South Lyon East




Dear SLEHS Theatre Students, Parents, and Guardians:

Congratulations and welcome to the South Lyon East Theatre family!

This handbook provides information about South Lyon East Theatre and the various activities we undertake, as well as the parent booster organization, East Parents of Performing Students (EPOPS). The following pages are meant to help guide you and to answer questions as they come up. This is by no means a comprehensive document, so some ideas may come up in rehearsals or meetings. If you find that you still have unanswered questions, don’t hesitate to ask! We want this to be a positive experience, so anything we can do to make this happen, let us know. All theatre students and parents/guardians should read the entire handbook carefully and keep it handy throughout each school year to help avoid conflicts and misunderstandings with the policies and rules stated within.

The success of each production and the continued standard of excellence and professionalism of South Lyon East Theatre rely on planning and communication between all parties: directors, students, and parents/guardians. Parent/guardian involvement is paramount to the success of individual students, and the program as a whole. We urge all parents to get involved and BE A PART OF YOUR CHILD’S SUCCESS!!!

Thanks for being a part of this process. Let’s have a wonderful year together!

Attendance & Participation

Like all extracurricular activities, South Lyon East Drama requires a tremendous level of commitment and dedication. The rehearsal calendars are established prior to auditions. A strong and vibrant theatre program cannot exist without the attendance of ALL NEEDED students at ALL events. One absent or late person has an adverse effect on the whole group.

In general, students will rehearse Monday-Friday (usually from 2:30-5:30) and occasional Saturdays, starting immediately after the cast and crew lists are posted. This schedule may vary depending on the production. Every effort will be made to inform students and parents when rehearsals will be extended beyond the standard days and times in advance; however, this is not always possible. Each student’s schedule will vary depending on their role with the production, so it is always critical that they regularly check to verify their rehearsal needs.

Attendance at all rehearsals is very important. The students are given the schedule for the entire production at auditions, and it is updated weekly with day-by-day specific information. If someone misses a practice whether actor or technician, no other person can show him/her what to do or which space to occupy as each individual knows only his/her own particular part. There is not enough time to work individually with the absentees. Many people believe that learning lines or tech cues can be done outside the environ of a rehearsal which simply isn’t true. Consequently, if there is a problem with absenteeism, we reserve the right to remove him/her from the cast. The vast majority of our actors and technicians never miss a required practice!

It is imperative that you, as parents, make a commitment, too. We implore you to honor the commitment that is being asked and support your child in positive ways. This means ensuring that ALL conflicts are made known, appointments are set AROUND the schedule, rehearsals are attended daily, and NO student may be removed from the show for any reason other than a health concern. If your student falls behind academically, another solution to the problem, such as seeking help from teachers in the morning, must be found. If you feel this may be an issue, don’t allow your student to make this commitment. Removing any member of the production team, for any reason and for any length of time, punishes the entire group and is detrimental to the final production. Our schedule is set knowing exactly how much time is needed to execute best production; ANY loss in that timeline is critical. Please work with us to ensure that the entire production succeeds.

Conflicts & Absences

It is understandable that conflicts like appointments and family events come up. ALL known conflicts (including choir, student council, etc) should be submitted before auditions on your conflict calendar. If additional conflicts, like appointments, arise and cannot be rescheduled to an evening or non-rehearsal time, please let the director know as soon as possible. Rehearsals and meetings are scheduled around student availability, so last minute conflict changes impact all students.

Contact the director (using the contact information at the end of this packet) if you will miss rehearsal. Don’t leave it to someone else to relay the message!

If practice is missed, it is your responsibility to find out from someone what was rehearsed the day before, and find out your blocking and possibly any other additional notes from the stage manager. If missed practices become habitual, your role or job WILL be reassigned at the director’s discretion.

Remember, being part of the production is a privilege and you can be replaced. Therefore, we expect you to take your part seriously and attend all practices.

SLCS Activity Participation Guidelines

The following information comes DIRECTLY from the Student Handbook which is distributed to students at the start of each school year. Student participation in SLEHS Drama is subject to these basic guidelines. If a student should fail to meet these requirements prior to or during the production, they are required to be removed. It is important that ALL students maintain eligibility throughout the production process to ensure a successful final product. If they fail to do so our hands are tied; exceptions cannot be made. All students will be required to turn in a progress report to the Director (signed by their teachers) at least once per production, to ensure eligibility.


Extracurricular activity programs are defined as programs beyond the normal school day which are not an integral part of a class for which credit is given. Examples include, but are not limited to, athletic teams, debate, Science Olympiad, various clubs, and competitive marching band.

Co-curricular activity programs are defined as classes that require a student to participate in any capacity in a public performance or to serve as a representative of SLCS as a component of the assessment for the class. Alternate assignments will be given to students who do not meet the eligibility requirements. Leadership, choir and band classes are the co-curricular activities.

Current extracurricular and co-curricular activity programs will be listed in the handbooks annually. The following must be approved by the Board if:

A.  A co-curricular program is added.

B.  An extracurricular program is changed to co-curricular.

C.  A co-curricular program is changed to extracurricular.

Written program expectations and responsibilities will be developed and distributed to the participants by the director of the activity.

The District may establish pay to participate fees for co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

Eligibility Requirements

The activity program is viewed as a supplement to the overall academic program; therefore, the South Lyon Community Schools establishes the following requirements:

A.  Participants in these programs must be full-time students. The definition of a full-time student is one who is full-time equivalent (FTE) in a South Lyon high school or middle school and who is progressing toward graduation from a South Lyon high school.

