South Alberta Light Horse Regimental Association
Annual General Meeting Minutes
11 Jun 2011
- Call to order
Maj. Troy Steele, President, called to order the meeting of the SALHRA at 1610 hrs on 11 June 2011.
- Roll call
The following persons were present:
Maj (ret’d) Robert McKenzie
Maj (ret’d) Paul Mast
Maj Colin Michaud
Maj Troy Steele
Capt Shawn Thirlwell
Capt Scott Payne
Capt (ret’d) Greg Yanda
Capt (ret’d) Jason Watt
2Lt FB Davies
MWO Jim Ogston
WO David Bergt
Sgt Gary Rolls
Cpl Nathaniel Hillier
Cpl Michael Sibulak
Cpl Girling
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
Minutes from the meeting of 25 Apr 2011 were read and approved. Moved by Maj Troy Steele; carried by Maj Shawn Thirlwell.
- Open issues
a)Constitution. The most current version of the Constitution is available on the internet at All members are encouraged to read the constitution. Capt (ret’d) Yanda moves to ratify the Constitution. Maj (ret’d) MacKenzie seconds. Carried.
Historical Vehicle Troop. The garage in Medicine Hat is available for use by the Historical Vehicle Troop. Facilities are available in both locations for Historical Vehicle Troop’s use.
Treasurer. In the absence of Maj (ret’d) Rick Hunn, Maj Colin Michaud provided the treasurer’s report. The cost of membership cards and postage was $461.70. Revenues to date have been $2040.12. There is approximately $1548.72 in the bank. Bank fees have been assessed, but, in the absence of the treasurer, details are not available.
Membership. Cpl Sibulak provided the treasurer’s report. There are currently 74 members. Membership cards are being mailed. Cpl Sibulak to provide the membership list to the executive for review.
b)Membership fees. Membership fees will continue at $20 per year, in accordance with the Constitution.
- New business
a)Historical Vehicle Troop. Cpl Hiller is writing a proposal. The halftrack is owned by the Foundation. The Ferret is due to be restored, but there is question as to whether the Foundation or the SALHRA will restore it. Discussion ensued as to whether SALHRA could restore vehicles charged to the SALH. Maj Steele moves to create a Historical Vehicle Troop committee. Maj Thirlwell seconds. Cpl Hiller to provide Terms of Reference. This will be one committee with a chapter each in Edmonton and Medicine Hat.
b)Battlefield Tour. Maj Michaud discussed the possibility of a Battlefield Tour in 2014 or 2015. Maj Thirlwell moves to create a Battlefield Tour committee. Maj Steele seconds. Capt (ret’d) Watt and Capt (ret’d) Yanda volunteer to serve on the committee.
c)Museum. Discussion ensues about a possible Museum Committee. The Foundation and the SALH own the museum and its contents. Discussion about SALHRA contributing to the museum. Capt Payne to act as a liaison. No further discussion.
d)Webmaster. Maj Michaud mentions that a webmaster is required for Suggests possibly MCpl David James.
- Election of Executive
a)The following are nominated by Maj Steele, seconded by Maj Thirlwell:
- President. LCol Wayne Lockhart in absentia.
- Vice President. Maj (ret’d) MacKenzie.
- Membership. Maj Paul Mast (Medicine Hat) and Cpl Michael Sibulak (Edmonton).
- Treasurer. Maj Rick Hunn in absentia. Maj Steele will provide assistance.
- Secretary. