KingsLangleyPrimary School

Welcome booklet for new parents


May 2007 /
/ KingsLangleyPrimary School
Head Teacher: Paula Harris
Common Lane Kings Langley Hertfordshire WD4 8DQ
Telephone: 01923 263321 Fax: 01923 270809
web site:

Dear Parents

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your family to KingsLangleyPrimary School. This is the beginning of what I hope will be a rewarding and happy journey for your child.

We aim to provide exciting learning opportunities both in school and in the community, inspiring a love of learning.

Whether you are a new parent or one whose links are more established, I hope you will find the information in this handbook useful.

We look forward to a successful partnership with you which most certainly will enable your child to develop confidently and successfully. However, if you have any concerns about your child do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher, a senior member of staff or myself.

Yours sincerely

Paula Harris, Headteacher

School Management Team

Headteacher: Mrs Paula Harris

UpperSchool Deputy Headteacher: Mr Andrew Kerse

LowerSchool Deputy Headteacher: Miss Angela Jackman

Inclusion Manager(responsible for special educational needs and gifted and talented provision): Mrs Helen Hanley

MainSchool Opening Times

  • 8.50am-3.20pm
  • Extra curricular clubs run from 3.20pm-4.20pm

Wrap-around careopening times (KLASH)

  • 7.30am-8.50am and then again at 3.20pm-6.00pm

Drop Off/Collection Arrangements

Children in the foundation stage unit (nursery and reception classes) will need dropping off and collecting by parents at the entrance to their classrooms.

Our nursery sessions start at 8.30am/12.30pm and end at 11.30am/3.30pm.

All children in years 1,2,3,4,5 and 6will need to line up in the school playground at 8.50am where they will be walked into school by their class teacher.

The lower school children (years 1 and 2) will need collecting at 3.20pm from the congregation area outside their child’s class.

The upper school children (years 3,4,5 and 6) will be dismissed by the class teacher and will need collecting by parents from the upper school playground.

School Uniform

Children are expected to wear school uniform from Reception class upwards. In order to avoid loss of valuable clothing ALL uniform and shoes MUST be marked with the child’s name. Uniform with the school motif can be ordered from:

A maroon sweatshirt or sweat cardigan carrying the school logo / A maroon sweatshirt carrying the school logo
A white blouse/polo shirt carrying the school logo / A white shirt/polo shirt carrying the school logo
A grey skirt/pinafore dress or smart dark grey, tailored trousers / Dark grey trousers (long or short)
Grey socks
White or grey tights/socks / Black shoes
Pink gingham dress for warmer weather
Black shoes with low heals

We also strongly discourage the wearing of any jewellery to school and ask for your co-operation in this. This includes fake tattoos and nail polish.

Please remember to apply sun lotion to your child before school, during the summer months. A sun hat is also recommended.


Children will be supplied with reading books from school that will be changed on a regular basis. Parents are expected to sign their child’s reading log on a daily basis.


Weekly homework focuses on the basics (times tables, spellings, reading) and is used to supplement those topics taught in school.

PE Kit

It is very important that children keep the following items of PE kit in school throughout the week, in a suitable named bag:

- Plimsolls for KS1/trainers for KS2 for outdoor games

- Black shorts

- White T shirt carrying the school logo

- A dark coloured tracksuit for use during winter weather

No ear-rings may be worn during PE lessons.

Swimming Kit (from Year 2 upwards)

Single piece bathing costume (girls)

Trunks (boys – no shorts)

Swimming hat



A maroon sweatshirt or T shirt is optional

Other clothing must be practical

Shoes with Velcro fastenings are advisable

School Shop

- Book Bags with the school logo can be purchased from the school shop

-Swimming hats can also be purchased from the school office

Fair Processing Notification 2007

Each year the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) provides all Schools with three variants of the Fair Processing Notification. The Fair Processing Notifications explain the purposes for which personal data is processed by the School, Local Authority, DCSF and other organisations in order to meet the educational needs of the students and comply with the Children Act 2004.

You will have received Layer One(a summary of how data is processed.) If you would like more information, you will find copies of the more comprehensive notifications about the processing of pupil data and the rights of parents and pupils (Layers Two and Three) on our web site – or you can pick up a copy at the School Office.


All absences are recorded and we are required to publish figures for both authorised and unauthorised absences.

If your child is unwell, you are asked to ring the office, as early as possible, but before 10.00am and leave a message on the school answer phone. If no message is received by 10.00am, school will have to telephone you. A follow up letter must also accompany your child on their return to school.

