Chair: Kathy Henwood



5 November 2014


Kathy HenwoodCHILDREN 1ST (Chair)

Leslie Murison CLD

Marleen HardyCHILDREN 1ST (Minute taker)

Janet TennantADP/DA

Tanja MeherSFAD

Emma KiddAberdeenshire Council

Christine HeronADP/PH

Bruce FindlayAberdeenshire Council Employability Service

Beverley CattanachAberdeenshire Council Substance Misuse

Mary AnnalAberdeen Foyer

Lorna MulhollandCHILDREN 1ST

Frances DonohoeAberdeenshire Council Community SMS

Wayne GaultADP

Catherine GovanDrugs Action

Lynn BuchanAberdeenshire Council CLD

Caroline ConnCommunity Member

  1. Welcome and Apologies

KH welcomed everyone to the meeting andasked the group to introduce themselves. Apologies were given from Dawn Tuckwood, Paul Chisholm, Fiona Murray and Brian King. Kathy introduced Lorna Mulholland to the group and stated that as this was her last meeting Lorna would be taking over as Chair of the South Forum until such time as another Chair person could be identified.

  1. Minutes of meeting – 2/9/14 –in attendees change – “Leslie Murison DPYK” to “Leslie Murison CLD”

Amendments - Point 4 – Funding Applications and Financial Update

WG stated that ADP are trying to minimise large balances sitting in current accounts and intimated that there would be no monies draw down if there was more than £5,000 sitting in current accounts unless extra monies in accounts were ring-fenced/committed. KH confirmed that the £11,000 in South Forum account was all allocated. The Figure 8 scoping study was to cost £10,000 and South and Central were each to pay £5,000 towards this. We have a costed list of outgoing expenditure for the other £6,000.

Minutes were approved

  1. South Forum Steering Group – Minutes and update

BC gave a brief update – two meetings have taken place so far in Community Centre, Stonehaven – first meeting had small number of attendees – second meeting had more attendees (mostly community members). It was agreed that due to time constraints it would be more realistic to hold one small conversation café type event in February instead of two larger events as discussed previously. The event will be by invitation (as per World Café Host guidelines) and each of those invited will be encouraged to bring someone with them – looking at a maximum of 50 people attending.

It was agreed that we could try and link in with Kincardine & Mearns Community Page and Blog on website and hopefully to have conversations on line.

January is “Drug & Alcohol Month” and the group agreed that it would be good to capitalise on this.

WG stated that the ADP have an admin and publicity budget which could be used to promote this event and offered admin support via Renatta from the ADP. WG to ask Renatta to contact BC

Budget for event – it was agreed that a light lunch – tea/coffee/biscuits would be provided at the event and hopefully a bag to go away with – budget of around £1,500 would be required.

Tanya from Central Forum can help order/provide the bags – there is a template available to order the bags.

Use of a pop up banner was suggested – Christine Herron can provide this – the ADP are to look into getting a banner specifically for the South Forum. It was noted that the Foyer can undertake the production of a banner if need be.

Media profile would be via local papers. EK to contact local papers re advertising the event.

Further discussion identified the need to start developing Hubs outwith the Kincardine & Mearns area where smaller pop up events like this can take place.

Suggestions were put forward re looking at cost and access to putting straplines on tv monitors in doctors/dentist surgeries advertise South Forum events with an enquiry contact number. Discussion followed around how we could utilise therapeutic photography at the event and how creative we can be without exposing anyone.

Evaluation of the event – it was agreed to look at community skills to see if we can utilise these skills in producing an evaluation report on the event.

WG stated that it is important that South Forum are reaching out to the wider community to people who are living an isolated life.

Next Steering Group meeting will take place on Wednesday 26 November at Stonehaven Community Centre.

  1. Funding Applications and Financial Update

Funding Update – BK reported problems drawing down the £20,000 funding for the South Forum – Ian Duncan is looking into this.

Funding Applications – “Recovery – a Family Affair Event” being held on 24/1/15 in Inverurie £650 towards catering costs - Approved

This funding application was received from Grampian Family Support Forum towards catering costs for the above event. Requests for funding are also being submitted to North & Central Forums towards other expenditure for the event. Total overall cost of event is between £2,500 and £3,000. The application was discussed by forum members and it was agreed to fund this but Tanja was asked that an invitation to the event be extended to South Forum members and an evaluation should be completed and update on the event to be given to the South Forum meeting after the event.

