Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, BarbaraDavisCenter for Childhood Diabetes
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable) / MM/YY / FIELD OF STUDY
University of Lausanne, Switzerland / MD / 12/1993 / Medicine
University of Geneva, Switzerland / Residency / 12/2000 / Pediatrics
University of ColoradoSchool of Medicine, Denver, CO / Fellowship / 09/2008 / Pediatric Endocrinology
A. Personal Statement
My primary research focus is in the area of genetics, epidemiology and prevention of type 1 diabetes. I have a background in pediatric endocrinology, with specific training and expertise in pediatric diabetes. My prior research experience includes work with epidemiological studies such as DAISY (Diabetes Autoimmunity Study in the Young) and genetic studies such as T1DGC (Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium). At this time, I am the PI for a JDRF funded study looking at extreme risk for type 1 diabetes in DR3/4-DQ8 subjects (Genetic Analysis and Biobank). I am also involved in prevention studies such as the TrialNet Oral Insulin Trial. In the last few years, I have worked with investigators from DAISY and T1DGC to evaluate contribution of HLA and non-HLA genes (INS, CTLA-4, PTPN22) to type 1 diabetes genetic risk. I am the PI for the CYPRESS study (C-peptide in the Young Preservation Study) looking at preservation of C-peptide over time in children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes through prospective studies such as DAISY and TEDDY compared to a group of age matched type 1 diabetes controls from the community. I am also the PI of the Monogenic Diabetes study at the BarbaraDavisCenter, investigating monogenic forms of diabetes. In summary, I have a demonstrated record of successful and productive research projects in collaboration with local and national colleagues with the DAISY, T1DGC and TrialNet studies. My expertise and experience have prepared me to serve as a contributing investigator in the proposed project.
B. Positions and Honors.
Positions and Employment
1994-2000Pediatric Residency, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland
2000-2001Pediatric Chief Resident, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland
2002-2005Postdoctoral Fellow, BarbaraDavisCenter for Childhood Diabetes, Denver, CO
2006-2008Pediatric Endocrinology Fellow, University of Colorado, Denver, CO
2008-2009Instructor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado Denver, The Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes and The Children’s Hospital
2010-presentAssistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado Denver, The Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes and The Children’s Hospital
Professional Societies
2000-Swiss Pediatric Society
2006-Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society
2007-The Endocrine Society
2008-American Diabetes Association
C. Selected peer-reviewed publications
Most relevant to the current application (up to 5)
- Steck AK, Barriga KJ, Emery LM, Fiallo-Scharer RV, Gottlieb PA, Rewers MJ. “ Secondary attack rate of type 1 diabetes in Colorado families”. Diabetes Care. 2005 Feb;28(2):296- 300.PMID: 15677782.
- Steck AK, Bugawan TL, Valdes AM, Emery LM, Blair A, Norris JM, Redondo MJ, Babu SR, Erlich HA, Eisenbarth GS, Rewers MJ. “Association of Non-HLA Genes With Type 1 Diabetes Autoimmunity”. Diabetes. 2005 Aug;54(8):2482-6. PMID: 16046318.
- SteckAK, Zhang W, Bugawan TL, Barriga KJ, Blair A, Erlich HA, Eisenbarth, GS, Norris JM and Rewers MJ. “Do non-HLA Genes Influence Development of Persistent Islet Autoimmunity and Type 1 Diabetes in Children with High-Risk HLA-DR,DQ Genotypes?” Diabetes. 2009 Apr;58(4):1028-33. PMID 19188433; PMCID 2661592
- Steck AK, Armstrong TK, Babu SR, Eisenbarth GS; T1DGC. Stepwise or linear decrease in penetrance of type 1 diabetes with lower-risk HLA genotypes over the past 40 years. Diabetes. 2011 Mars; 60 (3): 1045-1049. PMID 21307077
- Steck AK, Johnson K, Barriga KJ, Miao D, Yu L, Hutton JC, Eisenbarth GS, Rewers MJ. Age of Islet Autoantibody Appearance and Mean Levels of Insulin, but Not GAD or IA-2 Autoantibodies, Predict Age of Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes: Diabetes Autoimmunity Study in the Young. Diabetes Care. 2011 Jun;34(6):1397-9. Epub 2011 May 11. PMID:21562325
Additional recent publications of importance to the field (up to 10)
- SteckAK, Rewers MJ. Genetics of Type 1 Diabetes. Clinical Chem. 2011 Feb; 57(2): 176-85. Epub 2011 Jan 4. Review.PMID: 21205883
- Aly TA, Ide A, Humphrey K, Barker JM, Steck A, Erlich HA, Yu L, Miao D, Redondo MJ, McFann K, Roberts CM, Babu SR, Norris JM, Eisenbarth GS, Rewers MJ. “Genetic Prediction of autoimmunity: Initial oligogenic prediction of anti-islet autoimmunity amongst DR3/DR4-DQ8 relatives of patients with type 1A diabetes”. J Autoimmun. 2005;25 Suppl:40-5. Epub 2005 Oct 19. PMID: 16242305.
