AUGUST 7, 2013


The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Atwater City Council was called to order on Wednesday, August 7, 2013 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers by Mayor Mark Olson. Council members present were Shane Hagstrom, Gary Tagtow,Patrick Wortham, and Reed Schmidt. Visitors at the meeting wereJared Voge of Bolton and Menk, Mike Schoenekcer from Winkelman Building Corporation, Ryan Baum from Utility Service, Brandon Krangenbring from HandleBar. Representing the city departments were Police Chief Trevor Berger and Officer Ross Johnsonand Steve Bomstad from Maintenance.

The minutes of regular meeting of August 7th, 2013 were motioned for approval by Hagstrom and second by Wortham. Motion carried unanimously.

Ryan Baum – Utiltiy Service Regarding mixer for water tower

Baum climbed the water tower and took pictures last winter and was surprised to find the water tower was almost frozen. He is suggesting to the council mixing the tank all day for the entire 24 hour period. He would like to install a PAX water mixer for $11,750 or 3 payments ($3916.67) added to current maintenance agreement. The promotion is that there is no installation fee (a savings of $4,000). The motor has a three year warranty. There is already an outlet up on the water tower, so installation should be easy. It sucks up water from the bottom and circulates the water moving at all times.

Mayor Olson asked if the rusting issued were taken care of along with the safety issued. Baum replied safety issues would have cost $15,000 to $20,000 more and Baum suggested no doing the upgrades. City employees shouldn’t be climbing the tower but it is up to OSHA standards. Bomstad is happy with the current shape of the water tower and stated it is in really nice shape. Motion to purchase the PAX water mixer for $11,750 for three years was made by Wortham and second by Tagtow. Motion was carried by all.


On September 14th Kragenbring and the Iron Warriors will host a benefit motorcycle ride in memory of Chelsey Neilson. The ride will begin here in Atwater and do a three stop route and will end up back here at 5 p.m. for supper. Street dance will begin at 7 pm. Wants to extend the fence down to the park shelter, where the beer garden will be located. The street will need to be blocked off from 8 a.m. to approximately 2 a.m. Kragenbring has the entire liquor catering permit completed this time. Tagtow asked if he needs to quit at midnight for noise ordinance, Kragenbring asked if they could go until 1 a.m. otherwise the bar would get slammed and too crowded with customers. Motion to approve street dance and off premises permit for the HandleBar by Wortham and second by Hagstrom pending he gets his catering license and the city is named on his insurance policy.


Schonecker informed the council that the building will have 4 single bedrooms and 10 two bedroom apartments. Single set up will be 700 square feet and two bedrooms will be 1000 square feet. He agreed to a $6500 escrow account. Rents will be $600 to $700. This TIF will help cover the revenue to pay back the loan. After the TIF is finished in 10 to 15 years it would put an additional $15,000 to $25,000 in taxes when it goes back on the tax roll. After a rousing discussion regarding renting versus purchasing a house for about the same price, Schonecker reminded us that that would 14 new families to Atwater and will add to the school district also. Tagtow asked if it was possible if MNDot would allow the complex direct access, and he would contact them to see if it was possible. Three units on lower floor would be handicapped accessible. Target build date would be spring of 2014.


Voge submitted the scaled down version of the 2014 Street Project starting at Main Street going West on Pacific, then south on Fourth Street until Montana. Final portion is Dakota from the curve to 3rd Street South. Break down of the project was street costs at $1,398,420, storm sewer at $333,660, sanitary sewer at $698,230 and watermain at $286,120 totaling $2,716,430. At the September 4th meeting there will be a feasibility report amendment and public hearing for the project. The rest of the project was updated on the schedule portion of the report. He submitted a revised assessment roll which was attached to the report. The city needs to look at updating the assessment policy. Motion was made by Hagstrom and second by Wortham to approve the scope of the project and accept the amended feasibility study. Hagstrom amended his motion to include a public hearing on October 2nd. Vote went as follows: yea; Schmidt, Wortham and Hagstrom, nay; Tagtow. Motion carried.


Chief Berger reviewed the July service report. He started a shop for the Atwater Police Department apparel on line. The department would get 12% of the profits which he would like to see go toward a new K-9. Berger had three quotes for aFord “interceptor” car. First quote was Tenvoorde Ford for $24,277 plus fees, Atwater Ford for $24,359 plus fees, and Lundeen Brothers $25,177. No motion was made at this time. Equipment will not transfer off the Explorer, but the sale of the Explorer should bring in around $ 5,000. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of the new vehicle. Reserves are at $22,000 and the vehicle would be ordered in December and arrive in March. The reserve isn’t enough so 2014 will be a larger dollar amount for the levy. Equipment will be on a separate bid.

Berger is working on our current golf cart and 4 wheelers; he is also working with the county to get a laptop for the Chief’s truck. Purchasing one won’t be the most effective because of copyright payments. Best way would to “rent” one from the county, it would automatically get updated.


Bomstad informed the council that he is preparing to move the flag pole in the downtown park. Turks trees will spade and place the pine tree for “memory” tree. He is also moving the power pole. The sirens at the school still didn’t work. Council pulled the bill from Frontline Plus, from the vouchers until the sirens are fixed.


The website is up and running. The EDA hired Jessica Halvorson to oversee the new online newsletter named Atwater Stream available under the Atwater chamber website. Please forward her any ideas, articles or news worthy items.


The July cash flow was in the agenda packet. On August 13th there is a meeting in Redwood Falls with the SW/WC Cooperative were we get our health insurance. The new rates will be handed out that afternoon. Council gave permission for Smith to attend.


Mayor Olson suggested changing from 15 year to 5 year term. Hagstrom asked if anything could be put in for channel 8, local access channel. Olson agreed that should be put in the renewal franchise agreement.


A representative from the DNR called and asked if the city would be interested in treating the weeds around the fishing pier and by the baseball field. This would give the small fry Walleye a better chance, plus we need to the aerators going in both lakes before the freeze. Hagstrom will call the DNR to see what application can be done to cut down on the green algae.


A new updated mutual aid agreement was in the agenda packet for council review. A motion was made by Schmidt and second by Wortham. Motion was carried unanimously.


An application for a cigarette license was received from Casey’s General Store soon to be located in the current Schmidty’s. Motion to approve the license was made by Hagstrom and second by Wortham.Motion was carried unanimously.


The 2014 Local Government aid will be $289,781 up $52,440 from 2013.


A review of the 2012 facility/permit was submitted to the council meeting DMRs were timely and levels were under the State of Minnesota guidelines.


A motion was made by Hagstrom and second by Schmidtto approve a dance permit for the month of September 2013 for the IDK. Motion was carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Wortham and second by Hagstrom for a street dance permit for September14th, 2013 contingent on him filling out the paperwork. Motion was carried unanimously.


The following verified accounts were presented for payment, upon approval of the Finance Committee; it was moved by Hagstrom and seconded by Wortham. Motion carried, authorizing the Clerk/Treasurer to make such disbursements: August 9, 2013 (Checks no. #24715 – 24753 for $116,313.15). Motion carried unanimously.


Via phone Omdal explained that the city needed to pass the agreement with Northland Securities and authorize Clerk Smith as contact person for developer for an escrow agreement contract. Public hearing would be 45 days out. A motion was made by Schmidt and second by Wortham to accept the contract with Northland Securities for the TIF district. Vote went as follows: Yea; Wortham, Hagstrom and Schmidt, Nay; Tagtow. Motion carried.

A motion was made to adjourn byTagtowand seconded bySchmidt at9:33 pm. Motion carried unanimously.


Goldie Smith

City Clerk/Treasurer