine Early Achievers as it rolls out. In our first year, we made policy changes, including changes to our quality standards, to encourage and support broader participation, and will continue to reflect on implementation as Early Achievers expands in order to improve.
Tools, forms or PD/TA for programs specific to CQI Approach (attach or provide link) / Early Achievers Coaching Framework available at:
Early Achievers Technical Assistance Framework:
CQI/QIP Plan Required (if so, share link) / After rating, participants will develop a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) in partnership with their coaches. QIPs are based on information from ratings, including assessment data, and are entered into WELS by coaches. (hard copy not available at this time, in development)