

Parent/Student Handbook

Today’s efforts, tomorrow’s successes!



We welcome you to Southside-Ashpole Elementary School. It is our sincere desire that you will find this school year challenging, exciting, and rewarding. We strive to maintain the highest standards in all areas of the school experience.

Your success will be reflective of the degree to which you develop and utilize good student habits, listening skills and exemplary school attendance and behavior. If those things are in place, the safe, orderly teaching learning environment which we provide will allow students to achieve on levels beyond their expectations. Our students must know and believe that learning is their most important responsibility. We believe that academic growth and achievement is the rule and not the exception at Southside Ashpole Elementary School. Reinforcement of that at home is a must.

The goal of Southside-Ashpole Elementary School is reflected in the school vision. We will collaborate with parents and community in working to create an educational system that allows ALL students to obtain a solid education by building a foundation for learning in an every changing global society. This says that what we are doing is a process not an end-product. Learning is and should be a life-long experience. If this is to be fruitful, the enthusiastic cooperation and support of all who belong to the Southside-Ashpole Elementary School community must be a part of what we do. We urge that you take pride in your school and that you feel free to make constructive suggestions for school improvement. Southside Ashpole Elementary School will be what we collectively make it. Let’s make it the best.

Mrs. Christina Lowry-McMillan, Principal

General Policies

Mission Statements

The mission of the Public Schools of Robeson County is to educate all students by building a foundation for life long learning.

Statements of Belief

Realizing the trust placed in us by the people of Robeson County to educate all students, we recognize the following beliefs:

-Learning is a life long process.

-High expectations yield higher results.

-Students learn best in a safe and orderly environment.

-Students can and will learn and experience success.

-All students are unique.

-All students are respected for their self worth.

-It takes the whole community to educate the students. -There is a high correlation between effort and achievement. -Healthful living supports the learning process.

Southside-Ashpole Elementary Mission

The mission of Southside-Ashpole Elementary School is: ”Together We Will Succeed!” Southside-Ashpole Elementary School Statements of Belief:

  1. Learning starts at home and progresses at school.
  2. It takes the whole community to educate the child.
  3. Positive environments create success in learning.
  4. Instruction must be adapted to varied learning styles.
  5. Caring for children is the basis for learning and succeeding.
  6. Students need frequent opportunities to enhance reading comprehension, problem solving, critical thinking, and creative writing.
  7. Building a positive attitude, behavior, and discipline helps to develop a responsible citizen.

Curriculum & Instruction

Southside-Ashpole Elementary is focused on learning!

Southside-Ashpole Elementary provides an instructional program based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. The goals are to:

1) Increase knowledge and achievement,

2) Develop self-esteem,

3) Develop respect for and value of others,

4) Provide a healthy and pleasant environment in which to work and learn.

Our basic program description follows:

Pre-Kindergarten:Curriculum will be based on the early childhood theory.

Kindergarten:Pre-School experiences extend into kindergarten.

Students learn alphabet and number concepts, develop

an interest in reading, and begin pre-writing skills and

express ideas through drawing or painting.

1st – 2nd Reading and math skills are developed to help students

become independent learners. Student’s use the media

center; read for pleasure and to find information, write

stories and reports and learn to spell common words

used daily. Science and Social Studies activities are

integrated into the Language Arts Program.

3rd:Reading and Math programs are continued to help

students become independent learners. Students are

expected to meet the state standard of achievement

on the End-of-Grade Testing. If not met retesting is

done and summer school is required if students does not

pass retest.

4th – 5th:Added emphasis is placed on working independently,

developing study skills and assuming responsibility for

learning. Students are expected to meet the state

standard of achievement on the End-of-Grade Testing

and score a passing score on the State Writing Test.

It is the goal of SAES that all of our students (Pre-K - 5) become independent and responsible learners as is appropriate for their age.

Cultural Arts

Art and music are included in many day-to-day activities. Choir will be offered to selected 3rd through 5th grade students. Students will be selected for the choir through auditions conducted by the music teacher

Computer Education

All classes PreK-5 have access to the computer lab and are taught how to use the computer. Instruction is aligned with the school system’s curriculum guide for computer education, and the NCSOS.

Guidance Counselor

A full-time guidance counselor is available to help individual students. The guidance program is provided for all students, Pre-K through 5th.

Media Services

The Media Center provides access to quality books and audio-visual materials for all students and teachers. All students receive instruction on use of materials; help with book selections and enrichment through literature experiences.

Students will be fined for overdue books, $0.03 per day (school days only) for regular books up to $1.50.

Students will be fined $0.05 per day (school days only) for reference books up to $2.00.

Lost & Found

Articles found should be turned in to the library. The owner may claim his/her property by identifying it. Two to three times per year these items will be available for all parents to sort through, before items will be donated to charity.