Seasons for Growth

LB asked whether funding could be considered for another two projects re Seasons for Growth for P6 pupils – discussion followed and it was agreed that this application would be looked at favourably. It was agreed by the group that we should support peer education programmes outwith schools. It was suggested that Seasons for Growth for adults should also be looked at.

Early intervention sub-committee was another route to consider – Avril Nicol is contact

Loss & Bereavment – it was noted that there was lack of funding for this service and WG was asked to take this back to the ADP

  1. Update on C&YP Scoping Exercise – Figure 8 Consultancy

It was noted that Figure 8 have come back to Forum Chairs and have asked permission to drill down for more information. It was agreed that we should get the report first from the initial brief then make a decision on drilling down for further information at a later date. The report is due out in January 2015. WG taking forward conversations with Figure 8 re need for original report.

Concerns were raised re feedback received so far. Still apparent that there are still problems with pathway referrals for YP with alcohol or substance misuse and nowhere to signpost these to.

  1. Update on Forum Support Posts – WG

WG stated that Nada Sneddon lead Senior Community Engagement Officer has now been appointed – this post is specific to Central – start date 1 December 2014. Two other support worker posts will be recruited soon – one to South and one to North – these will be named individuals for each forum.

  1. Updates/events

Annual Grampian Substance Misuse Conference – 24/09/14

Feedback – excellent Conference especially ADP workshop and workshop on spirituality – over 50 attended this Conference. ADP funded places at this Conference for community members.

Discussion followed and it was agreed that costs should be cut down in order that the conference targets the people who want to be there and more places are made available for community members.

It was noted that the Conference empowered community members and highlighted that they were not a lone voice and also gave them confidence and knowledge from these events.

Conversation Café – Acorn Centre Inverurie – 24/09/14

Feedback – this was a training session on how to run conversation cafes – 25 – 28 attended this event – mostly community members.

It was noted that a lot of people had not heard about this event and noted that there should be more communication/publicity for these events.

Recovery Matters Event – 10/9/14 – Acorn Centre

Feedback – this was a training for trainers event – second part still to be completed. It was noted that there were more attendees from Central & North as compared to South. BC and FD plus two others attended. John from Comas extended an invitation to attendees to Edinburgh for more help if required..

Recovery Coaching – self coaching roll out

Feedback – Session 4 Self Coaching – 6 attendees every week – appears to be issues around travel/expenses. BC to put in application to cover travel costs etc. BC is undertaking this training in her work time. FD is going to prepare a full evaluation report and this is to be presented to the South Forum and wider ADP/CPP re sustainability funding.


Feedback – Stonehaven network in place – to be delivered for the next 6 weeks. LB to run group in Portlethen.

Lasertag Funding

Feedback - Very successful – to look for further funding.

Drugs Action

Kenny Malcolm to deliver legal high training in Inverurie soon. Question raised as to whether this can go on podcast – CM to look into this. Drugs Action has new website.

  1. A Safe Place over Xmas and New Year

This idea was fully supported and a suggestion of using Stonehaven Community Centre as a base to be open 3 days and 2 nights over the xmas period and to liase with Janet Tenant.

  1. AOCB

WG raised the question re “Take Home Naxolan” – wanted to test out local feeling and culture around this provision and any need to positively promote its take up and use as a first aid resource.

Discussion followed and South Forum to feed back.

WG raised update with Transport Scotland who have agreed to conduct a pilot to support costs of service users going to recovery groups and engaging in community resources. Pilot will be for six to nine months and anyone with any interest should contact WG direct.

JT is piloting a drug questionnaire on 20 November 2014 across Central Forum. Looking for 300 responses on 8 quality principles/standards to encourage a dialogue which can then feed into focus groups and wider ADP Agenda. JT to send out draft questionnaire by e-mail.

Discussion followed around evaluation tools such as Outcome Star and DAISY.

SMART group – 6 – 14 every week – still ongoing Wednesday 7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. Banchory