South Pike School District
Dropout Prevention Plan
South Pike School District’s Dropout Prevention Plan was developed by a committee of school administrators, parents, and community leaders to review data and address specific needs through the development of targeted goals and activities. The overarching goals are those of the state dropout prevention plan, which in MS Code § 37-13-80, sets a benchmark graduation rate of 85% by school year 2018-19.
Revision Committee Members
Dr. Estes TaplinSuperintendent
Mr. Warren BanksSupervisor of Principals
Mrs. Rochelle CollinsFederal Programs Director
Mrs. Angela LoweryPrincipal, Osyka Elementary
Mr. Tyrone VarnadoSouth Pike High School Counselor
Mrs. Linda WallSouth Pike High School Counselor
Mr. Jerry MolaisonSpecial Education Director
Previous Short Term Goals
To increase the number of ninth grade students passing core subjects.
To increase the number of students passing state tests.
Increase the district’s daily attendance of students to 97% or higher.
To implement remediation at all schools during the school day.
Ensure quality personnel through sustained professional development on the following: identifying students with emotional behaviors, differentiated instruction, developing and implementing academic and behavior intervention strategies, TST procedures, and the implementation of technology in lessons.
Examine and amend existing programs to insure that the academic and emotional needs of students are being met.
To implement activities at each school that will involve parents and members of the community in decision-making.
Data Review
- 2014: 84 of 158 9th graders failed at least one core subject
- 2014: Alg I – 94% passed, Bio- 84% passed, U.S. History- 83% passed,
English II – 65% passed
- 2014: Avg Daily Attendance 94.1 %
Summary of Activities
- Install new leadership team across the district
- Remove institutional roadblocks to student achievement
- Continue professional development emphasis, employ highly qualified staff
- Review/Revise strategic emphasis on Reading and Math literacy programs in lieu of 3rd Grade test results
- Implement TST with fidelity
- Revise long term attendance goal of 98% to a more realistic and MDE funding level trigger of 95%
As a district we have made great strides towards meeting the long term (2018-19) goal of an 85% graduation rate. We continue to develop and implement policies and procedures that comply with MDE mandates to produce college and career ready graduates. Ever onward, ever upward!
Part I. Dropout Prevention Plan
Cover Sheet
School District: _South Pike______
Superintendent: __Dr. Bill Gunnell______
(please print or type) (signature)
Principal: _Warren Banks______
(please print or type) (signature)
School Name: _South Pike High______Elementary ___Middle _√__High ___Other
Principal: _Joe Leavy______
(please print or type) (signature)
School Name: _South Pike Junior High______Elementary __√_Middle ___High ___Other
Principal: _Dalton Williams______
(please print or type) (signature)
School Name: _Osyka______√__Elementary ___Middle ___High ___Other
Principal: __Blake Brewer______
(please print or type) (signature)
School Name: _Magnolia______√_Elementary ___Middle ___High ___Other
Principal: _Connie McNabb______
(please print or type) (signature)
School Name: _Eva Gordon______√__Elementary ___Middle ___High ___Other
Principal: ______
(please print or type) (signature)
School Name: ______Elementary ___Middle ___High ___Other
Principal: ______
(please print or type) (signature)
School Name: ______Elementary ___Middle ___High ___Other
Principal: ______
(Please print or type) (signature)
School Name: ______Elementary ___Middle ___High ___Other
Part II. Local Dropout Prevention Team Members
School District: South Pike Telephone #: 601-783-0430
Mailing Address: 250 West Bay StreetFax #: 601-783-6733
Please check one area for each:Civic/
Agency Rep. / Com-
Rep. / School
Magnolia, MS 39652
E-mail address for Supt/Team Leader:
_Dr. Bill Gunnell______
Superintendent (please print) (signature)
_Dr. Lynda Taylor______
Team Leader (please print) (signature)
_Jackie Zuber______
Team Sponsor (please print) (signature)
_Allisa Alexander ______
Team Parent (please print) (signature)
_Susan McGehee ______
Dropout Prevention Team Member (please print) (signature)
_Linda Wall______
Dropout Prevention Team Member (please print) (signature)
__Pat Watkins______
Dropout Prevention Team Member (please print) (signature)
_Donna Williams______
Dropout Prevention Team Member (please print) (signature)
_Erica Jordon ______
Dropout Prevention Team Member (please print) (signature)
_Tyrone Varnado______
Dropout Prevention Team Member (please print) (signature)
_Keith Robinson______
Dropout Prevention Team Member (please print) (signature)
_Celester Hall______
Dropout Prevention Team Member (please print) (signature)
_Sam Hall______
Dropout Prevention Team Member (please print) (signature)
Part III. Statement of Assurance
On behalf of the South Pike School District, I hereby submit a local Dropout Prevention Plan to provide goals, activities and services necessary to meet the overarching goals of the state dropout prevention plan: 1) Increasing the state graduation rate to 85% by 2118-2019; 2) reduce the state dropout rate by 50% by 2012-2013; and 3) reducing the truancy rate by 50% by 2012-2013.
