South East Wales Safeguarding Children Board
Child Sexual Exploitation Strategy
2013 - 2016

Statement of Intent

Sexual exploitation of children is child abuse and is completely unacceptable; the only effective way to tackle the sexual exploitation of children is via effective multi-agency and partnership working. Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation remains one of the most important challenges for the South East Wales Safeguarding Children Board (SEWSCB) and has been identified as one of its key priorities for the period 2013-2016.

Child Sexual Exploitation has become a high profile issue in the UK and a number of cases have come to the attention of the media and public in recent years. In this region we have identified sexual exploitation is a growing problem.

Sexual exploitation of young people under eighteen takes different forms, from young people being involved in sexually exploitative relationships and receiving money, drugs or accommodation in exchange for sex, to being exploited in more systematic ways involving an organised gang of adults. In all cases, those exploiting young people have power over them by virtue of their age, gender, physical strength or access to economic or other resources. While some element of coercion or intimidation is common, the involvement in exploitative relationships is most significantly characterized by choices born out of the social, emotional or economic vulnerability of the young person.

We recognise that sexual exploitation can have a serious, negative, long term impact on every aspect of the child or young persons wellbeing, health and education.

Young people who go missing are particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation. During periods of being missing young people are often internally trafficked, to other towns or cities, frequently by means of deception. Therefore the Board will work continually with the Gwent Missing Children Project to learn from their interventions with children who go missing, particularly those who are being, or at risk of being sexually exploited.

It is our collective multi-agency responsibility to prevent children becoming victims of this form of abuse; identify those children and young people at risk of exploitation; intervene to prevent harm; and work with parents/carers and communities to keep them safe. It is our intention to improve the lives of children and young people and we have developed this strategy in support of this aim. This requires a co-ordinated partnership approach to training and awareness raising, protection of children who are at risk and holding offenders to account. This document sets out how the Board will achieve this.

Our shared key priorities for Child Sexual Exploitation for 2013-2016 are:-



3.Bringing Offenders to Justice

4.Public Confidence

This document should be read in conjunction with;

  • The All Wales Child Protection Procedures 2008
  • The All Wales Protocol for Safeguarding Children at Risk of Child Sexual Exploitation 2008
  • The All Wales Protocol for Children who go Missing from Home or Care 2011


Child Sexual Exploitation Strategy Action Plan 2013-2016

Rationale and description of task
Linked to strategies or other work programme / Actions / Expected
Outcome / Expected Completion Date / Lead / Progress / Date and
Evidence of Completion


What are we going to do? / How are we going to do it? / How will we know if we have got there? / What have we done so far ?
1. Engage with children and young people at established youth forums to gain a better understanding of why children and young people go missing /
  • SEW missing children project developed to consult with children and young people in developing a complete picture of missing children and the victimisation process.
  • Children and young people who have been identified as missing and subsequently located are subject to an independent visit at an appropriate time to de brief
/ Project in place with Independent De-briefing service. Information gathered from de-brief meetings reported to CR&PD group annually and used to inform future practice / April 2014 / Kerry Wade / Project in place since April 2013. Service Manager for this project sits on the CRPD group and provides the link. / A
2. Develop multi agency activities to reduce the risk of children and young people becoming victims of CSE /
  • Development of the Thistle work pack; DVD and training materials to raise awareness in schools aimed at PSE lessons
/ Children and young people can tell us what CSE is and develop self protection skills / Ongoing from Jan 2013 / ZN to co-ordinate / Training pack incorporated into the All Wales School Liaison Core Programme (AWSLCP). It has been added to the lesson matrix for Key Stage 4 for use from Sep 13. Alsocirculated to all schools, alternative projects, youth services, sexual health services etc in the region for educational use.
The Training group is contacting schools and asking them to describe how they have implemented this pack and tell us how many pupils have had this awareness raising.
The next stage will be to evaluate the implementation – this will take place in 2014. / A
3. Children and young people at risk of becoming victims of CSE are identified at an early stage /
  • Regular and ongoing regional multi agency training programme in place for practitioners
/ All multi agency practitioners are aware and can utilise the CSE SERAF tool devised by Barnardos / Ongoing from April 2013 4 courses per year / ZN to co-ordinate / Training programme in place and evaluated at each delivery.
. / G
Annual review of training content and attendance reported to CRPD and Board
Rationale and description of task
Linked to strategies or other work programme / Actions / Expected
Outcome / Expected Completion Date / Lead / Progress / Date and
Evidence of Completion


