September 20, 2012



With another season coming up again, the Board felt it important to refresh everyone’s memory on several key issues in our complex.


Please remember that dogs must be walked in the area between the dumpsters and only on that side of the street. There is a small area below the dumpsters at Cedar Place Ct that you can use as well. Do not use the grassy area at the end of the last building that is behind the wooden fence. Also, do not walk dogs in the back grassy area behind that building. DO NOT LET YOUR DOGS GO OUT YOUR BACK OR FRONT DOOR TO USE THE BATHROOM. If this is observed, fines will be issued for any pet related violations following the same fine procedures as referenced several times in this Newsletter.

As of July 1, 2011 we implemented dog waste pickup. Requirements are: When walking your dog in the designated areas pickup of waste is mandatory. At this time we cannot afford to get disposal stations, but please use plastic grocery bags for this purpose and dispose of them in the dumpsters.


We cannot stress enough how important it is that you drive slowly within SWV; our speed limit is posted as 15 mph and no faster. A child can dart out in front of you very quickly. Also, people out walking their dogs could be injured as well. If you must walk in the street please stay off to the sides of the street, remember cars have the right of way.

It has been observed by many homeowner’s that Stop signs are not being followed. Anyone seen not stopping completely at a Stop sign on South Wind Villas property will be getting an initial $25.00 fine; after a hearing. When reporting the violation we need to know the car type/color and if the person lives on South Wind Villas property.


Complaints have been voiced to the board that residents, many of them children, are being loud, disrespectful, and loitering in the streets, not moving when cars are coming and going, and climbing on building roofs. This is absolutely prohibited. Homeowner’s have the right to ask children to not play on their patios, porches, and building roofs. If you witness vandalism to the property, or a *non-emergency situation, contact Winston-Salem police at 336-773-7700 & contact your Street Captain (your street captain is listed at the mailboxes on the bulletin board); if they can’t solve the issue, they will contact the board President who will notify TPN Security. Call 911 if an emergency- *emergency is considered fire, crime in progress, or a medical crisis. The empty tennis court area can be used to socialize, play, and let your dogs exercise; but it is not a trash bin, so pick up after yourselves when you are done in the area. Do not remove any pool furniture from the pool and put in this area. If we start seeing this as a problem, we will lock this area up so no one can access it at all.

Ø  The empty tennis court area is for ball playing or other activities that can be done in the grass. The parking lot is for parking of vehicles only, not a playground. No bikes, skateboards, rip-sticks, dirt bikes, go-karts, scooters, or anything with wheels on the sidewalks or around vehicles No playing ball in the parking lots! Vehicles have been damaged. Skateboarding of any kind is Not Allowed on premises. There is to be no setting up of ramps or rails to be used to jump, ride on, etc. The best place to use these items (bicycles & scooters only) is by the pool where there are no cars parked and no homeowners or tenants to disturb.

Ø  Adults must be responsible for any children in their care, be they yours, grandchildren or guests of your children. Any residents who believe children are in danger are encouraged to call Social Services at 336-703-2287 8 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday; any other time call 911.

Any Guests from Greene Haven, the apartment complex on Teague Rd, or from somewhere else have to abide by the Association’s rules while on our property. If they are caught violating any rules or vandalizing our property, the homeowner will be fined for their actions. We have spent a lot of money fixing vandalized items in the past.


Remember that if you have a landscaping request, it has to go through the board for approval before you can do anything; the board will then contact our yard crew to do anything needed. If it is a project you personally will be paying for, but you need to have them remove something for you to do it please contact the board and the yard crew will be told what needs to be removed. Any removal of an existing bush, plant, etc. will be at the cost of the homeowner. This hinders them from doing their job in a timely manner and our landscaping costs are based on the amount of time they spend on the property. Planting of any vegetables will not be allowed in front of condos; you can put them in containers on your back patio. If you want to have more than two containers contact your Street Captain. If you have planted any vegetables in your flowerbed in front of your unit you will have 15 days to remove them, replant in pots, and move to the back of your unit. If items are not removed in 15 days they will be removed by the lawn maintenance crew at your cost.

This also goes for flowerbeds that are not maintained by the homeowner, they will be given notice to clean up and remove weeds, etc. If not done the board will have the lawn maintenance crew remove and clean up for you and you will pay the bill.


Please do not let people into the pool area who do not have their own key to get in; if you do the police will be contacted and this person will be charged with trespassing. If a South Wind Villas homeowner or renter is found letting in a non-resident they will have their pool key taken and the homeowner will have to pay $100 to get key reinstated. If they live here, they will have a key. We consider this is a serious violation.

We will only issue pool keys to homeowners and there will be a charge of $100 per key that is lost and has to be replaced. Pool keys are certified and cannot be duplicated except by verified board members from South Wind Villas. Should you have any problems at the pool, you may contact any of our board members. For serious problems, call the Winston-Salem police at 336-773-7700 (for *non-emergency), or 911 for emergencies (*see explanation below) immediately from your cell phone or the Emergency Phone located at the pool.

