USD 306 Southeast of Saline

District Office

5056 E. K-4 Highway
Gypsum, KS67448

785-536-4291 fax 785-536-4247

April 13th, 2015

USD 306 Board of Education

Monthly Meeting Summary

Consent Agenda:

The Southeast of Saline Board of Education acceptedwith regret the resignation of Mr. Monte Couchman, as Secondary Principal, the resignation of Mrs. Kim Mooney, Elementary Teacher, and the resignation of Johanna Rykert, Secondary Agra Educator, all as of the end of the 2014-2015 school year.

Assurance Partners were present to explain the information provided for the Kansas Education Risk Management Insurance Trust. A motion was made to join the insurance pool as offered.

Susan Wilson provided information on the wellness committee survey concerning the breakfast waiver. A motion was made to submit the breakfast waiver for the 2015-2016 school year.

Brad Settle presented a short video of the Spanish Club’s trip to Peru and to ask for a bus and driver to transport the Spanish Club to the airport and back from their summer trip. The BOE agreed to a bus and driver for summer 2015.

Board of education communication include a discussion on new board training and an update the Top 10% luncheon.

Superintendent’s report included an update on the Block Grant, energy conservation including a discussion on appliances and heaters in classrooms.

The Principals’ reports included from secondary enrollment finishing up, prom/after prom, Trojan Choice Award, vocal and band competition, and FFA and FCCLA. Elementary kindergarten screening/roundup, Science Fair/Art Show and professional development. An update on the testing process was given by the Assist. Principal.

A discussion was lead by Mr. Proffitt on meal pricing for next year and the recommended price from the USDA. A motion was made to increase each level of lunch prices by ten cent.

A discussion on the calendar options was lead by Mr. Proffitt. A motion was made to adopted option A for the 2015-2016 school year.

Surplus equipment and out dated documents – discussion on shredding out dated documents and disposing of old broken computer equipment along with cleaning out the back shed. A list of items to save from drama and the music has been obtained. It was approved to declare said items surplus and to be eliminated.

Executive Session for personnel matter as declared.

Excellence in Education…Preparing Future Leaders

Title IX Non Discrimination Policy Adopted