I hereby certify that the information contained in this plan is in compliance with the appropriate federal and state laws and regulations.
I hereby certify that our school district will cooperate in carrying out any evaluation conducted by or for the Mississippi Department of Education.
I hereby certify that our school district will submit reports as requested by the Mississippi Department of Education.
I hereby certify that our school district has consulted with parents, community partners, business partners, teachers, school staff, building administrators, and others in the development of this local dropout prevention plan.
I hereby certify that our school district has taken into account relevant, scientifically based research, strategies and best practices indicating services most effective in preventing dropouts if we focused on students in the earliest grades.
I hereby certify that our school district will prepare and submit an annual progress report on increasing the graduation rat, reducing the dropout rate and reducing the truancy rate.
I hereby certify that our school district will endorse and implement the Fifteen (15) Effective Strategies to promote reduction in the dropout rate.
I hereby certify that our school district has based the dropout prevention plan on scientifically based research, best practices and all laws in determining strategies to reduce the dropout rate for students with disabilities under IDEA.
I hereby certify that our school district will evaluate our district dropout prevention plan on an annual basis to determine appropriate changes needed for future school years.
I hereby certify that our District School Board has reviewed and approved this plan for submission to the Mississippi Department of Education.
Dropout Prevention Team Leader
Name: Dr. Lynda Taylor Title: Chief Academic Officer
Mailing Address: 250 West Bay Street, Magnolia, MS 39652
Telephone #: 601-783-0430, Ext. 1010Fax #: 601-783-6733
District Superintendent: Dr. Bill Gunnell ______
(Please print) (Signature)
School Board Chair: Rev. Milton Patterson______
(Please print) (Signature)
Part IV. 2011-2012 Data Form
District Name: _South Pike______
Graduation Rate: __74.6%___ Dropout Rate: __24.92%__ Truancy Rate: _.75%__
Elementary School / Middle School / High SchoolSchool Data
Number of
Schools / 3 / 1 / 1
Enrollment / 1,099 / 277 / 494
Student Ratio / 1:366 / 1:277 / 1:494
Student Demographic Data
Number / Percentage / Number / Percentage / Number / Percentage
Female / 539 / 49 / 124 / 48 / 234 / 47
Male / 560 / 51 / 153 / 52 / 260 / 53
Asian / 2 / .0018 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0
Black / 756 / 82 / 242 / 84 / 447 / 86
Hispanic / 2 / .0035 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0
American / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
White / 206 / 18 / 34 / 16 / 45 / 14
Part IV. 2011-2012 District Data Form (Continued)
Staff Demographic Data (Teachers/Administrators)
Elementary School / Middle School / High School
Number / Percentage / Number / Percentage / Number / Percentage
Female / 115 / 87 / 18 / 64 / 39 / 68
Male / 17 / 13 / 10 / 36 / 18 / 32
Asian / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Black / 74 / 56 / 16 / 57 / 44 / 77
Hispanic / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
American / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
White / 58 / 44 / 12 / 43 / 13 / 23
Part IV. 2011-2012 District Data Form (Continued)
Mississippi Curriculum Test, 2nd Edition
Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient or Above
Language Arts / MathGrade 3 / 47 / 60
Grade 4 / 35 / 39
Grade 5 / 35 / 40
Grade 6 / 40 / 42
Grade 7 / 48 / 60
Grade 8 / 40 / 48
Mississippi Subject Area Testing Program for High School
Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient or Above
U. S. History / Biology / Algebra I / English II37 / 30 / 54 / 38
Part IV. 2011-2012 District Data Form (Continued)
Additional District InformationNumber of GED Options Program Students
______0_____ / Number of Students Taking the GED Test
Number of GED Options Program Students
Successfully Completing a GED
_____0______/ Number of Students Passing One or More Sections of the GED Test
Average Length of Time Spent in GED Options Program
__ 6 months __ one year __ two years __ more than two years
Number of Students Who are Two or More Years Behind Grade Level by 9th Grade
____23______/ Does your district currently offer a “Fast-track” Program for high school students”
__ Yes __ No
Number of Students with 5 or More Unexcused Absences
_____14______/ Number of Students with 12 or More Unexcused Absences
Number of Discipline Referrals (Unduplicated)
_____122______/ Number of Students Receiving Free/Reduced Meals
Please add any additional or unique data elements in this section:
Part V. Needs Assessment Outcomes
In this section, please describe the major outcomes from your district needs assessment, as they address the following areas. Note: Based on the outcomes of your district needs assessment, you may wish to divide this area into various sub-sections (i.e., student-based, staff-based, school-based, project-oriented, etc.).
