/ LOCATION: Unit 2, Pencoed
COMPLETED BY: Nick Bellamy
DATE: 14/09/17
Driving at Work GRA, published in the Travel Policy on Connect
Work Activity / Hazard / Risk
(H-M-L) / Control Measures Required / Further Action Required
Ref. No. / Description / In
Place / By when / Person responsible
1.  1 / Office work / Ill health and stress if
accommodation is
overcrowded or unsafe / L / §  Assess accommodation under Workplace and Fire Regulations / ü
2.  / Interviewing suspects
or witnesses on
police premises / Possibility of assault / L / Consider need for:
§  Interview to take place in room with furniture and alarm system
§  presence of additional officer / ü
3.  / Interviewing suspects
on street / Possibility of assault / M / Officer to clearly identify himself as police officer
·  Consider need for uniformed officer presence / ü
Work Activity / Hazard / Risk
(H-M-L) / Control Measures Required / Further Action Required
Ref. No. / Description / In
Place / By when / Person responsible
4.  / Enquiries at scene of crime and search of premises / Injury and ill health from
environmental conditions / L/M / Consider potential hazards and whether:
§  professional health and safety advice is required
§  searches should be undertaken by specialist search team
§  personal protective clothing is required / ü
5.  / Taking fingerprints
and other marks / Lower back and other injuries
from lifting heavy items
Health problems from
chemicals and hazardous
substances used in finger
printing / L / Exercise caution in lifting heavy items
§  Training in manual handling techniques
§  Provide safe systems of work COSHH assessment to be made of all chemicals and substances and hazard data sheets to be readily available / ü
ü / Available from the Facilities Section,
6.  / Pursuit of suspect
(on foot) / Possible injuries from terrain / L / §  Consider potential hazards before commencing pursuit
§  Avoid unnecessary risks, even at expense of suspect escaping
Where possible alert control to position and seek assistance before commencing pursuit / ü
Work Activity / Hazard / Risk
(H-M-L) / Control Measures Required / Further Action Required
Ref. No. / Description / In
Place / By when / Person responsible
7.  / Pursuit of suspect
(in vehicle) / Possibility of road traffic
accident / H / §  Drive within skill limit
§  Observe force instructions on pursuit and request marked police vehicle to take over pursuit as soon possible / ü
8.  / Attending post
mortem examinations / Contamination from
biological or virus agents / L / §  Follow safety procedures of mortuary or other premises used for examination
§  Apply good hygiene practice / ü
9.  1. / Health hazards – infestation / Possibility of infestation, eg lice / M / §  awareness training
§  limit physical contact with prisoners and other likely carries
§  delousing facilities, showers and changes of clean clothing to be available for prisoners in custody and officers / ü
10.  / Health hazards – communicable diseases / Risk of HIV, hepatitis or other communicable disease / M / Provide awareness training in operational and hygiene precautions
In handling and searching suspects:
§  avoid being bitten or contact with body fluids
§  refrain from putting hands in suspect’s pockets or property where needles may be hidden and
§  where possible use disposable gloves / ü
Work Activity / Hazard / Risk
(H-M-L) / Control Measures Required / Further Action Required
Ref. No. / Description / In
Place / By when / Person responsible
11.  / Dealing with violence / Death or injury from violent attack / M / Training to be given in control and restraint techniques
In light of threat assessment consider need:
§  to be accompanied
§  carry defensive baton
§  wear body armour /


12 / POLIT duties / Physical ill health and stress due to rigours and pressures of work / M / §  correct selection of officers and provision of correct training and equipment
§  sickness and accident reports to be monitored to identify developing health problems
§  supervisors to be aware of welfare requirements
§  if required counselling arrangements to be offered / Ongoing
ü / Reviewed at quarterly H&S meetings
13. / Use of VDU Equipment / Working position:
(Causing back ache, neck discomfort and longer term musculoskeletal disorders etc.) / L / §  Carry out an assessment with each user under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regs 1992 in order to identify and remedy any:
§  incorrect seating arrangement
§  insufficient work area, worktop or equipment
§  incorrectly positioned display screen or key board
§  screen glare or flicker.
Work Activity / Hazard / Risk
(H-M-L) / Control Measures Required / Further Action Required
Ref. No. / Description / In
Place / By when / Person responsible
Equipment/environment causing eye watering, headaches, tiredness and visual fatigue.
