Math 8 Expectations
Period 3,4, 5, & 7
Topics Covered
Data and Graphs Functions and Graphs
Measurement Relationships in Geometry
Real Numbers and Variable Expressions Polynomials
Two- and Three-Dimensional Geometry Probability
Equations and Inequalities
OAA Prep
Student Expectations
In order to create an effective learning environment, these needs must be met:
· Be to class on time.
· Be respectful.
· Be prepared for class. Bring textbook, notebook, paper, pencil and a willingness to learn, everyday.
· Show respect for everyone. No talking when someone else is talking. Raise hand to be recognized before speaking. Stay in your seat. Throw paper out at the end of the period.
· Follow all directions.
· You will keep all class notes and examples organized. Your homework will be collected and graded occasionally. Late homework will NOT be accepted after the chapter test. Tests will generally occur after each chapter. Quizzes will occur throughout each chapter. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
Discipline Procedures
If these needs are not met and/or use of foul language, the following discipline procedures will take place:
1. Verbal warning
2. Call home
3. Office Referral
*****Note, discipline may be upgraded depending on the behavior of the student.
Grading Scale: 90% - 100 % A
80% - 89% B
70% - 79% C
60% - 69% D
59% - 0% F
You are responsible for your grades. Do not ask what your grade is. We update Infinite Campus on often. Please use that as a tool of communication. Please see us if you have a different grade than we have in the computer.
Missing Class
· Absences
◦ Cutting – no credit
◦ Unexcused – no credit
◦ Excused – credit and 2 days to make-up work
· Lesson plans are located on my staff webpage at the MMS website. Missing work and returned papers can be located on the bulletin board.
Missing Work
· Lunch Bunch!
· Each student can have 3 passes per nine-week period. Passes are for emergency purposes.
· Unexcused Tardy Policy. (Use the tardy policy in student handbook)
· Scientific Calculator Texas Instrument Calculator TI-30X IIS.
· Orange notebook
· Pen, pencil, highlighter, tape or glue stick
Math Tutoring
· To Be Determined.
· on-line classroom
Mrs. Collins can be reached at 428-1196 or by e-mail at .
Mrs. Barton can be reached at 428-1196 or by e-mail at .