Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Planning & Budget/Precept Meeting held at the Stanford Centre Cooper Lane Laceby on Tuesday 17 January 2017 at 7.30 p.m.

11652Present: Councillor D. Marshall – Chairman.

Councillors: Mrs. S. Greenbeck. Mrs. S. Turner. Mrs. R. James.

Mrs. B. Metcalf – Vice Chairman.

Also Present: Mrs. D. Weatherill – Clerk.

11653Apologies: Councillors: Mrs. J. Howells & P. Schofield.

Ward Councillor D. Hasthorpe.

11654Declarations of Interest

Councillor Marshall declared an interest in the Budget item in respect of Chairman’s allowance and signed the required form.

No Public Forum – no public present.

11655Planning Matters

No plans received.

11656Budget 2017/2018

The Clerk had provided last year’s budget figures in comparison with estimated income and expenditure figures to 31 March 2017. The Clerk had then produced a suggested budget for 2017/2018 for consideration by Councillors. These figures had been supplied with the agenda.

The Chairman requested the Clerk to explain the possible excess for the year ending 31 March 2017; and she stated the possible excess of just over £10,000.00 was mostly due to The Stanford Centre Group not yet requiring the £8,000.00 that the Parish Council had put into last year’s budget to support the upkeep of the Stanford Centre.

Councillor Metcalf stated that the lease of the building was due this year again and that the Stanford Group may be liable for NELC rates this year which were estimated to be in the region of £6,000.00 on the building.

The Clerk stated too that the budget for donations was only at £1,000.00 for the current financial year and with the £500.00 donation to be given to Laceby in Bloom, they would therefore receive £800.00 this year. It was resolved to give the £500.00 out of next year’s donation budget. The Clerk was requested to ensure all Councillors had donation budget information prior to any future requests for donations.

The Chairman suggested each item on the budget figures supplied should be discussed separately and agreed or altered. However the Chairman would not take part in discussions on the Chairman’s allowance part of the budget.

Three items were increased against the suggested budget for expenditure which was £49,280.00. The increase for the three items totalled £1,400.00 bringing the anticipated budget expenditure for the year 2017/2018 to £50,680.00.

The Clerk had also provided budget income figures for 2016/2017 and anticipated income to 31 March 2017 against this budget.

At the same time she had supplied suggested income figures for 2017/2018. To reconcile income against possible expenditure for the year 2017/2018 it was proposed by Councillor Metcalf that the increase in expenditure of £1,400.00 should be taken from reserves rather than increase the precept by this amount; this was seconded by Councillor Turner and resolved unanimously.

11657Precept for 2017/2018

Councillor James stated that she felt NELC were bound to increase household rates/community charge for individual households.

The Clerk queried therefore if Councillors were happy to keep the precept figure at £38,000.00 since she had to inform NELC before the end of January.

It was proposed by Councillor Greenbeck that no increase in precept should be made and it should be kept at £38,000.00, seconded by Councillor James and carried unanimously.

The Chairman, Councillor Marshall, then closed the meeting at 8.35 p.m.

SIGNED…………………………………………………….. 7 March 2017


Laceby Parish Council – Planning/Budget/Precept Meeting

17 January 2017Page 1