We notify parents of term dates well in advance and ask that holidays are not taken during term time as it is very disruptive to a child’s education.

If you need to take your child out of school for any reason, an application must be made in writing to the Headteacher, at least two weeks beforehand. Even visits to the orthodontist need to be sanctioned.

The school does not provide homework for children who go on holiday.


We expect all our children to be in school on time. The main school begins at 8.50am, both playgrounds are manned by a member of staff from 8.35am onwards should you need to leave your child unattended. Children arriving after 8.50am need to report to the office where they will be signed in. Children are marked as late after this time.

If you need to collect or return your child to school at any point during the school day, you will need to sign them in and out in a special book found outside the school office. Children will not be released from school unless signed out by an adult.

Induction Meetings

To ensure that children make a smooth and confident transition into Nursery and Reception, induction meetings for new children and parents are held before each new intake, giving children the opportunity to meet their new classes and teachers.

Assemblies and Presentations

Assemblies take place every day in the hall or gym for children in years 1,2,3,4,5,6. They may be class, key stage or whole school. Some are linked to the SEAL themes, others are topical or about current events.

The head and deputies take weekly assemblies, other staff members take them according to a rota system. Visitors also come in to lead assemblies on a range of themes. Priests from local churches often take assemblies at Easter and Christmas.

WholeSchool assemblies:

The whole school meets for very special occasions, usually at the beginning or end of term.

Key Stage assemblies:

These assemblies are linked to a theme or topic in school. Children may listen to a story or information, share a ICT presentation or artefacts or take part in speaking and listening activity.

Singing and music assemblies:

These key stage assemblies take place weekly. They give the children the opportunity to sing together. Percussion instruments are often used.

Sharing assemblies:

Children have the opportunity to share and talk about their work.

Celebration assemblies:

Staff award certificates to children who have achieved something special.


We expect all the children to behave well in our school and to follow the school rules - these were drawn up by the whole school community including the School Council.

The school has clear behaviour and anti-bullying policies which are reviewed annually by the Governing Body.

The school has clear procedures for dealing with poor behaviour.

Praise and rewards:

We adopt strategies to encourage positive behaviour, and use positive language and rewards to highlight examples of good behaviour.

Children are rewarded with House Points in class which are tallied up at the end of the week and a coloured leaf presented in the Headteacher’s weekly assembly.

Individual certificates are awarded by the class teacher and headteacher on a daily basis.

Children may also be awarded pasta which is put into a jar. When the jar is full, the class earns a treat which they choose.

Each class has weekly Golden Time where they can choose a special activity to do.

Working with parents and carers:

We believe that parents must be fully informed and involved in promoting high standards of behaviour. In cases of poor behaviour, behaviour slips are sent home to inform parents and parents can be asked in to school to discuss their child’s behaviour.

The school follows Hertfordshire’s Exclusion Policy and Procedures in extreme cases of poor behaviour or bullying.

Charges & Remission

The school recognises the right of all children to a free education. However some elements are an extension of the curriculum and not funded in the same way. The school charges for the following:

  • Individual/group instrumental music tuition
  • Swimming tuition
  • Materials for projects taken home where these are significant
  • Additional art tuition
  • Day and residential trips
  • Some after school trips

Grants may be available in exceptional circumstances. Please come in and discuss any concerns about payments with the Headteacher.

Children’s Food

The school encourages all children to eat healthily. All children learn about healthy lifestyles as part of the curriculum.

Children can have a school dinner which is cooked on the premises or bring in a packed lunch. Hertfordshire Catering provides healthy and nutritious lunches for the children.

The school office has details of menus and current charges.

School Milk

School milk is available for Nursery and KS1 children. A letter is issued towards the end of each term, and parents then send payment in. This money should be sent to the office.

Drinks in School

We encourage all children to bring in a bottle of water and to drink regularly.

Named bottles are kept in bags or a box in the classroom. Each classroom has drinking water and there are fountains around the school, children are encouraged to keep hydrated.

Playtime Snacks

Only fruit or cereal bars are allowed. Children in the lower school (Nursery, Reception, years 1 and 2) are provided with a piece of fruit before morning play. This food is subsidised by the local authority.

No sweets are allowed in school.

Health & Safety in School

The school follows current Health & Safety Policy and Guidance.

Site security:

The school gates are opened at 7.30am and then again at 3.00pm. They are locked between 9.30am and 3.00pm. The only pedestrian access to the school during the day is by the main car park gateoff Common Lane.

