Bulletin for November 28, 2012

Meeting at the Southbridge Business Center, Mechanic Street, Southbridge

12:00 Noon, Wednesdays


Chartered May 13, 1927


12-05-12 MEETING TO BE HELD AT THE NEW HIGH/MIDDLE SCHOOL. See bits & Pieces for details.

12-12-12 Al Lanni presents Shen Yun 2013, a Chinese dance team (no dancing)

12-19-12 DOD Center Shutdown

12-26-12 DOD Center Shutdown

01-02-13 Terri Lisle, TBA

01-09-13 Richard Mangion, TBA

01-16-13 Bob Knight, TBA

01-23-13 Paul Jalbert, TBA

01-30-13 Bruce Desrosier, TBA


ATTENDANCE 63% RAFFLE: Pat pulled the Ace of Spades on the 1st try and got $57.00

HAPPY DOLLARS: Dino paid for Southbridge and Leominster both winning the Turkey Day game; ADG Roy paid for the Neonatal cameras; Ken paid because Terry knows it all; Terry paid for playing golf during a meeting; Pat paid for the speaker; Bill paid for a makeup and his Granddaughter taking first steps; Terri paid for a family Thanksgiving: Joe A. paid for the holiday.


MAKE UPS: none FINES: None

BITS AND PIECES: Our meeting on 12-5-12 will be held at the new Southbridge High/Middle school. We will meet in the lobby at noon for a tour of the facility and then have lunch in the cafeteria.

ADG Roy spoke about the neonatal intensive care unit web cameras. These cameras help new parents and family members keep watch on the critical care Newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit at UMass receive. These WebCams are helping 600 infants yearly and is a joint effort of the UMass Memorial Children's Medical Center and the Worcester Rotary club. Special web cameras are mounted above the incubator providing parents and family 24-hour a day, seven days a week access to a live video stream that they watch from their computer or laptop or iphone. Each camera costs $1200 and the donor gets recognition for the gift. Right now UMass has only six shared cameras mounted on IV poles and they have been viewed by families all over our state and families all over the world. Most of the worldwide usage is by military stationed overseas. Their goal is one camera per infant bed that will allow all the parents and families access around-the-clock. There are 49 beds in the UMass Children's Center. Southbridge Rotary membership is responsible for three cameras being donated.

PRESIDENTS TALK: President Bill reminded us that we are meeting at the new school next Wednesday. He then pointed out that the DOD will be closed for the last two weeks of the year so we will not have meetings those weeks.

He mentioned that we need a Board meeting within the next week or two so members may get a call to meet at his office.

SPEAKER: Pat introduced Bill Mason of Blessed John Paul Parish, St. Vincent’s Pantry. The St. Vincent's food pantry serves the Sturbridge and Southbridge area and gives monthly handouts to 300 families. Of those families 100 people are seniors. The food pantry gives out 8 to 9000 pounds of food monthly. The need is so great that the pantry has now outgrown its resources. Questions asked are, who are the hungry, and how can you help. Mr. Mason said he needs ambassadors to look for the hungry in town. The pantry also offers a senior supplement now. They give each senior a $10 gift card and a bag of food. Many seniors have had to give up their apartments and either live with relatives, or have some other living arrangement. Sometimes they cannot afford the apartment. Once a month they receive enough food to last for one week. In September they had a bag collection and 800 bags were collected and were used up in three weeks. When they receive cash they buy food with it. They credited Big Bunny Market for selling food to the pantry at their costs. Bill mentioned that hunger in this world is in the heart more than the stomach. The pantry is located in the basement of the ministry center at St. Mary's Church on Hamilton Street. It is run by 35 volunteers, none of which collect a salary. The only expenses they have are electric and phone. Because of government cutbacks they expect an increase in need. Bill finished this talk by making an invitation to all who want to visit the facility to contact him.

Club Roster 2011-2012

P= Past President

Athanas, Joseph P. (P)

Blanchard, Bryan (P) Bousquet, Glenn L. (P2) Brenner, Jay

Carlson, Ronald P. Chernisky, Ronald (P)

Coderre, Joseph A. (P) Coderre, Robert E. (P) Colognesi, Theresa G. (P)

Clemence, Richard

Desautels, Clement T. (P) Desrosier, Bruce J. (P) Davenport, Jeffrey

Detarando, Jay DiGregorio, Albert J. (P) DiGregorio, Paul J.

Jalbert, Paul R. (P) Jawor, John

Keefe, Edward G. Knight, Robert H. (P)

Lanni, Arnold (P) Lannon, William Leboeuf, Eric

Lisle, terry Main, Jason (P) Mangion, Richard M.

Mills, Paul A. (P) Mitchell, Sean 4-25-12 Morrill, Patrick S.

Menard, Joan

Nikolla, Peter

Pettinelli, Philip (P) Plouffe, Normand E. Prokos, Alexander

Prohaska, Otto

Rizner, Kenneth E. (P) Rockwood, Marjorie (P)

Smalarz, Thomas J.

Tata, Constantino H. (Dino) Taylor, John E. Tremblay, Ronald

Waddick, James H. (P)

P = Past President

Officers and Directors

John Jawor President Dino Tata International Service

William Lannon President Elect Terri Colognesi Vocational Service

Jeffrey Davenport Vice president Peter Nikola Community Service

Paul R. Jalbert Treasurer Joan Menard Club Service

Theresa Colognesi Secretary Terry Lisle Sergeant At Arms

Joe Coderre Club Advisor Terry Lisle Attendance

Director Ron Chernisky Dino Tata Bulletin Editor

Director Bryan Blanchard Director Glenn Bousquet

Paul Harris Fellows

Joseph P. Athanas 1995 Paul A. Mills Richard Ayers Terri Colognesi 05-26-10

Robert E. Coderre John E. Taylor Zygmund J. Damian

Kenneth E. Rizner 10-30-1997 Paul R. Jalbert 2001 Marjorie Rockwood 5-11-2002 Glenn Bousquet.10-08-2008

James Waddick 2006 Bryan Blanchard 2006 Ronald Chernisky 9-03-2008 Jeffrey Davenport 1995

Constantino H. Tata (Dino) 2-26-04 Ronald Carlson 07-20-11

Deceased and Non-member Paul Harris Fellows,

Burns, Charles E. Laliberte, Oswald J. Leclaire, Romeo H. Moreno, Laurence

Mozley, George Ricci, Raymond A. Wilson, Calvin Witter, Simon E.

C. Stanley Knight C. Stanley Knight Charles T. Parham Judith Flannery (Non-member)

John CS. Crosbie Philip S. Morrill Albert J. DiGregorio 1960 Normand E. Plouffe 1995

Neighboring Clubs

Sturbridge Monday 6:00 Publick House, 277 Main Street Sturbridge, Ma.

Webster Dudley Wednesday 4:30 Point Breeze Restaurant, 114 Point Breeze Road, Webster

Putnam Tuesday 12:15 J. D. Coopers 146 Park Road, Putnam, Ct.

Auburn Wednesday 6:00 Heritage Coffee Shop, Heritage Mall, Rte. 12 Auburn

Brookfields Thursday 6:30 Wok Inn Corner Rte. 67 & Rte 9, W. Brookfield, Ma.

Worcester Thursday 12:15 Coral Seafood, 225 Worcester Street, Worcester, Ma.

The Four-Way Test

Is it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better friendship?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned?


P. O. Box 51

Southbridge, Mass. 01550

Chartered May 13, 1927

Club No. 2588 District No. 7910