Eucharistic Minister Instructions
- Bread Ministers are to use the hand sanitizer on the credence table before distributing communion.
- If you drop a host put it off to the edge of your ciborium/bowl, let Father know about it and he will consume it.
- After distribution of communion the ciborium is to be taken back to the altar, Father will combine them and the Eucharistic Minister will place the ciborium back in the Tabernacle.
- Use the pyx at the masses when you need to give communion to someone in the choir loft or the back of the church. Do not carry the ciborium or bowls to the back of church. The pyx is located in the tabernacle and should be returned to the tabernacle after Mass.
- There will be three host ministers plus Fr. Charlie for the 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. These will be the first three names on the schedule. The person listed first will take the ciborium from the tabernacle up to the altar. One bread minister and Father will stand in the regular position and the other two bread ministers will first give communion to those seated on the sides. After the first two rows in the center have received communion the two host ministers go to the center aisle and stand at the second row.
- THE CUP MINISTERS are to stand on “St. Joseph” side of the servers.
1When you receive the chalice from Father please also take the purificator at the same time, so Father is not standing there waiting for you to consume the Precious Blood.
2When distributing the precious blood please work around the entire purificator and rotate the cup as you hand it to each individual.The first chalice minister is to distribute the Precious Blood to the bread minister(s) first and then the servers.
3The first two cup ministers will stand at the end of the aisle in the front of the church. The other two cup ministers will stand at the end of the side chairs so that those individuals in the sides can receive the cup. After they have received the cup ministers come up and stand in front of the step.
4After you have finished distributing communion to the congregation the chalices are returned to the credence table.
5If possible consume any of the Precious Blood that remains in the chalice. If there is too much wine for you to consume Father will take care of it when he purifies the chalice.
6It is now the regulation that the priest or deacon be the ones to purify the chalices after the distribution of communion. Therefore, when you put the chalice on the credence table place the purificator over the chalice, do not push it into the cup. The priest or deacon will purify the chalices after he greets the people following the Mass.
A few thoughts for all Eucharistic Ministers
- Please dress in an appropriate manner for your ministry.
- If you cannot be present when assigned please find a substitute minister.
- Please go to the sacristy down stairs to sign in before Mass.
- Continue to come up into the sanctuary at the Lamb of God
- If you are looking to see if there are sufficient ministers present remember to count the deacon as one of the cup ministers.
- Keep your eyes open to those who receive communion but do not know what to do with the host/cup….approach them with gentleness and understanding.
- Extra schedules are available on the table in the downstairs sacristy in case you have misplaced yours or if for some reason did not receive one. The schedule is also posted on the St. Mary web site.
- If you know in advance that you will be away please contact Sister Mary Dorothy (323-5539 or ) and you will not be scheduled for that time.