South Kirkby and Moorthorpe Town Council – Minutes -2016/2017
Town Council – 7th December 2016
In attendance:-
TJ Allsopp RRC – Chair of Environment and Planning Committee
Mrs M Burkinshaw
Mrs M Collins
Mrs C Cormack
Mrs P Evans - Town Mayor
L Harrison
DE Mothershaw – Leader of the Council and Chair of Finance and Resources Committee
C Robinson – Deputy Leader of the Council and Vice Chair of Finance and Resources Committee
Mrs E Sykes
J Treacy – Chair of Grants Committee and Vice Chair of Recreation Committee
Mrs L Whitehouse – Deputy Town Mayor and Vice Chair of Grants Committee
199 Apologies for Absence
Resolved that apologies for absence were received and approved in respect of Cllr Mrs J Cole, Cllr Mrs J Tunstall and Cllr R Redfern. The reasons for absence were noted by the Town Clerk.
The Town Clerk reported that apologies had not been received from the other absent member, namely, Cllr A Redfern.
200 Town Council Minutes
Resolved that the minutes of the following meetings as detailed in Minute Book No. 3 (2016/2017) be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Town Mayor:
Town Council – 12th October 2016
Extraordinary Town Council – 24th October 2016
201 Code of Conduct – Members’ Interests
Cllr Mrs M Collins a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 15 - “War Memorial, South Kirkby” (minute no. 213 [2016/17]).
202 Dispensations
The Town Clerk reported that no dispensation requests had been received in respect of this meeting.
203 Public Forum
The following members of the public were in attendance:
Mrs Lisa Clarkson
Mrs Michelle Mees
Mrs Janice Melling
Mr Jonathan Sheriff
Mr Aaron Tillison
204 Town Mayor’s Communications under Standing Order 13(E)
Town Council – 7th December 2016
The Town Clerk reported that the Town Mayor had received a letter from the South Elmsall and District Branch of the Royal British Legion thanking the Town Council for its contribution to the Remembrance Day Parade.
205 Members’ Questions under Standing Order 13(f)
Cllr Allsopp enquired about the tender for the catering for the Grove Hall. The Town Clerk confirmed that the matter was ongoing and that the result would be reported at the next Finance and Resources Committee meeting.
Cllr Allsopp enquired about possible funding from Wakefield Council. Cllr Mrs Collins confirmed that the funding for the Grove Hall and Langthwaite House has been approved.
206 Committee Meetings - Minutes
Resolved that the Minutes of the following committee meetings as detailed in Minute Book No 3 (2016/2017) be received and adopted:-
Environment and Planning Committee 2nd November 2016
Recreation Committee 2nd November 2016
Finance and Resources Committee 16th November 2016
Grants Committee 30th November 2016
207 Police Update
Sergeant David Lockwood and PC Karl Miller provided an update on police activity in the area.
Resolved that Sergeant Lockwood and PC Miller be thanked for their attendance.
208 Corporate Risk Assessment
Resolved that the Town Council’s corporate risk assessment be reviewed, approved and adopted.
209 Internal Audit
Resolved that the report of the Internal Auditor, Roy Stanley FFA, Chartered Accountant, be received and approved.
210 Asset Register
Resolved that the Town Council’s asset register be reviewed, approved and adopted.
211 Conferences
Cllr L Harrison proposed and Cllr T Allsopp seconded that the current policy on members attending conferences be maintained but the proposal failed.
Resolved that the expenditure for members’ attendance at conferences be suspended for 12 months.
Town Council – 7th December 2016
212 Card Payments
The Town Clerk reported that the Town Council now has the facility to accept card payments.
Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk be noted and approved.
213 War Memorial, South Kirkby
Resolved that an unveiling event for the engraved war memorial be held on 31st March 2017.
214 HS2
Resolved that the Town Council maintain its vehement opposition to the HS2 project.
215 Staff Training
Resolved that this be a standard item on the agenda of the Finance and Resources Committee.
216 Work Experience
Resolved that this item be deferred.
217 Christmas Trees and Lights
Members commented that the lights on the tree on Kirkby Green were poor.
218 Exclusion of press and public
Resolved that members of the press and the public be excluded for the consideration of business of a confidential nature, as per the Public Bodies Admissions to Meetings Act 1960.
219 Mayoral Security
Resolved that the proposal from Cllr A Redfern be accepted in principle, pending receipt of further information and at nil cost to the Town Council.
220 Tenancy Matters
(i) The Longhouse
Resolved that the Town Clerk and the Leader meet with Mrs Michelle Larkin of ‘The Zone’ to progress the matter and report back accordingly.
(ii) Mallard Café at Moorthorpe Railway Station
Resolved that the Town Clerk and the Leader meet with Mrs Michelle Mees to progress the matter and report back accordingly.
221 Land to the rear of Mill Lane, South Kirkby
Town Council – 7th December 2016
Resolved that the Town Council’s actions in respect of the land concerned be continued.