Physical Education

The physical education program is designed for developmentally-age appropriate activities based on the NCSOS. The physical education specialist serves the school on a full-time basis


Art is taught in grades K through 5th. Students receive art by an instructor for approximately eleven week

Policies & Procedures


Attendance has a high correlation between performance and achievement in the student population. Parents please make certain your child is in attendance everyday and on time.

Requirements for a student to be counted present:

  1. Students must be present at least one-half of the school instructional day in order to be recorded present for that day. Therefore, students cannot leave school before 11:30 a.m.
  1. Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be marked tardy for the day and must be accompanied by a parent or parent designee.

Lessons will not be repeated for tardiness.

Legal Reasons for Absences are:

1. Personal Illness 5. Death in the immediate family

2. Court or administrative proceedings6. Observance of religious holiday

3. Quarantine in the home 7. Medical or Dental Appointment

4. Educational Opportunities

Note: Southside-Ashpole Elementary requires a written doctor’s excuse for any absences after 3 consecutive or 5 accumulated days.

Steps to follow when absent:

1. Have parent/guardian write an excuse giving your name, date, and days of absence, reason for absence, and his/her signature.

2. Present your excuse to your homeroom teacher as soon as you return to school.

3. If absence is due to work, travel, or some other reason, parents or guardian should notify the school prior to the absences.

Excessive Absences:

  1. If students are absent for three (3) or more days without a valid excuse, the principal or designee shall notify the appropriate school attendance counselor who shall investigate the cause of the absence and report to the principal and superintendent.

Unexcused Absences:

  1. Unexcused absences in excess of ten (10) days can be valid reason for legal action against parent and student retention.

School’s Communication to the Parent Include:

  1. Daily phone calls.
  2. Letters sent to the parent after the child has missed 3, 6, and 10 days.
  3. Calls to schedule parent conferences, and or, Action Plans.
  4. Tardiness to school, as well as continued early dismissal from school is an unacceptable interruption of the instructional day. After a pattern of chronic and/or continued tardiness to and/or early dismissal from school is documented, the administration will schedule a conference with the parent/guardian involved to discuss a solution to the problem.

Student Enrollment

Students entering school must have a health assessment, shot record, certified birth certificate (not mother’s copy), social security card, proof of residence, and a tribal enrollment number if you have one.

Proof of Residence

Students enrolled at Southside-Ashpole Elementary must live within the school district zone or receive permission for out-of-district approval.


ALL children enrolled in school must have six required immunizations (shots): Red measles, German Measles, Oral Polio (3 doses), the combination shot DPT –Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, and Tetanus. These immunizations are required of all students, kindergarten through 12th grade. Immunizations may be obtained from a private physician or at clinics held by the Robeson County Health Department or at the Health Department Center near Lumberton.

Student Withdrawals

Parents withdrawing students from this school will fill out transfer forms as soon as knowledge of withdrawal becomes known. This information is necessary for record accuracy in attendance, withdrawals, and the transferring of student records. Failure to inform the school will result in an unexcused absence for each day not present. Students should be withdrawn before 8:00 a.m. or after 2:30 p.m.

Daily Schedule

School Day Begins

7:40 a.m. for staff

7:40 a.m. for students/Grab and Go Breakfast begins

8:00 a.m. Grab and Go Breakfast ends

8:00 A.M. Tardy


Walkers/ Car Riders These students will wait in designated area. For the safety of all students, Parents must pick up students in the designated area at the designated time.

Change of Address

It is necessary that the school office have your current 911 and mailing address, house number, and phone number at all times. This information is especially important in cases of emergency. Please notify the school secretaries immediately upon changing your address or telephone number.


  1. No Checks will be accepted for any school activity.
  2. Only cash or money orders will be accepted for school lunches, field trips, school pictures, and any fees owed.


If you and your spouse are separated and you have legal custody of your child(ren), the school needs a copy of your custody papers on file. If at any time you feel that a problem of abduction may occur, we need to have knowledge of this in the school office. This is the only way we can prevent this from happening at school. If you, as a grandparent, have legal custody of your grandchild we need a copy of the records on file. These files should be updated yearly. On the student information sheet please list only those individuals that may pick up your child. We will check ID’s of people picking up students during school hours.


The Student Code of Conduct Handbook outlines disciplinary actions in accordance with the Public Schools of Robeson County/Southside-Ashpole Elementary School. The purpose of the guidelines in this booklet is to help establish and maintain a safe and orderly environment, which must prevail if learning is to take place. If you have any questions, please refer to the Student Code of Conduct Handbook. (See School-Wide Discipline Plan)

Student Grievance Procedure

Complaints and Grievances

It is the policy of the Board of Education for the Robeson County Public Schools, that all students shall have the right to present for solution any problem arising within their status as students and shall be encouraged to exercise this right without fear of reproach. It is for this purpose that a grievance procedure is established. To ensure that any problem is corrected as soon as possible, time limits have been established to assure prompt attendance to each problem. If the student does not process his grievance within the set time limit, it shall be considered settled and not open to appeal.