Ill health and stress due to working environment, pressures and hours of work / §  Provide staff with regular breaks and changes in activity
§  Monitor through health surveillance by managers
§  Encourage staff to raise concerns
Repeat assessment whenever staff, equipment or layout change
Ensure "Users" are aware of the entitlement to request an eye and eyesight test and provide those who request one with an appropriate eye and eyesight test and any special corrective spectacles or appliances which may be prescribed for VDU use by the optician
Supervisors to:
§  monitor and analyse sickness reports, and
§  where necessary liaise with Health Care and Safety Team / x
14. / Use of Audio Equipment / Noise:
Possibility of hearing damage if operator needs to increase volume to counter surrounding noise levels / L / Consider:
§  erection of acoustic barrier or other
§  measures to reduce background noise
§  audiometric testing of staff on appointment and at regular intervals thereafter / x
Work Activity / Hazard / Risk
(H-M-L) / Control Measures Required / Further Action Required
Ref. No. / Description / In
Place / By when / Person responsible
12.  / Earpieces causing infections / L / §  Personal issue earpieces
§  Provide information to staff on hygiene and use of earpieces / x
15. / Office Duties / Fire/smoke
Fire caused through overheating or short circuiting of electrical equipment / M / §  Current fire risk assessment available at premises
§  All staff to received written information in relation to emergency procedures
§  All staff to receive fire evacuation training
§  Designated fire wardens to receive practical fire safety training
§  Ensure provision of suitable and sufficient notices
§  Annual testing of extinguishing equipment
§  Weekly testing of alarms
§  Monthly check of emergency lighting
§  Procedure for evacuation displayed and a fire drill every six months
§  Prior to purchase assess integrity of all work equipment
§  Ensure that electrical equipment is properly maintained and regularly inspected and tested for safety.
§  Portable Appliance Testing
§  Fixed Wire testing every 5 years / x
Work Activity / Hazard / Risk
(H-M-L) / Control Measures Required / Further Action Required
Ref. No. / Description / In
Place / By when / Person responsible
13.  / Inadequate lighting / L / Ensure that lighting is sufficient to allow safe movement and working without eyestrain.(Recommendations on lighting levels for different tasks are published by HSE – see HSG 38 “Lighting at Work”) / x
Poor ventilation
Excessive heat or cold / L / Ensure that the fresh air supply rate does not normally fall below 5-8 litres per second per occupant
Install thermometers and take steps to ensure that the working temperature is reasonably comfortable and does not fall below 16 degrees Celsius.
§  Where the temperature in a room is uncomfortably high, steps should be taken to achieve a reasonably comfortable temperature, for example by:
§  Insulating hot pipes
§  Providing air-cooling plant
§  Shading windows
§  Siting workstations away from heat sources
§  Local cooling
§  Adequate supply of drinking water
§  A system of work (for example, task rotation) to ensure that the length of time for which individual workers is exposed to uncomfortable temperature is limited. / x
Work Activity / Hazard / Risk
(H-M-L) / Control Measures Required / Further Action Required
Ref. No. / Description / In
Place / By when / Person responsible
Poor standards of hygiene
Slips, trips and falls caused by
·  poor cable management due to insufficient power sources
·  unsafe floors / L / §  Inspect regularly to ensure that maintenance of premises and equipment is ongoing and a satisfactory standard of hygiene is maintained
Inspect regularly to ensure
sufficient power sources are provided and floors are free from holes or uneven surfaces.
Staff to be informed of system for reporting such faults / x
16. / Dealing with Stationery / Manual Handling / L / §  Undertake Manual Handling Assessment.
§  Change the system if significant risk of manual handling injury e.g. store stationery on ground level
§  Provide mechanical assistance such as trolley
§  Provide Manual Handling training, if appropriate / x
17. / Leaving office at unsociable hours / Personal attack / L / §  Where parking is provided, ensure it is adequately lit and secure
§  If parking is not provided, consider making local ‘reasonable’ arrangements. / x
18. / Driving Police Vehicles / Risk of injury through road traffic accident / L/M / Must adhere with Policy Ref No335 ‘Police Vehicles and Driving of Police Vehicles and Travel Policy (544) / x
Signature of (trained) assessor:
Name and rank: DI 3578 Nick BELLAMY
Details of risk assessor training: Health and Safety Risk Assessment Course
Date training took place: March 2009
Date of assessment: March 2009 / Signature of head of BCU/Department:
Name and Rank DSupt Lian Penhale
Date: September 2017


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