Metuchen Public Library

480 Middlesex Avenue

Metuchen, NJ 08840


Metuchen Makery User Agreement

1.  In order to use the Metuchen Makery and its equipment, you must meet the following guidelines:

·  Have a current Metuchen Library card or Libraries of Middlesex Automation Consortium library card in good standing.

·  Understand that Metuchen Library card holders have first priority to reserve and use of the tools and equipment.

·  Leave your library card at the Main Service Desk until finished in the Metuchen Makery. These must be picked up when finished and staff needs to check room and equipment before returning library card.

·  Be in middle school or above to use the lab unsupervised. Younger users are welcome to use the Makery with adult accompaniment. For minors, a photo ID, such as a school ID in addition to a library card is required when reserving the tools and equipment. A signed copy of the User Agreement with parent/guardian’s signature accompanied by a copy of the parent/guardian’s photo ID is also acceptable.

2.  Your signature indicates your agreement to the following:

·  I accept full responsibility for the Metuchen Makery facilities and equipment for inappropriate use and negligence.

·  I will not alter any settings, remove or add any items or presets from computers or other equipment

·  I will notify the Makery staff and Main Service Desk Staff in person when I am done using the Metuchen Makery and wait for them to check the equipment.

·  I accept full financial responsibility for Metuchen Makery equipment and agree to pay all costs associated with damage or loss of Metuchen Makery equipment and peripherals while in use by me. (Copy of replacement costs on file)

·  I understand the library may use any appropriate means to collect the amount owed by me for fees, damages, or loss.

·  If I encounter any problems with Metuchen Makery equipment or peripherals, I will return these items to the Main Services Desk immediately.

Borrower’s Signature: ______Date: ____/____/______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ____/____/______

Library Card No. : ______

School ID No,: ______

Staff Name and Signature: ______