Nursery staff unlock and lock their gate at the beginning and end of each session.

All visitors must sign in at the school office so that we know who is on site.

First Aid:

Staff are regularly trained in first aid. The school nurse works closely with the school.

There is a fully equipped first aid room.

In the event of illness or injury sustained, parents are informed and asked to collect their child.

It is school policy to inform parents of any bumped heads.

We ask parents to ensure we have an up to date list of contact phone numbers and addresses. The school data base is updated annually. Parents are required to let the school office know in writing of any changes mid year.


We ask parents not to send children to school if they are unwell or if they have been sick or suffered from diarrhoea within the previous 48 hours.

Medicines in School

Parents must complete an administering medicines form (located in the rack outside the school office)to request the administration of medicine during school hours. This form should then be handed to your child’s class teacher.

Special arrangements are made concerning children with long- term chronic illness such as asthma, epilepsy etc. Medicines are stored securely and labelled carefully.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are carried out prior to the use of equipment in school and for all trips and activities.


We are an inclusive school and are committed to promoting the highest levels of achievement for all our children. We have a strong team of Teaching Assistants to support our teaching. They work with a range of children, SEN, very able and those who need extra support.

The school has a wide range of resources to support children’s learning.

Special Educational Needs

Provision for Special Educational Needs in school is good. The school works very closely with a range of outside agencies to ensure the best possible support.

We work very closely with parents and carers and there are frequent meetings to discuss Individual Education Plans and termly targets.

Children are supported individually, in pairs or in groups. Some support is in class, whilst other support is in a quiet area. Teaching assistants work in all year groups.

Supporting Gifted/Talented Children

Children are given a range of challenging activities during lessons. Sometimes they may work outside the classroom with another member of staff on enrichment work. The school also encourages children to attend special workshops and competitions for gifted and talented children that are held by the local authority and other organisations.

Parent Helpers in School

We have a number of parents and other adults, such as grandparents who help in school. They may hear readers, work with guided reading groups, help children with spellings, art, sewing, cooking and other areas of technology. They also accompany children to swimming and on school trips and work in the library preparing books, mounting work and preparing teaching materials.

The school holds regular meetings for parents who want to help in school.

Every one who works or helps in school has an enhanced CRB check.

Resources in School

The school is constantly up dating and adding to its large bank of resources.

Most of the children’s learning takes place in large, well equipped classrooms or outside on the field or playgrounds. However, there are also several other areas that are equipped as specialist areas.

The School Library

The school has a well stocked library that is used by all the children and staff in school. It has a wide selection of both fiction and non fiction books that is regularly added too.

The library is open on one night a week for parents to choose books with their children and over one lunchtime for children to visit and choose books.

The library is used for story telling sessions, general reading time, as a resource centre, for guided reading and small group work.


Every classroom has a number of networked computers that the children use to develop their learning.

Each classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard, these are used extensively as a teaching and learning resource.

Food Technology

The school has a Food Technology area that is used for cooking with small groups of children.

The Annex

The school has a two roomed annex which is used for music lessons, the Before and After School Club and group work. This enables children and adults to work quietly in a special area.

The Governing Body

The school has a very active governing body who work closely with the school. They often come into school and take part in school trips.

The Governing body is made up of LEA, community, parent and staff governors.

KLIPSA [Parent Teacher Association]

KLIPSA is a very active organisation within the school. They raise thousands of pounds each year that is used to buy fantastic resources for the children to use. They hold major fund raising events each term. The two largest ones are the Christmas Fair and the May Fair.

They also hold fun events for both children and staff. The children’s discos and quiz nights are very popular.

All parents are welcome to attend meetings and join in the KLIPSA events.

The School Council

The school council meets regularly to discuss a wide range of school issues. Governors and members of KLIPSA often attend.

The council is made up of children from Year 1 to 6 who are elected termly by their classes.

They have been responsible for taking a lead with drawing up the golden rules, vision, motto and parts of the behaviour policy. They also provide a forum for children to raise issues with staff that are important to them.

The Curriculum

The school follows the national curriculum. All children experience a broad, balanced and well integrated curriculum where the learning in each key stage, builds on the learning in the previous one. Subjects are taught as discrete subjects and through topics. There is smooth transition between the key stages.

Children use the outdoor areas in and around the school, trips, workshops and visitors to enhance their learning.

Foundation Stage [aged 3 – 5 years]: [Nursery and Reception classes]