Eastern Section of the Southern Zone Minutes
July 17, 2010
Athens, GA
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Eastern Section of the Southern Zone was held on July 17, 2010 in Athens, GA. Jeff Rout called the meeting to order at 12:30. Attending wereArthur Albiero, Scott Bonine, Liz Campbell, Ben Davis, Mike DeBoor, Ian Goss, Harvey Humphries, Paul Silver, Eric Steidinger, Jason Turcotte, Mark Walker, Marvin Watson.
1. Minutes from last meeting in Nashville, TNJuly 18, 2009 were not available.
2. Membership Report –no report given
3. Financial Report – no report given
4. Travel Report –.no report given
5. Proof of Times Report – no report given
6. Championship meets bidding – sites approved:
- Senior Sectionals 3/3-6/11 (Cary, NC)
- AG Sectionals March 3/10-13/10 (Nashville, TN)
- Senior Summer Sectionals 7/14-17/10 (open)
7. Old Business—discussion about water/air quality in Nashville at Sr. meet. There were plastic water bottles stuffed into gutters of warm-up pool, hampering water filtration. New UV filters were installed to help with air filtration. Discussion about who is responsible for running meet; officials or local hosts? Host team should run timing consol due to local knowledge; there were problems in Nashville with officials mis-operating equipment and losing data. Discussion about money allotment from USA Swimming. Renting university sites, buying bag tags, buying official’s shirts and feeding 75-100 people is very expensive; can USAS increase the allotment to hosts? Chair will send letter to Southern Zone representatives asking for their assistance.
8. New Business—Russ Kasl presented 6 ideas from AG Sectional meet. 1) the creation of an AG sectional committee; 2) score 2 heats; 3) add 13-14 800 free relay; 4) each team can score two relays; 5) tighten 1650 free time standards; 6) create AG sectional time standard committee. After discussion, points 2, 3, 4 and 5 were seconded and passed. Points 1 and 6 failed. Discussion about Sectional T-Shirts. A motion was made to design and produce Sectional T-Shirts. T-Shirts will only be given to 1st time Senior National qualifiers who make time at that sectional meet. Seconded and passed. Chair will be responsible for storage and transportation of shirts to sectional meets. Host team will be responsible for awarding shirts. Discussion about time standards for AG and Sr. Sectional meets. Russ Kasl and Ben Ree will study AG time standards and make recommendations for 2012 meet (1650 times will be changed for 2011 meet). Ian Goss will study Sr. Sectional time standards as they compare with Sr. National standards.
The meeting was adjourned at 13:10. The next regularly scheduled meeting is (approximately) 30 minutes after the end of preliminariesSaturday March 5, 2011 at the TriangleAquaticCenter, Cary, NC.
Respectively submitted, Jeffrey Rout, Chairman
Jeff Rout-chairman (864) 333-2939
John Roy-proof of times/fines/meet assessment fees (919) 906-7946
Jonathan Watson-membership/travel reimbursement (919) 395-9585