Needs Assessment Areas / DescriptionsTarget Group
Identified / Parents of all students
Students in grades K-12
∙Students two or more years behind their peers
∙Students with repeated disciplinary infractions
∙Students with excessive absenteeism
Teachers who do not diversify theimplementation of instruction
Data Collection Methods Used /
- Survey-students, parents, members of the community, and school staff (teachers and administrators) responded to survey questions about their perception of dropout risk factors.
- School Data Review- A review was conducted of principals’ classroom observation records, students’ scores on state testing, academic grades,attendance, reading and math progress monitoring data, discipline, economic factors, schools involvement of parents in the education of their children, and participation of staff in professional development activities.
- Access- student access to remediation, technology, and mentoring programs were noted.
- TST-reviewed Teacher Support Team records at each school site.
- Interview- former students and those with repeated discipline infractions were interviewed by school staff and community liaison.
Prioritized List of Needs /
- Professional Development
- Reading and Math Intervention Programs
- Schoolwide Social Skills Development
- Community Involvement
Short Term Goals / To increase the number of ninth grade students passing core subjects.
To increase the number of students passing state tests.
Increase the district’s daily attendance of students to 97% or higher.
To implement remediation at all schools during the school day.
Ensure quality personnel through sustained professional development on the following: identifying students with emotional behaviors, differentiated instruction, developing and implementing academic and behavior intervention strategies, TST procedures, and the implementation of technology in lessons.
Examine and amend existing programs to insure that the academic and emotional needs of students are being met.
To implement activities at each school that will involve parents and members of the community in decision-making.
Long Term Goals / To increase the graduation rate to 85% by the 2018-2019 school year.
To reduce the dropout rate to 13% by the 2013-2014 school year.
To increase the daily attendance rate of students at each school to 98% or higher.
To reduce the truancy rate.
Recommendations for Future Needs Assessments / Conduct annual parent, student, and community needs assessment.
Conduct a committee review of school level data each nine-week period. The committee is to be composed of school staff, parents, and members of the community.
Establish a mechanism for assessing the needs of graduates within one year of graduation.
The structure of a GED program within the school district.
Page 1 of 24
Part VI. Current District Initiatives
In this section, please list each of your current district dropout prevention initiatives, demonstrating how they fit within the 15 Effective Strategies from the National Dropout Prevention Center Network (NDPC/N) and for the various school levels. Each initiative should be related to the three overarching goals of: increasing the district graduation rate; reducing the district dropout rate; and reducing the district truancy rate. Please provide an elaboration of each program on separate attachments, labeled Appendix A – Current District Initiatives.
15 Dropout Prevention Strategies / School/Grade LevelDistrict-wide / Pre-Kindergarten / Elementary School / Middle School / High School
Renewal / Annual Review of policies, practices, and demographic data
Collaboration /
- Office of Community Relations
- Partnerships with area ministers
- School Health and Wellness Activities and Services
- School Website Redesign
- Collaboration
Safe Learning
Environments / School Counselors / Character Education / Character Education / Character Education
Safety Officer
Engagement /
- Parent Teacher Organizations
- School sponsored events
- Newsletters
- Parent Center activities
- Booster Clubs
- Established Active Parent
- Parent Advisory Counsels
Early Childhood
Development / Registered School Nurses / Pre-K Class /
- CPAA Assessment of K-3 Academic Skills
Early Literacy
Development / TST Interventions
Enrichment Activities
Tutoring / R.E.A.L. Learning Center
Mentoring Program
Service-Learning / Service Projects
Schooling / Polycom System
Credit Recovery / Polycom System
Credit Recovery
Opportunities / Boys and Girls Onsite Program / Boys and Girls
R.E.A.L. Learning Center / Credit Recovery
Development / JBHM Quinpoint-A systemic school improvement process
Active Learning / Classroom Connect
Technology Infused Lessons / Technology Infused Lessons
Technology / Technology Infused Lessons / Technology Infused Lessons / Distance Learning
Virtual School
Instruction / READ 180 / READ 180
Odyssey Ware
Career and
Education (CTE) / STEM / STEM
Vocational Education
Part VII. Proposed District Initiatives
Please complete the chart below for each of your district’s proposed dropout prevention initiatives. For each proposed initiative, you should detail the following information:
- Proposed initiative – provide either an official title for a program or position to be filled, or the proposed working title
- Grade level addressed – note whether the proposed initiative may be applicable to the entire district, or whether it will specifically address a particular grade level
- Purpose of goal – provide a brief description of the purpose or goal of the initiative
- Who is involved – list the name and titles for the individuals who will be involved in the planning and implementation of this initiative
- Proposed cost – provide an estimated cost for the initiative, including costs associated with areas such as planning, supplies, implementation, etc.