B.  Athletes must meet all of the Michigan High School Athletic Association eligibility requirements. Athletes and participants in all extracurricular/co-curricular activity programs must meet the academic standards adopted by the Board.

C.  Student conduct considerations for activity program eligibility – Participants in these programs represent South Lyon Community Schools. While at school and in the community, participants in these activity programs must conform to Board Policies and the Parent/Student Handbook. The behavior of students during school days and non-school days and times will be considered when determining eligibility.

When determining eligibility of South Lyon students, including transfer students, the administration will carefully consider the following:

1)  Has the student’s behavior brought (or will it bring) negative attention to South Lyon Community Schools or its extracurricular activity program?

2)  Has the student demonstrated inappropriate behavior, which has brought notoriety to him/herself?

3)  Has the student transferred or is the student planning to transfer to South Lyon Community Schools in order to escape the consequences of his/her actions at a previous school?

In the event of a reported incident involving a student that participates in an extra, and/or co-curricular activity, an investigation will be conducted by an administrator at the school that the student attends. If the assistant principal conducts the investigation, his/her decision may be appealed to the principal and then to the Assistant Superintendent for CITA. If the principal conducts the investigation, his/her decision may be appealed to the Assistant Superintendent of CITA.

1. / Minimum semester grade point requirement of 1.70 and no end of semester E’s or H’s establishes eligibility for next semester. / SLCS utilizes plusses and minuses for grading; this GPA represents a C-. We believe that this is a reasonable minimum standard for eligibility.
2. / Once eligibility is established students must pass a minimum of four classes during the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th marking periods. 3rd and 6th marking period grades are not counted toward eligibility because students receive those grades simultaneously with semester grades. / This allows students to experience difficulty, receive a "warning" and have the opportunity to improve their performance prior to being declared ineligible.
3. / Minimum time of ineligibility = marking period as long as student regains eligibility with a 1.70 GPA and no Es / The student should be able to spend a marking period focusing on studies prior to having eligibility restored.
4. / Semester incompletes must be eliminated to restore eligibility with a 1.70 GPA and no Es. / We believe that this will minimize incompletes being utilized to circumvent the eligibility requirements.
5. / Co-curricular activities: If a student is ineligible for public performances because s/he is not a fulltime student or due to failure to meet academic or behavioral standards as defined in this policy, alternative assessments shall be provided. This will allow students to attend class, receive a grade and still adhere to the eligibility requirements. / In an effort to support the performing arts and other co-curricular activities, students enrolled in co-curricular activities may participate in performances at the high school or at other schools within the District during regular school hours, in accordance with rationale #10 below.
6. / Summer school will be considered for eligibility. / Summer school classes as identified in the student handbook are subject to approval of the building principal.
7. / Night school classes and on-line classes will not be considered for eligibility. / Students should not be attending classes both day and night to restore eligibility.
8. / Special education students will be required to comply with academic and behavioral standards subject to the individual's IEPC as provided in the state and federal laws. / If a special education student is at risk of a failing grade in a class, the IEPC process may be a suitable course of action.
9. / After August 10th of each year, activities that are impacted by eligibility standards are: Tryouts, practices, and games, events and activities that occur before or after regular hours on home course, field, arena, court, pool (etc.) or at away events / To comply with MHSAA rules.
10. / Activities not impacted by eligibility standards are: Summer camp and activities during regular school hours, as long as the activities are not competitions, games, events, festivals or contests. / Not a compliance issue with MHSAA.

D.  Limited exceptions for elementary student participation in high school drama productions will be allowed when casting requirements call for this with regard to age, provided there is parent approval, administration approval, and in accordance with age appropriate time restriction guidelines.

East P.O.P.S. Booster Organization

The EPOPS Parent Booster Organization (East Parents of Performing Students) was established in 2007 to encourage and support the theatre program at SLEHS. Specifically, EPOPS supports the theatre program through fund-raising and contributions of time and labor. This organization greatly benefits the program as a whole, and involvement is open to any parent. Any parent interested in helping EPOPS is eligible to volunteer for various activities or be elected as a board member. Board Member elections are held every spring, at the last meeting of the school year.

EPOPS Boosters are involved in all of the following:

·  Organizing fund raising efforts

·  Chaperoning trips

·  Assisting prior to / during / after productions

·  Advertising & publicity

·  Costuming

·  Set Construction

·  Providing food/assistance for theatre dress rehearsals, etc.

To maintain a tradition of excellence, we rely on the supportive parents of our dedicated students. Parents are always invited to participate and get involved; your contribution directly affects the success of your child. Simply put, we could not offer the type of program we do without the parent contributions! Ask any drama parent that has volunteered, and they will say it is very rewarding both for themselves and for their kids.

Your attendance at theatre productions is paramount to making your child feel their involvement is worthwhile, and their performance was a success. When their parents, grandparents, and siblings applaud them from the theatre, their experience is validated.

East P.O.P.S. Bylaws


The name of this association shall be the East Parents of Performing Students (E.P.O.P.S).


I.  The Parent Organization exists to encourage and support the South Lyon East High School Drama Department. Specifically, to support the Drama Department’s activities through fundraising and contributions of time and labor.

II.  The Association shall not seek to influence or direct the employees of the school district responsible for conducting the Drama program.