- Steck AK, Baschal EE, Jasinski JM, Boehm BO, Bottini N, Concannon P, Julier C, Morahan G, Noble JA, Polychronakos C, She JX, Eisenbarth GS and the T1DGC. “rs2476601 Allele T (R620W) Defines High Risk PTPN22 Diabetes Associated Haplotypes with Preliminary Evidence for an Additional Protective Haplotype”. Genes Immun. 2009 Dec;10, S21–S26. PMID: 19956096; PMCID:2805459.
- SteckAK, Liu SY, McFann K, Barriga KJ, Babu SR, Eisenbarth GS, Rewers MJ, She JX. “ Association of the PTPN22/LYP gene with Type 1 Diabetes”. Pediatric Diabetes. 2006 Oct;7(5):274-8. PMID: 17054449.
- Steck AK and Eisenbarth GS. “Genetic similarities between latent autoimmune diabetes and type 1 and type 2 diabetes”. Diabetes. 2008 May; 57(5):1160-2. PMID: 18443373.
- Yu J, Steck AK, Babu S, Yu L, Miao D, McFann K, Hutton J, Eisenbarth GS, Klingensmith GJ. “Single Nucleotide Transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) Gene Polymorphisms in Anti-Islet Autoantibody Negative Patients at Onset of Diabetes”. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Dec 2. PMCID: 2646512.
- Liu S, Wang H, Jin Y, Podolsky R, Reddy MV, Pedersen J, Bode B, Reed J, Steed D, Anderson S, Yang P, Muir A, Steed L, Hopkins D, Huang Y, Purohit S, Wang CY, Steck AK, Montemari A, Eisenbarth G, Rewers M, She JX. “IFIH1 Polymorphisms Are Significantly Associated with Type 1 Diabetes and IFIH1 Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells”. Hum Mol Genet. 2009 Jan 15;18(2):358-65. PMID 18927125; PMCID2638779
- Baschal EE, Aly TA, Jasinski JM, SteckAK, Johnson KN, Noble JA, Erlich HA, Eisenbarth GS; Diabetes Genetics Consortium. “The frequent and conserved DR3-B8-A1 extended haplotype confers less diabetes risk than other DR3 haplotypes”. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2009 Feb;11 Suppl 1:25-30. PMID: 19143812; PMCID: 2769935.
- Baschal EE, Aly TA, Jasinski JM, SteckAK, Noble JA, Erlich HA, Eisenbarth GS; Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium. “Defining Multiple Common “Completely” Conserved Major Histocompatibility Complex SNP Haplotypes”. Clinical Immunol. 2009 Aug;132(2):203-14. PMID: 19427271.
- The Past, Present, and Future of Genetic Associations in Type 1 Diabetes. Baker PR 2nd, Steck AK. Curr Diab Rep. 2011 Jul 27. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 21792535
D. Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
U01DK085509 Gottlieb (PI)09/30/2009–04/30/2014NIH, NIDDK
Principal Investigator of the UC TrialNet Affiliate Site: Peter Gottlieb, MD
TrialNet: Diabetes Type 1 Prevention
Role: PI of the TrialNet Oral Insulin Trial
The goal of this project is to look at possible prevention of type 1 diabetes with oral insulin treatment.
11-2010-206 Steck (PI) 03/01/2010- 02/28/2013
Genetic Analysis and Biobank of DR3/4-DQ8: Extreme Risk for Type 1 Diabetes
The goal of this project is to look at genetic risk prediction for type 1 diabetes in DR3/4-DQ8 subjects.
Role: PI
R37 DK32493 NIH, NIDDK Rewers (PI) 11/01/94-05/31/17
Principal Investigator: Marian Rewers, MD, PhD
Natural History of Pre-Diabetic Autoimmunity/Diabetes Autoimmunity Study in the Young (DAISY)
To determine age-specific incidence of islet autoimmunity, risk factors, and determinants of progression to diabetes
Role: co-investigator
Completed Research Support
AI050864 Steck (PI) 01/2008-06/30/10
NIHAutoimmunePreventionCenter pilot proposal
Cooperative Study Group for Autoimmune Disease Prevention
Next generation sequencing to define triggering pathogens of type 1 diabetes.
Role: PI
2-5-15275 Dabelea (PI) 03/01/2008-02/28/2010
WFUSM SEARCH.FC (SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth: Monogenic Diabetes)
Role: Co-Investigator
K12 DK063722 Klingensmith (PI) 01/2008-01/31/2010
NIH/NIDDK, Mentor Based Award
Award for continued research development in diabetes for junior faculty in pediatric