South West Branch - Devon & Cornwall Satellite

Notice of Annual General Meeting – 27th February 2017

The AGM will take place at Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth PL1 3AE.

The AGM is open to both members and prospective members of the Association of Women in Property but only members stand for election to the committee. The AGM will be followed by a networking dinner and drinks.

We have an active committee and are always looking for enthusiastic members to join. The committee holds meetings every 4-6 weeks, either in person or via conference call and we try to allocate tasks evenly. A short description of the positions is set out below.


Members will be able to vote by Proxy if they are unable to attend the AGM in person. Should you wish to take advantage of this option please complete, sign and return the proxy form attached to Sarah Greenslade/Emma Preston using the details given below.

Present 2016 Committee Members: -


Chairman – Sarah Greenslade (Cornwall)

Vice Chairman – Emma Preston (Plymouth)

Treasurer – Samantha Loveridge (Plymouth)

Membership Secretary – Sue Dyer (Plymouth)

South West Branch Link – Cathryn Tracey (Bristol)

General Committee Members

Natalie Barnham (Plymouth)

Julie Lyle (Exeter)

Paula Basham (Exeter)

Sam Hannon (Exeter)

Tanya Loosemore (Exeter)

Jess Davis (Plymouth)

Christine Skaar (Plymouth)

All committee posts are available on 27th February 2017 and members need to be voted into each position at the AGM, except the Chairman.

The Chairman for 2017 will be Emma Preston of Bond Dickinson.


Please return your nomination forms to Sarah Greenslade () or Emma Preston () and please do feel free to contact either with any queries you may have in advance of the AGM.

Agreement to stand must be obtained from the nominee before putting forward their name.

Vice Chairman
Membership Secretary
General Committee Member
Publicity Officer

Full descriptions of each role is available in the members handbook, available from main branch chairman. The below are abridged job descriptions.

Vice Chairman

Assisting the Chairman in her role at satellite level and attending some of the branch committee meetings to get a grounding in national WiP policy, prior to taking over as a chairman.


Managing diary appointments for and collating reports for the monthly committee meetings. Taking minutes at branch committee meetings and the AGM and circulating these to the committee.


The role of the Satellite Branch Treasurer is to report into the main South West Treasurer and support them in their role by carrying out the following duties:

•  Banking all cheques for the D&C events

•  Accurately record the income and expenditure for each D&C event, together with any profit or deficit and to fed into the main South West Branch Treasurer

•  Ensure all workbooks for the D&C events are filled in correctly and sent to the main South West Branch Treasurer

•  Report the current state of the D&C finances in the monthly D&C committee meetings and fed into the main South West Branch Treasurer

Membership Secretary

Liaising with Lara Farey, the National Administrator, on new members and renewals. Dealing with local membership enquiries. Keeping the names and addresses up to date and coordinating follow-up of non-renewals.

Publicity Officer

Sending out press releases, keeping record of press coverage, sending copies of coverage to the national committee and dealing with sponsorship opportunities. Promoting WiP through social media (LinkedIn and Twitter) always liaising with Sue Maguire, national PR consultant.

General Committee Member

Attending monthly meetings and sharing ideas for events and membership promotion with other committee members. Organising or assisting to organise events, helping to promote the Association generally. Assisting some of the Officer roles to share workload.


For those unable to attend the AGM

I …………………………………………….……. being a member of the Association of Women in Property hereby appoint …………………………………… of ………………………………….. or failing her ………………………………….. of ……………………………. to act as my proxy to vote in my name and on my behalf at the Annual General Meetings of the Association of Women in Property to be held on Monday 27th February 2017 at Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth.




Monday 27th February 2017

Being on your local branch committee is fun and extremely rewarding. In 2016 we had a committee of 12 which made for good connections and shared workload.

If you are interested in helping us to build on past successes, do come along and offer your support. We are always looking for enthusiastic members to take on specific roles within the committee.

If you are a member but are unable to attend but still wish to vote, please appoint a proxy using the above form.

Venue : Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth. PL1 3AE

Date : Monday 27th February 2017

Time : 5:30pm onwards

Organiser : Emma Preston

Cost : £15 for members / £22 for non-members


Please return this form to Emma Preston (Email: or post: Bond Dickinson, Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth. PL1 3AE)

AGM – 27 February 2017

Please reserve me……………

Please print clearly / COMPANY / ADDRESS / TELEHONE

NB: If you wish to become a WIP member or have any membership enquiries, please contact Sue Dyer: (T 01752 202121 or DD 01752 676627)

Is this your first event? YES/NO