What are we going to do? / How are we going to do it? / How will we know if we have got there? / What have we done so far?
1. Children and young people at risk of becoming victims of CSE are identified and safeguarded /
  • Engage with children and young people by conducting focus groups with young people who have been victimised to learn lessons
  • Clarify a lead professional for each agency in respect of CSE across South East Wales and disseminate to practitioners
  • Expectation of lead roles clear and made known
  • Markers are placed on children and young peoples health records at A and E and sexual health clinics in South East Wales
  • An audit is undertaken of cases involving young people who are being or at risk of being sexually exploited
  • Identify what safe accommodation is currently available within the region for children at risk or being exploited
/ Children and young people will share their experiences and these are shared with the CR&PD group to inform practice.
Practitioners will be able to tell us who their lead in their agency is for CSE and how to contact them. Increased incident reporting from partners in these areas leading to better safeguarding arrangements
Multi agency practice in the region is in line with the All Wales Protocol and outcomes for children are improving as a consequence of intervention.
Health staff will have a system in place that enables them to identify high risk young people and tailor pathways accordingly.
The Board will have a better understanding of the experiences of children who are sexually exploited and this will inform its work.
Practitioners are made aware of specialist services that can provide advice/guidance re accommodation / April 2014
April 2013
March 2014
December 2013
To begin April 2014
January 2014 / KW
ZN and SERAF team
L and R groups and CRPD
ZN and SERAF team to lead / Missing project In place with debriefing process and worker in place to undertake focus group work. PPU Officers with specialist knowledge of CSE allocated to high risk children and offer support through any criminal proceedings.
Completed - Lead professionals list updated along with expectations of role and circulated April 2013
Explore the potential for developing an accredited course for CSE leads in the region with SERAF team
This is in place for sexual health staff and work continues re A and E staff.
A review of available data will take place first and then an audit tool will be developed for cases involving multiple risky behaviours including CSE
Lack of safe, appropriate accommodation for children who are at risk or being exploited is a key risk factor in CSE. We need to establish what is available and ensure that practitioners know what options are in place. / A
2. Children who require safeguarding have a full assessment of their needs and referral to relevant services for intervention and support /
  • The All Wales Protocol standardises operational practice and has established a risk management model for use across all agencies in South East Wales
  • Develop a clear referral pathway that ensures effective information sharing and subsequent service delivery
  • Ensure all staff in contact with children and young people have sufficient skills commensurate with their role to identify those at risk of going missing/exploitation and those suffering exploitation
  • Develop links with early intervention services in the region to ensure workers are trained to identify and know what services they can refer to, develop common language and audit programme
  • Develop CSE data indicators in order to identify prevalence, hotspots, gaps in service for this group of children and address them.
/ SERAF tool is widely understood and utilised across South East Wales
Focus groups with practitioners evidence good information sharing and service delivery
Training on CSE is delivered across the range of agencies and sectors in the region at a relevant level commensurate with the worker’s role and responsibilities
Early intervention services are engaged in training and learning about identifying and responding to CSE and adolescents with risky behaviours. A common language which will support more effective communication across tiers of need is in place.
Data is shared with the Board that enables the identification of children who are being or at risk of being sexually exploited and an audit programme will enable us to identify outcomes for them / July 2011 – to be reviewed 2013
July 2013
Ongoing from April 2013 4 courses per year
January 2014
September 2014 / ZN link to AW group
ZN to co-ordinate
Lead GP
ZN to co-ordinate
ZN to co-ordinate / All Wales Protocol in place – awaiting revised version 2013 which will then be launched regionally.
Completed - Focus groups held and outcomes fed into 2013 review of AW protocol
Training programme in place and evaluated at each delivery.
The Training group is contacting all schools in the region to enquire how many of their staff have had CSE training and at what level.
Work ongoing with GPs to develop understanding of CSE and available services
Meetings set up to begin this work
This work has begun. / A
Section 28 audit
Agency Training Records
3. All parents, carers and professionals recognise the importance and value of working together as partners to safeguard children and young people /
  • Ensure the commitment of multi agency support for families to specifically educate and assist parents
  • Learn more about specific interventions parents, carers and professionals can make that are likely to be effective in minimising risk of CSE
  • Ensure that Foster Carers have Thistle training and are able to identify CSE and know what to do when concerned – write to each LA to find out what is in place currently
/ Parents and carers are involved in the assessment of CSE and this is evidenced in the assessment
Parents and carers are reporting periods when children and young people are missing
Foster carers will have a good understanding of CSE, risk indicators etc and will be better placed to protect Looked After children as a consequence / Ongoing from Jan 2013
Ongoing from April 2013
Ongoing in the region from April 2013 / ZN to co-ordinate
Kerry Wade
ZN / Thistle pack also in use in some parenting projects. Further work required to identify other projects that provide this information to parents and carers and other methods we could use to raise awareness.
Missing project to assist with this and lead professionals from all agencies
Need to establish how many carers have had the training to date and how many require it and then we can plan how this will be addressed / A
4. SEWSCB to provide ongoing scrutiny and governance of policy, procedure and practice in service delivery /
  • CSE is one of three strategic priorities for SEWSCB for 2013-2016
  • Monitor compliance with CSE protocol through the regional Case Review and Practice Development group and Learning and Reviewing groups audit 2014-2015
/ Annual Performance Management Report will highlight issues arising
CRPDG will gather the data and highlight issues and themes for SEWSCB / From April 2014 / ZN
LS and L and R Chairs / Measure to be developed 13/14 and then data to be collected 14/15 and reported to Board from Oct 2014
As for audit in Action 1 of this section / A
Rationale and description of task
Linked to strategies or other work programme / Actions / Expected
Outcome / Expected Completion Date / Lead / Progress / Date and
Evidence of Completion
What are we going to do? /

How are we going to do it?

