SFaculty Development Committee-York College of Pennsylvania

Application for Summer Research Program Funding

The purpose of this funding category is to support activities that will enhance professional development through research.

Who is eligible?

  • Full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty on 9-month contracts. Faculty who normally teach in the summer, with fall or spring semester off, may receive the stipend during the semester in which they do not regularly teach.
  • Applicants who will not be teaching or leading an independent study during the period of the stipend.

What activities are funded by this category?

Salary for:

  • Professional development projects, defined according to the standards of the applicant’s discipline. This includes research toward publication of a journal article, research for a book, or other projects that are considered professional development in one’s discipline and are not funded in any other way.

Supplies funding for:

  • Costs directly associated with the professional development project. This includes consumable supplies or equipment.
  • Student assistants (summer maximum of $2000).

What activities are not funded by this category?

  • Workshops.
  • Professional travel.
  • Research associated with the completion of an advanced degree.
  • Student assistants during the semester.
  • Course or curriculum development.

Maximum award amount:

  • Stipend (salary) of $900.00/week, for a maximum of $4500.00 over 5 weeks
  • Supplies not exceeding $2000. Note that computer hardware and software must be purchased and reimbursed through the department, following approval by IT. Hardware purchases also require the approval of the Academic Dean.

Name: / Click here to enter text. /
Today’s Date: / Click here to enter a date. /
Email: / Click here to enter text. /
Phone: / Click here to enter text. /
Department: / Choose an item. /
Status: / Choose an item. /
Rank: / Choose an item. /
Have you previously received a Summer Fellowship? If so, when and what was the amount awarded? / Click here to enter text. /
Have you submitted a Summary of Summer Grant Activities? / Choose an item. /
Application Deadline: / October 10th
Title of proposed activity: / Click here to enter text. /
Specific dates of activity: / Click here to enter text. /
Location: / Click here to enter text. /

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SFaculty Development Committee-York College of Pennsylvania


Attach the following materials to this application form:

1)A detailed description of the research project. Address the following:

  1. Provide a brief introduction (background) to the topic of your project.
  2. What gap in knowledge or key innovation will this project fulfill in the context of the background information?
  3. Provide a plan of action, for completion of the project including a schedule for activity (dates should be included).
  4. What is the intended outcome of the project? (book/book chapter, journal publication, paper presentation, poster, exhibit, performance, etc.)
  5. How will the project enhance your professional development and your program of scholarship?
  6. How will the project contribute to the YCP community?

2)Applicants who have received prior funding from FDC should incorporate a progress report addressing the status of past projects.

3)A 250 word abstract/summary of your proposed project thatcan be posted on the Academic Senate webpage if you are awarded the requested grant.

4)Documentation for all requested expenditures.

5)A supporting letter from your Department Chair or the Dean of Academic Affairs. The letter should be submitted directly to the Funding Subcommittee Chair. Applicants waive their right to see the letter prior to submission.

6)A letter addressing the merits of your project, either from a colleague within York College or an expert external to the college. The letter should be submitted directly to the Funding Subcommittee Chair. Applicants waive their right to see the letter prior to submission.

Please do not alter the formatting of the application.

Complete the application, copy and paste required documentation/information into the application, and submit the file to the department chair for electronic signature. The completed application should then be emailed by the applicant to the Faculty Development Funding Subcommittee Chair–

The letter of support should be emailed directly to the Subcommittee Chair.

Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

1) The quality of the proposal.

2) Whether the project is novel and will enhance the field.

3) The quality of supporting documents.

4) The status of previously funded projects.

5) Whether the project contributes to the professional growth of the applicant.

6) Whether the project contributes to the YCP teaching and learning environment.

The fine print:

1) Projects that result in monetary remuneration may be subject to the college’s intellectual property policy.

2) For textbooks and books published with non-academic presses, applicants should provide documentation testifying that they have not been and will not be remunerated by the publisher.

3) Applications directly connected to a previously funded project will be subject to additional scrutiny. Such applications must clearly delineate how the proposed research is different from and/or builds upon the previously funded work. Such applications must also provide documentation of the progress that has been made on the project as a whole and include a timetable for completion.

Upon completion of a funded proposal, a concise account of the activity is to be submitted by email to both the FDC Funding Subcommittee Chair and the Dean of Academic Affairs.

All departments have a departmental representative serving on the FDC Funding Subcommittee. Applicants are encouraged to contact that person with any questions.

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SFaculty Development Committee-York College of Pennsylvania

Expense Statement for Funding

Number of weeks of requested support _____ (5 week max) X $900/week
Supplies funding requested ($2000 max)
  1. Total Amount Requested from all sources (sum of two items above)

  1. Available department funds:

(If no department funds available, chair letter should explain)
Amount requested from Faculty Development Committee: (Amount should equal A. – B. from above)

Explanation of All Anticipated Expenses

Category / Must provide explanation for all categories / Amount requested
*Documentation provided?
(Underline one) / Rate or other explanation for expense
Stipend / N/A
Materials (specify and document; may use extra space if needed) / Y or N
Other (please explain): / Y or N
*Documentation should be copied and pasted directly into the application and sent as one document via email
to the FDC Funding Chair.

Information to be completed by Department Chair

This information should be forwarded directly to the FDC Funding Subcommittee Chair

*If the applicant is a department chair, then the recommendation should come from the Dean of Academic Affairs.

Department Chair Recommendation / Choose an item. /
Amount of available department funds: / Click here to enter text. /
Please provide a detailed statement addressing whether you support the applicant’s request, how the faculty member and department will benefit from the activity, and whether department funds are available or expended.
Click here to enter text. /
Department Chair Signature:
(Note: Sign using scanned image of signature) / Click here to enter text. /
Date: / Click here to enter text. /

Information below to be completed by Faculty Development Committee


Faculty Development Committee Recommendation / Choose an item. /
Amount Funded
Click here to enter text. /
FDC Funding Chair Signature: / Click here to enter text. /
Date: / Click here to enter text. /

Information below to be completed by the Dean of Academic Affairs


Dean of Academic Affairs Recommendation / Choose an item. /
Click here to enter text. /
Dean of Academic Affairs Signature: / Click here to enter text. /
Date: / Click here to enter text. /





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