SACG Meeting Notes

Southern Area Coordinating Group

SACG Meeting Notes

Date: March 28, 2013

SACG Chair: Pete Kubiak

Notes: Julie Polutnik


SACG Meeting Notes

USFWS / Pete Kubiak
USFS / Steve Weaver
NPS / Samuel Larry
ST / David Frederick
BIA / Jonathon Lee
FWS / Mike Dueitt (T2 Team)
FWS / Mark Morales (Blue Team)
NPS / Zeph Cunningham (Red Team)
SACC / Kai Olsen
SACC / Tracy Robinson
SACC / Kevin Scasny
CST / Mike Zepko
FEWT / PaulGellerstedt
Cache / Matt Dean

SACG Meeting Notes


  1. Follow-up on IMT staggered mobilization
  2. Decide course of Southern Area S-420
  3. Committee updates – TWT, FEWT, London Cache, Dispatch
  5. SA Fire Resource Map
  6. Additional space on the 4th floor of 1200 Ashwood, SACC or USFS?
  7. Update on NMAC / GMAC charter
  8. DOI All-Hazard
  9. Fire Activity reporting
  10. SACG Mission Statement
  11. VFD Fire Chief Fatality update –
  12. NMAC Issues paper 3/18 agency budget update
  13. ATGS qualification
  14. IMT Meeting


Weather Outlook:

Agenda Items

  1. Follow-up on IMT staggered mobilization

Need some flexibility.

Still planning to work on the succession planning.

ACTION ITEM – (Pete) Put together briefing paper and send out update on IMT succession planning for review, mobilization, opportunities

  1. Decide course of Southern Area S-420

Planning to hold S-420 update in the Fall. If had enough folks on teams, might be able to look at hosting training in June, July, August.

Jan asked teams to get list of who needs S-420.

Another option mentioned, PNW using realistic course by inserting students into active incidents.

ICs stated don’t have that many studentswith more than 50% of TB completed. If don’t get going on it going to run out of time.Some concern of holding folks back on their careers if don’t keep going forward.

Steve said states should be held to same “standards” when sending quality candidates. Do not send replacement candidates if they do not meet the standard. The “standard” is NWCG standard not agency specific. FS not holding training this fiscal year, not enough people to put together 4 teams of cadre.

ACTION ITEM – (Pete) Send out Doodle Poll to SACG, AS ICs, Jan Britt to outline a plan and set requirements.

  1. Committee updates – TWT, FEWT, London Cache, Dispatch

TWT (Samuel) – Had conference call Jan 24. Took up 3 issues: 1) cleanup ATGS resource items for ROSS, primarily FWS; 2) Update list of priority training assignments to get next Red Card qualification and proposed SACC keep this priority trainee list; 3) Southern Area Fire Academy June 3-14 Birmingham, AL.

-Kai and SACG support SACC maintaining the priority training list.

FEWT(Paul & Kevin) – #1Priority has been to work on Fire Danger Operating Plans. Not many plans have been completed, plan for group to assist states and refuges to complete plans.

London Cache(Matt) –8 cache vans and 2 starter systems ready to go.

Dispatch(Kai) –couple changes to SA Dispatch Working Group Charter...1) reps from States be from different states; 2) statement of commitment.

-Kai planning to send out updated Charterto Center Managers in next week or so for final review/approval.

-(Steve) mentioned 4th tier Centers, still need some advice/direction where we go with these.


On-Call SOP - SACG agreed 1 hour or less is reasonable. If anticipate will be unavailable for block of time, pass the on-call duty to another COD.

ACTION ITEM – (Kai) will continue to work on 7day alternative staffing schedule with SACC staff for review/acceptance and submit to SACG for final approval.

  1. SA Fire Resource Map

Kai presented map which is currently produced by the FS fuels shop when staffed with detailers. Would like SACC staff to take over product and develop process for business process, producing and publishing to SACC website.

SACG liked the concept and in favor of going forward with SACC taking on product. Propose product to reflect resource location as of close-of-business each day. Only publish to limited audience to begin with, password protected and somehow count use of product. Map only reflectsFederal resources.

ACTION ITEM – (Kai) with SACC staff develop business plan – what resources (available/committed), how often to update etc. Then present product to SACG for final approval for implementation.

  1. Additional space on the 4th floor of 1200 Ashwood, SACC or USFS?

Kai asked SACG if acquired 4th floor space should be SACC space (interagency space) or is it USFS only? If interagency, then other agency partners will have to help pay. Space can be used for multiple purposes: SACC expanded, decision support, conference room, meeting room or training room.

SACG supports it being interagency space. Members need cost breakdown to bring forward to respective agencies with Master Agreement.

ACTION ITEM - (Kai) will put together proposal with costs, disseminate to SACG members.

  1. Update on NMAC / GMAC charter
  1. DOI All-Hazard

Deferred to next call

  1. Fire Activity reporting
  1. SACG Mission Statement

Need to get feedback to Kai and Tami for SACC Website

  1. VFD Fire Chief Fatality update

Final report provides details, will be out in the next couple of weeks.

  1. NMAC Issues paper 3/18 agency budget update
  1. ATGS qualification
  1. IMT meeting

Meeting has been postponed the last couple years. ICs have proposed having meeting next year, recommended site Atlanta, Date TBD.

FWS turn to host.

SACG members agreed, not having a meeting for a few years now and increase of all-risk incidents the last couple of years,it would be beneficial to hold the meeting.

ACTION ITEM – (Pete) will task ICs with putting together alternatives for hosting meeting in 2014. Determine who should attend and where the meeting should be held.