Professor Stephen Parker

List of Publications (last updated 16/5/17)


2005 Faith on the Home Front: Aspects of Church Life and Popular Religion in Birmingham, 1939 – 1945. Bern: Peter Lang.


2012 Religious Education and Freedom of Religion and Belief. Bern: Peter Lang. Joint editor with Rob Freathy and Leslie J. Francis.

2012 God and War: the Church of England and Armed Conflict in the Twentieth-century. Aldershot: Ashgate. Joint editor with Tom Lawson.

2014 History, Remembrance and Religious Education. Bern: Peter Lang. Joint editor with Rob Freathy and Leslie J. Francis.

2017 The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood. London: Bloomsbury. Joint contributing-editor with Anna Strhan and Susan Ridgley.


2011 Faith in Education. Journal of Beliefs and Values (special edition in honour of Marius Felderhof), 32: 2. Edited with W.S. Campbell.

2015 The Future of Religious Education in England. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 36: 1 Edited with Rob Freathy and David Aldridge.

2016 Professionalism, Professionalization and Professionality in Religious Education joint special issue of the British Journal of Religious Education, 38(2) and Zeitschrift fur Padagogik und Theologie 68(2) (with Rob Freathy, Friedrich Schweitzer and Henrik Simojoki).


2001 Keeping Faith and Coping: belief, popular religiosity and the British people. In Liddle, P., Bourne, J. and Whitehead, I. (eds.) (2001) The Great World War (Volume 2): The people’s experience. London: Harper Collins. Co-authored with Michael F. Snape.

2012 Reinvigorating Christian Britain: the spiritual opportunities of the war, national identity, and the hope of Religious Education. In Parker, S.G. and Lawson, T. (eds) (2012) God and War: the Church of England and Armed Conflict in the Twentieth-century. Aldershot: Ashgate.

2012 God and War: a century in the politics of religion. In Parker, S.G. and Lawson, T. (eds). (2012) God and War: the Church of England and Armed Conflict in the Twentieth-century. Aldershot: Ashgate. Co-authored with Tom Lawson.

2012 Freedom from Religious Beliefs: Humanists and Religious Education in England in the 1960s and 70s. In Parker, S.G., Freathy R.J.K. and Francis, L.J. (eds) (2012). Religious Education and Freedom of Religion and Belief. Bern: Peter Lang. Co-authored with Rob Freathy.

2012 Introduction in Parker S, Freathy R, Francis LJ (eds.) (2012) Religious Education and Freedom of Religion and Belief, Oxford: Peter Lang, 1-3. Co-authored with Rob Freathy and Leslie J. Francis.

2015 Raiders of the Lost Archive: researching the hidden history of religious education in English schools. In Parker, S.G., Freathy R.J.K. and Francis, L.J. (eds). History, Remembrance and Religious Education. Bern: Peter Lang. Co-authored with Rob Freathy and Jonathan Doney.

2015 Introduction In Parker, S.G., Freathy R.J.K. and Francis, L.J. (eds). History, Remembrance and Religious Education. Bern: Peter Lang. Co-authored with Rob Freathy.

2016 Towards international comparative research on the professionalisation of Religious Education (with Rob Freathy, Friedrich Schweitzer and Henrik Simojoki). In Kuusisto, A. and Lovat, T., Contemporary Challenges for Religious and Spiritual Education London: Routledge.

2016 Creating and preserving a ‘community of the air’: the BBC’s ‘Religious Service for Schools’, ‘Come and Praise’, continuity and change in the musical aesthetic and religious discourse around the child in the late twentieth century. In Strhan, A., Parker, S.G., and Ridgley, S. The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood London: Bloomsbury.

2016 Classrooms as spaces of everyday religious and moral education and socialization. In Strhan, A., Parker, S.G., and Ridgley, S. The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood London: Bloomsbury.

2016 Childhood, Faith and the Future: religious education and ‘national character’ in the Second World War. In Strhan, A., Parker, S.G., and Ridgley, S. The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood London: Bloomsbury (with Rob Freathy).


2009b ‘Blessed are the pacifists’: E.W. Barnes of Birmingham and Pacifism, 1914-1945. Midland History, Vol. 34: 2, 204–219. DOI: 10.1179/175638109X417369

2009a Theorizing sacred space in educational contexts: a case study of three English Midlands Sixth Form Colleges. Journal of Beliefs and Values: studies in religion and education, 30:1, 29-39. DOI: 10.1080/13617670902784527

2010 ‘The necessity of historical inquiry in educational research: the case of religious education’, British Journal of Religious Education, 32: 3, 229 – 243. DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2010.498612 (with Rob Freathy)

2010 'Teach them to pray Auntie’: Children's Hour Prayers at the BBC, 1940-1961', History of Education, Vol. 39: 5, 659-676.

2011 ‘Context, Complexity and Contestation: Birmingham’s Agreed Syllabuses since the 1960s’, Journal of Beliefs and Values: studies in religion and education, 32: 2, 247 – 263. (with Rob Freathy)

2012 ‘Ethnic diversity, Christian hegemony and the emergence of multi-faith religious education in the 1970s’, History of Education, 41: 3, 381–404. (with Rob Freathy)

2013 ‘Secularists, Humanists and Religious Education: religious crisis and curriculum change in England, 1963-1975’, History of Education, 42: 2, 222-257. (with Rob Freathy)

2014 ‘Towards international comparative research on the professionalisation of Religious Education’, (with Rob Freathy, Friedrich Schweitzer and Henrik Simojoki), Journal of Beliefs and Values: studies in religion and education, 35:2, 225-241.

2015 ‘Mediatising childhood religion: the BBC, John G. Williams and collective worship for schools in England, 1940-1975’, Paedagogica Historica: international journal of the history of education, 51:5, 614-630.

2015 ‘The Future of Religious Education: crisis, reform and iconoclasm’, (with Rob Freathy and David Aldridge), Journal of Beliefs and Values: Studies in Religion and Education, 36: 1. 1-4.

2015 ‘Prospects and Problems for Religious Education in England, 1967-1970: curriculum reform in political context’, (with Rob Freathy), Journal of Beliefs and Values: studies in religion and education, 36:1, 5-30.

2016 ‘Professionalism, Professionalization and Professionality in Religious Education’ (with Rob Freathy, Friedrich Schweitzer and Henrik Simojoki), British Journal of Religious Education, 38(2).

2016 ‘Professionalism, Professionalization and Professionality in Religious Education’ (with Rob Freathy, Friedrich Schweitzer and Henrik Simojoki), Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie

2016 ‘Conceptualizing and Researching the Professionalization of Religious Education Teachers: Historical and International Perspectives’ (with Rob Freathy, Friedrich Schweitzer and Henrik Simojoki), British Journal of Religious Education, 38(2)

2016 ‘Conceptualizing and Researching the Professionalization of Religious Education Teachers: Historical and International Perspectives’ (with Rob Freathy, Friedrich Schweitzer and Henrik Simojoki), Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie

2016 ‘The Professionalisation of Non-Denominational Religious Education in England: politics, organisation and knowledge’. Journal of Beliefs and Values: studies in religion and education 37(2) (with Rob Freathy and Jonathan Doney).

2016 ‘Exploring the trajectory of personal, moral and spiritual values of 16- to 18-year-olds studying religion at A level’ (with Leslie J. Francis and Andrew Village), Journal of Beliefs and Values: studies in religion and education