South Carolina Athletic Trainers Association
To: South Carolina High School Student Athletic Training Aides
From: Scott Ganucheau, ATC; Scott Thomas, ATC, Niki Gay, ATC, Amy Knogge, ATC
The South Carolina Athletic Trainer’s Association Annual Workshop for Student
Athletic Training Aides will be held on March 21stfrom 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, at Westwood High School180 Turkey Farm Road, Blythewood, SC 29016. There will be a variety oftopics aimed at increasing the knowledge and skills of a high school student athletictraining aide. We encourage all student athletic training aides to attend.
The tentative topics include:
1. Lower body taping
2. Upper body taping
3. Spine boarding / Emergency situations
4. First aid / blood control procedures
5. Rehabilitation techniques for lower body
6. Rehabilitation techniques for upper body
7. Crutch usage and splinting
8. Stretching methods and techniques
9. Basic use of modalities
10. Types and application of braces used in athletics
The cost is $25.00 and includes lunch, folder and a t-shirt. Please make sure thatyour registration form is sent in by Wednesday, March 4, 2015. After this time theregistration fee will increase to $35.00, and we cannot guarantee your T-shirt size request.Checks should be made payable to SCATA. Please feel free to make copies of theregistration form as needed. There will be no confirmation sent. There will be no refundsgiven after March 10, 2015, but another student may be substituted. Students must bepresent at the workshop to receive the t-shirt and notebook.
All registration materials will be emailed to the athletic trainer and also available onthe SCATA website. If you have questions, please contact Scott Thomas by mail, phoneor email.
Scott Thomas, ATC, CSCS
White Knoll High School
5643 Platt Springs Road
Lexington, SC 29073
South Carolina SCATA High School Workshop
@ Westwood High School on Saturday, MARCH 21st
Please PRINT clearly and legibly
Home Address:______
City, Zip Code:______
High School:______
Email Address:______
Emergency Contact:______
Please list any Food Allergies or Special Diets:______
Would you like your email and address given to colleges for them to send you information:
Please Circle:YesNo
T-shirt Size: SmallMediumLargeX-LargeXX-Large
Please return this form with $25.00 by Wednesday, March 4, 2015
After this date send $35.00.
Make Checks payable to SCATA
Please send forms filled out electronically to
Mail forms and/or money to:
Scott Thomas, ATC, CSCS
White Knoll High School
5643 Platt Springs Road
Lexington, SC 29073
There will be no confirmation sent.
If you have any questions about registration, please contact Scott Thomas by email.
If your registration is not received by the deadline then a t-shirt will not be guaranteed nor will your t-shirt size. If you are not present, the materials from the workshop will not be sent or mailed to the participant. If you cannot attend, please contact Scott Thomas by March 10,, 2015 for a refund. After this date no refunds will be issued.