Southern Indiana Swim Clinic

Southridge High School

1110 S Main St, Huntingburg, IN 47542

August 29th 12:30 p.m. sign in

1-4 p.m. event time

Fundamental skills of Freestyle and Breastroke ($50)

-U.S.A. National team members Cody Miller, Lindsay Vrooman, and Zane Grothe will go in-depth about the fundamental skills and drills that make their freestyle and breastroke technique the most efficient in the world. These skills and drills include bodyline, rotation, high elbow catch, and distance per stroke. Along with these crucial swimming tips, the athletes will provide insight to their race day preparation routines and recovery techniques used after a tough training session.

Registration by email – (Registration deadline: August 15th)

*Clinic will be open to the first 100 USA swimming registered athletes

*Checks can be made out to SARG and send to: PO Box 247

Huntingburg, IN 47542


Cody Miller

Lindsay Vrooman

Zane Grothe


In Water

Freestyle & Breastroke – Rotation & Distance per Stroke: The rotation involved in the long axis strokes of freestyle set up swimmers for a quick and powerful catch while keeping drag on the swimmers as low as possible. Taking fewer strokes during a race is a key to pacing and race conservation. Learn the drills that Zane, Lindsay, and Cody use to have an evenly balanced freestyle and efficient breastroke.

Freestyle & Breastroke – High Elbow Catch: Having an early high elbow catch on freestyle and breastroke set up swimmers for the most efficient stroke possible while maintaining long term shoulder health. Cody, Lindsay, and Zane will explain how to achieve a high elbow catch for the best pull possible.

Freestyle & Breastroke – Body Line: Holding a long tight bodyline is an essential skill for all strokes. It maximizes the distance of each stroke and leads to more explosive turns and starts. Cody, Lindsay and Zane will explain how to hold a tight line while swimming freestyle and breastroke.

Race the Clinicians! – Race Cody, Zane, and Lindsay as you apply all of the techniques you have learned throughout the clinic!

Out of the Water

Recovery & Nutrition – Cody, Zane, and Lindsay will explain their recovery routines after a tough day of practice along with nutritional guidelines to use when choosing a pre-practice or post-practice snack.

Ask Questions – Swimmers and Parents are invited to ask questions about recovery and nutrition. Hear the clinicians explain their diet while training and recovery routines.

Autographs & Photos – Take pictures with the clinicians and get an autograph on your swim bag or cap!