- Timeline for implementation – note the amount of time needed for actual program implementation
- Dropout prevention strategy addressed – indicate which of the 15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention will be addressed by the proposed initiative
- Expected outcomes for students – provide a listing of the district’s expected outcomes for the proposed initiatives as they relate to the at-risk student population
Please provide an elaboration of each program on separate attachments, labeled Appendix B – Proposed District Initiatives.
Grade Level Addressed(District-wide, Pre-Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, High) / Purpose or Goal / Who is Involved? / Proposed
Cost / Timeline for Implementation / Dropout Prevention Strategy Addressed / Expected Outcomes for Students
Proposed Initiative:
Freshmen Academy to address social, emotional, and academic needs of students. Students will participate in:
- READ 180 program to improve reading skills
- Compensatory math and transition to algebra classes to provide extended time to improve math skills
- Credit Recovery
Parents/Guardians / Full-time Coordinator and no additional cost is anticipated
$5,000, Read 180 Program
Credit Recovery Program Coordinator, no additional cost / August 2011 / Family Engagement
Individualized Instruction
Individualized Instruction
Educational Technology
Alternative Schooling / Parents will improve their communication skills with their children regarding learning/study skills.
Increase reading performance for all students while closing the gaps between subgroups as measured by state testing.
Students will better understand subject matter through the use of technology.
A variety of options will be provided to students seeking to receive a diploma
Grade Level Addressed
(District-wide, Pre-Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, High) / Purpose or Goal / Who is Involved? / Proposed
Cost / Timeline for Implementation / Dropout Prevention Strategy Addressed / Expected Outcomes for Students
Proposed Initiative:
T3 Literacy
(Transition Through Technology Literacy) / 10th and 11th grade students who are two or more years behind their peers / To create an atmosphere that provides a nurturing environment that focuses on academics and the social development of students.
To provide students with opportunities to thrive while instilling the skills necessary for academic success in high school including communication, time management, and study skills. / Technology Facilitator
Classroom Teacher
Behavioral Specialist
Instructional Strategists / A Technology Facilitator will be funded through Title funds.
The district will fund salaries and materials. / August 2011 / Mentoring/
Tutoring / Students will become involved in their learning.
Students will take responsibility for their actions.
The number of over-aged students passing state testing will increase by 40% when compared to the previous year.
Grade Level Addressed
(District-wide, Pre-Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, High) / Purpose or Goal / Who is Involved? / Proposed
Cost / Timeline for Implementation / Dropout Prevention Strategy Addressed / Expected Outcomes for Students
Proposed Initiative:
Character Education / K-8 / To reduce the number of students dropping out of school due to discipline issues.
To reduce risk factors linked to students dropping out of school.
To provide students with skills and resources to make good decisions and to resolve conflict. / Principal
Classroom Teachers
Students / $1,200.00 / August 2011 / Active Learning
Safe Learning Environments / The number of students dropping out of school will decrease by 10% when compared to the previous year.
The number of discipline infractions will decrease 20% when compared to the previous year.
Grade Level Addressed
(District-wide, Pre-Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, High) / Purpose or Goal / Who is Involved? / Proposed
Cost / Timeline for Implementation / Dropout Prevention Strategy Addressed / Expected Outcomes for Students
Proposed Initiative:
by JBHM Education Group will provide training on the five essential practices of effective schools:
- Guaranteeing an Essential Curriculum
- Providing a School Culture and Climate Conducive to Learning
- Maximizing Academic Learning Time
- Monitoring Student Achievement
- Promoting Professional Practice
- Principals will become active instructional leaders.
- Teachers will be better skilled and more effective.
- Student attendance will improve.
- Interventions and support will be provided to students in time to make a difference.
- Accountability increases from boardroom to classroom.
- Student achievement increases.
Central Office Administrators
Teachers / $160,000.00 / August 2011 / Professional Development / The average daily attendance rate of students will increase.
The needs of students will be met through the continuous monitoring of academic progress and attendance rates.
The graduation rate will increase by 4%.
Part VIII. Evaluating Effectiveness