/ How will we know if we have got there? / What have we done so far?
1. Develop a CSE team within South East Wales /
  • Gwent Police launched Operation Artemis commenced in 2011 to ascertain whether there is organised CSE in South East Wales.
  • CSE team to work with those children and young people suffering or at risk of suffering CSE until the age of 18 years or demonstrable reduction in risk
/ Dedicated staff deal with CSE investigations and this is made known to all agencies
There is a data set of children subject to CSE held by Gwent Police considered under Operation Artemis subject to review with current and non current numbers. / Ongoing from April 2013
Ongoing from April 2013 / DS Paul Davies / This team is already in place and supporting high risk young people across the region. This work will be incorporated into the Public Protection Unit core business soon.
Currently almost 100 have been considered by the Operation. / G
2. Identify Offenders /
  • Ensure an overview of CSE strategy meetings to identify patterns/themes arising/organised crime and share information quarterly
  • Utilise those orders available via the Sexual Offences Act;
  • Abduction notices
  • Sexual Offences Prevention Order
  • Prevention Order
  • Section 115 Information sharing meetings
/ Each agency has a CSE lead that can meet quarterly to share relevant patterns
Increased conviction rate and increased request for Section 115 meetings
Revocation of taxi licences / Ongoing from April 2014
Ongoing / CP Co-ordinators and DS Davies
DS Paul Davies / All Cp Co-ordinators and PPU Officers plan to meet regularly to consider practice issues and data to inform future work.
This work is ongoing as part of the core business of the team. / A
3. Ensure victims are supported throughout the criminal justice process /
  • Ensure victims are fully prepared for Court through pre court familiarisations/witness service through statutory/voluntary organisations
/ Victims of CSE are supported through the criminal justice process / Ongoing / Paul Davies/ CPS/ Victim Support / Each high risk young person is allocated a specialist officer from the Public Protection Unit who is their main point of contact throughout the process / G
Rationale and description of task
Linked to strategies or other work programme / Actions / Expected
Outcome / Expected Completion Date / Lead / Progress / Date and
Evidence of Completion


What are we going to do? /

How are we going to do it?

/ How will we know if we have got there? / What have we done so far?

1. Local communities and citizens of South East Wales are aware of CSE and how it affects individuals and wider communities

  • Communicate key safeguarding messages to parents/carers and the general public
  • A further 500 local police officers will be trained on CSE
/ Initial rise in the numbers of children and young people referred to Children’s Services due to concerns about CSE
More front line officers are trained to identify and respond to CSE / September 2014
Ongoing from September 2014 / E and C group
GH / This work has been added to the work plan of the Engagement and Communication group. Methods used to raise awareness will include the Board website, information leaflets and public events.
All probationers in Gwent will receive CSE awareness raising as part of their probationary period. These officers will be well placed to liaise with the public and to identify CSE themselves. / A

2. Agree a Multi Agency Media Campaign

  • Explore several options of engagement appropriate to target all sections of the community. Utilising multi media/social networking technology to target difference social groups and to raise awareness and increase reporting
/ Accessible information is made available to all communities regarding CSE / September 2014 / E and C group / Added to Engagement and Communication work plan / A

3. Local Businesses of South East Wales are aware of CSE and are proactively engaged in recognising risk factors and able to report concerns effectively

  • Target Taxi firms and hotels to raise awareness
  • A multi agency approach to raising awareness and increasing reporting among key groups within the community is underway. To include generic briefings to hotel chains, door staff and licensing agencies
  • Capture concerns arising under Part 4 of the All Wales Child Protection Procedures
/ Data set will identify these groups as referring concerns to police or statutory body
Requests for CSE training will increase from local businesses
Outcomes from Part 4 meetings will be shared with employers/regulatory bodies and information captured via annual performance report to SEWSCB / September 2014
Ongoing to be evaluated September 2014
Ongoing from September 2013 / E and C group
E and C group/Gwent Police
CP Co-ordinators / Added to the work plan of the Engagement and Communication group.
As above. In addition the CSE Officers within Gwent Police Public Protection Unit have been undertaking this as a consequence of concerns identified in investigations
The CP Co-ordinators will be meeting quarterly to compare data and identify learning from the professional strategy meeting process. Initial meeting held and terms of reference agreed. / A