Student Grievance Procedures

The grievance procedures may be used to address any situation occurring within the operation or normal procedures of the school which causes a student and/or parent to believe he/she has been wronged, except in the case of long-term suspension. Students and their parents are encouraged to discuss their concerns informally with the person(s) involved before invoking formal grievance procedures.

  1. Initiation

A student may initiate a grievance proceeding when either the student or his parent or guardian believes that a violation, misapplication, or misinterpretation of School Board Policy or state or federal law or regulation has occurred.

  1. Procedure

The procedure for initiation and conduct of a grievance shall be:

Step 1-Principal Conference

A student, parent, or guardian wishing to invoke the grievance procedures shall make a written request for a conference with the principal to discuss the grievance and seek resolution. The following guidelines shall be observed in Step 1:

1. A Grievance shall be filed as soon as possible but in no event longer than thirty (30)-days after disclosure of the facts giving rise to the grievance.

2. The principal shall grant the conference within five (5) school days following receipt of the request.

3. The request shall include a statement describing the grievance and naming the specific policy, rule, or law believed to be involved.

4. The principal will state his position of the question in writing to the student within five (5) school days following the conference.

5. Only the parent or guardian or someone acting in loco parentis shall be permitted to join or represent the student in the conference with the principal.

Step 2-Appeal to the Superintendent

If the grievance is not resolved at Step 1, the student may appeal the principal’s decision in writing to the Superintendent. The appeal must be made within five (5) school days following receipt of the principal’s position statement on Step 1.

The Superintendent or his designee shall review the grievance within five (5) school days following receipt of the appeal. A written response shall be made to the student, the parent, or the guardian and the principal from the Superintendent or his designee within ten (10) school days following the Superintendent’s review.

The Board committee’s decision shall be determined to be final and shall be conveyed, in writing, to the student and parent with copies to the principal and Superintendent.

Delivery of Flowers to Students at School

Students will not be permitted to receive flowers at school. The delivery of flowers causes a disruption of school and a safety problem on buses. We will not accept the delivery of flowers.

Field Trips

Subject related field trips are considered an extension of the classroom. The school requires written permission from the parents before a child is permitted to go on a trip.

Progress Reports

Progress Reports are sent home half way through a grading period to let parents know how their

students are progressing. All students in grades K-5 will receive a progress report. Check “Southside-Ashpole Elementary Activities” for progress report dates.

Report Cards

Report Cards will be sent to parents one week after the end of each nine-week grading period. Parents are to examine, sign, and return it the next day if possible.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s work, please contact the teacher for a conference.

Interim Reports to Parents

Week of:

September 23, 2015

December 1, 2015

February 22, 2016

May 5, 2016

Nine-Week Reporting Periods

October 22, 2015

January 15, 2016

March 24, 2016

June 7, 2016

Report Cards to Parents

October 29, 2015

January 25, 2016

April 11, 2016

June 7, 2016

PTO Schedule

Open House – August 20, 2015 (2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.)

1st PTO Meeting - September 17, 2015

2nd PTO Meeting – November 2, 2015

3rd PTO Meeting – January 25, 2016

4th PTO Meeting – May 6, 2016

Student Valuables

Students are discouraged from bringing money or other valuables to school except for specific events. Neither the teacher nor the school can be held responsible when money or personal items are lost. Please encourage your children to keep money in their pockets so that it is with them at all times.


Individual pictures are made in the fall and spring. Every child has an opportunity to have his/her picture taken. Parents are under no obligation to purchase pictures. Parents will be sent a small picture and a price list for the complete and/or partial package. Parents may then decide what, if anything, they wish to purchase. Also, group pictures will be taken in the spring of the year. No checks will be accepted for picture orders, only money orders or cash.

Retention Policy

See Gateways (Student Accountability Standards)

School Fees

Students are not required to pay any regular instructional fees. Students will be allowed to pay for optional workbook fees and field trips.

School Telephone

The school telephone number is 910-422-3791. Messages can be taken for students and teachers for EMERGENCIES ONLY. It is not always possible to deliver them immediately. Parents wishing to confer with teachers on the phone are requested to limit their calls before or after school hours, as teachers cannot leave their classes for telephone conferences between 7:45 a.m. and 2:55 p.m. Students wishing to call home may use the school’s phone for Emergencies only. Arrangements for after school activities should be made before the child leaves home. The school phone needs to be used for school-related purposes.

Dress Code

Good judgment in selecting dress is expected of all students. Students are expected to dress in a manner that is neat, clean, and proper for a learning environment.