Please clean up after yourselves and your children at the pool. If you see someone littering or throwing stuff into the pool please call a board member immediately; there will be fines incurred if you are caught littering. We are privileged to have such a nice pool and should try to keep it clean and nice so we can enjoy it for years to come. Remember do not take any glass containers into the pool area. Please be respectful of the pool furniture; we just received new furniture July 2008 and we want it to last for a long time. In years past, homeowners have requested that they be allowed to have birthday parties, etc. at the pool. It was determined by Nationwide that this would be an insurance liability to South Wind Villas and cannot be permitted.

Tenants (renters) that live at South Wind Villas are only allowed ONE guest per Unit. All persons that live in the unit are welcome at the pool, but only ONE guest is allowed per Unit. If you have any questions on this rule please contact your Street Captain or Board President who is listed on the board at the mailboxes. Swimsuits must be worn, no t-shirts, cut off shorts or non swim clothes are allowed in the pool. If you do not have a pool key you must contact your landlord (homeowner) and they must pay $100 to get a key for you to access the pool.


Ø  The water bill is one of our biggest costs and it can be helped by all of us. Use water sparingly for car washing and watering of plants. We are not to use the water for sprinklers, or kids playing; this is a waste of water and it will make our bills rise. Another thing to check is running toilets and leaky faucets; these two things can be fixed for under $10.00. If we do see our water bill increase greatly from last year we will have to look at other measures to cut our costs in this area. There is to be NO watering of the yard (common area), if you need to water plants at your unit please put a nozzle on your hose. This is so water is not running continuously and wasting money and water. You can also buy a water barrel to water your plants, contact the board President to ask any questions on this matter.


Ø  Remember your patios are not to be used for storage areas. Patio furniture, grills, planters, etc. are to be on patios. Use your storage off your deck if in a garden unit, or attic space if possible;

if you have no room, please find somewhere else to put these things.

Ø  Remember that nothing can be attached to the buildings. This applies to satellite

dishes, but does not exclude other things you might attach as well. If you are going to

have a satellite dish installed; please call the HOA President to get instructions on where

you can place the dish. We would like them to be placed in an inconspicuous area if

possible. Please call the President to find out this information.

Ø  Please keep current license tags on all vehicles that you park in our parking lots. Unlicensed vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense. This includes vehicles with tags that are expired. There may be rare exceptions to this rule, but it will be at the discretion of the board and the Security Company. Vehicles that have tags on them, but are broken down and not being driven, have flat tires and such will also be subject to towing if they become an eyesore and we receive complaints from neighbors. SWV is not a storage area for vehicles you are not using or those of your friends and family. Also, there is no vehicle maintenance allowed on vehicles in parking lots that requires the use of jacks or ramps; this means changing oil, etc. Flat tires and having a car jumped due to a dead battery are an exception and can be done on site.

Ø  Remember you are only allowed to have two parking spaces in the common area per unit. As summer nears, people will be having more visitors, so please be respectful of your neighbors and have your visitor’s park in overflow areas and not in your neighbor’s spaces. Overflow parking areas are around the circles and at the pool, and at far ends of street by dumpsters. Do not park next to a marked space if it is not yours since this would be those units 2nd parking spot and not an extra space. The extra spot may not be by your unit, so any unmarked spot can be your second spot; but be respectful of your neighbors and if they always park in a certain spot let them use that spot first before taking it. If you own more than two vehicles, you are to ask the board for permission to park on the premises per the By-Laws:

Be respectful of your neighbors and ask them first if you may use one of their empty spots if needed. Parking of your vehicles in front of vacant units is not permitted, even if the Unit is vacant it is still owned by someone else and those two spots are that Unit’s and no one else’s. If you continually have excessive visitors and we receive complaints, this will be addressed on an individual basis. We recommend parking in your unmarked space if you have only one vehicle and leaving your marked space for guest if possible. Also, there have been complaints of cars being backed into stalls. If there is traffic coming please respect them and pull into your stall forward facing and do not hold up traffic by backing in.

Ø  Please be mindful of paying your dues on time. We are aware of the economic issues going on right now for everyone, but our HOA must pay our bills on time also. If we don’t get the dues as required we will have a hard time paying water, electric, garbage disposal, etc. Your dues are due by the 30th or 31st of the current month; if dues are late we are charging a $20 late fee for each month late. We do not go by when the dues are put in the box; we go by the date your check is written. If your check is dated after the 30th or 31st of the month due, you will incur a $20 late fee. If you pay more than one month at a time we must have the dues on the month due; example: Paying dues for January/February & March we must receive all months in January or there will be a late fee for each month past due. We prefer not to accept more than 6 months of dues at one time. Please put your Unit # in the Memo section of your check for recording purposes. Also, know that if you get 2 months behind you will get a 1st water shut off notice; if not paid, a 2nd water shut off notice will be sent with a hearing date for you to attend. Be advised there may be substantial charges for re-connection of water services. A debt agreement is now in use as of 2012 and if you contact the President or Treasurer they can discuss this with you and have the proper paperwork signed to begin this agreement. The dues pay for all the upkeep of South Wind Villas, including but not limited to, water, electrical, grounds and pool maintenance, insurance, all repairs to all common areas, etc. If you don’t pay your dues, we can’t pay the bills and this will pose problems for everyone. The Treasurer is more than willing to work with anyone that has issues, but you have to call and set up something with her. Thanks to all of you who pay your dues like clockwork. We want you to know how much we appreciate you.