Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission KPTCL MYT ORDER 2011-13



6.1Determination of Transmission Tariff:

KPTCL’s Submission:

KPTCL has requested to approve the transmission charges for FY11, FY12 and FY13 as mentioned below:

TABLE – 6.1

Proposed Transmission Charges

Particulars / FY 11 / FY 12 / FY 13
Transmission Capacity in MW / 11572 / 13477 / 14282
Net ARR ( Rs. Crs) / 1617.39 / 1956.27 / 2381.20
Transmission Tariff (in Rs./ MW / Month ) / 116472.95 / 120963.49 / 138939.45

KPTCL has further stated that, the transmission charges are proposed to be collected from the ESCOMs in the ratio of allocation of power from GoK. It has also requested to allow collection of transmission charges from the ESCOMs on the basis of allocation as revised by the GoK from time to time. The Capacity Allocation to ESCOMs as proposed by KPTCL is as follows:

TABLE – 6.2

Capacity Allocation to ESCOMs as proposed by KPTCL

Allocation in MW


/ FY11 / FY12 / FY13
BESCOM / 5643 / 6526 / 6862
MESCOM / 966 / 1127 / 1197
CESC / 1232 / 1446 / 1543
HESCOM / 2175 / 2573 / 2772
GESCOM / 1556 / 1805 / 1908
TOTAL / 11572 / 13477 / 14282

KPTCL has stated that, the above allocation of generation capacity is in accordance with the allocation of power as per Government Order EN 126 EMC 2010 dated 24.03.2010 which is effective from 01.04.2010.

Commission’s Analysis & Decisions:

As per the MYT Regulations, the transmission charges are to be determined based on the total capacity contracted by the ESCOMs with KPTCL.

In the hearing, some of the stakeholders have contended that there was no capacity contracted by the ESCOMs with KPTCL and hence it is not appropriate to determine transmission tariff on the basis of Generation Capacity.

In the absence of the contracted capacity, the Commission, in its order dated 25.11.2009, had considered it appropriate to adopt the allocation of installed generation capacity to the ESCOMs as made by the GoK for determination of transmission charges.

Further, it is to be noted that, the GoK has allocated capacity as well as energy from all the generation sources to each of the ESCOMs based on which the Commission is considering power purchase costs for each ESCOM. The ESCOMs have entered into power purchase agreements with the generators, based on the capacity/energy allocated by the GoK. As such, the Commission considers it appropriate to determine transmission charges payable by each ESCOM based on capacity allocation made by the GoK for the present.

The Commission hereby directs KPTCL to enter into contracts with all long-term users of the transmission system including ESCOMs before the end of the current financial year and report compliance there of to the Commission.

As per the approved ARR as detailed in the preceding chapter, the transmission charges for the control period are worked out as follows:

TABLE – 6.3


Transmission Charges payable by ESCOMs for FY11
Particulars / Capacity Allocation in MW / Transmission charges for FY11 Rs.Crs per annum / Transmission charges for FY11 Rs.Crs per Month
BESCOM / 5643 / 647.68 / 53.97
MESCOM / 966 / 110.87 / 9.24
CESC / 1232 / 141.40 / 11.78
HESCOM / 2175 / 249.64 / 20.80
GESCOM / 1556 / 178.59 / 14.88
TOTAL / 11572 / 1328.18 / 110.68
Transmission Charges payable by ESCOMs for FY12
Particulars / Capacity Allocation in MW / Transmission charges for FY12 Rs. Crs per annum / Transmission charges for FY12 Rs. Crs per Month
BESCOM / 6526 / 746.75 / 62.23
MESCOM / 1127 / 128.96 / 10.75
CESC / 1446 / 165.46 / 13.79
HESCOM / 2573 / 294.42 / 24.54
GESCOM / 1805 / 206.54 / 17.21
TOTAL / 13477 / 1542.13 / 128.51
Transmission Charges payable by ESCOMs for FY13
Particulars / Capacity Allocation in MW / Transmission charges for FY13 Rs.Crs per annum / Transmission charges for FY13 Rs.Crs per Month
BESCOM / 6862 / 850.30 / 70.86
MESCOM / 1197 / 148.33 / 12.36
CESC / 1543 / 191.20 / 15.93
HESCOM / 2772 / 343.49 / 28.62
GESCOM / 1908 / 236.43 / 19.70
TOTAL / 14282 / 1769.74 / 147.48

NOTE: The above tariff is also applicable to all Long-Term Open Access customers excluding developers of Renewable Sources of Energy who generate and supply within the State.

The Monthly Transmission Charges payable are as follows:

FY11- Rs.95646 /MW/Month

FY12- Rs. 95356/MW/Month

FY13- Rs. 103262/MW/Month

The Commission hereby re-determines Transmission charges for the short-term open access customers in accordance with the KERC (Terms and Conditions of Open Access) Regulations, 2004 as indicated below:

TABLE – 6.4

Transmission Charges for Short Term Users for FY11-13

Transmission Charges (Rs/MW) /


/ FY12 / FY13
More than 12 hrs & upto 24 hrs in a day in one block / 786.13 / 783.75 / 848.73
More than 6 hrs & upto 12 hrs in a day in one block / 393.07 / 391.87 / 424.36
Upto 6 hrs in a day in one block / 196.53 / 195.94 / 212.18

The tariff determined above for long-term and short-term open access is applicable to all the ESCOMs and all other open access customers excluding developers of Renewable energy sources that generate and supply within the state (Intra State). Such renewable energy generators continue to pay charges as per the existing orders of the Commission.

The charges determined above are applicable for use of the transmission system only. In case Open Access customers use the networks of ESCOMs in addition to the transmission system, the wheeling charges payable would be as determined by the Commission in the respective Tariff Orders of the ESCOMs.

6.2Commission’s Order

1.The Tariff as approved in this Order shall be effective from 1st January 2011.

2.Since, KPTCL will not have the financial impact of the Order for the full duration of FY11, the actual deficit for FY11 may be carried forward to the ARR of FY12, for consideration of the Commission.

3.This Order is signed, dated and issued by the Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission at Bangalore on this day of 7th December 2010.

(M.R.Sreenivasa Murthy) (Vishvanath Hiremath)(K.Srinivasa Rao)

Chairman Member Member


Chapter – 6 : Transmission Tariff for FY11-13 Page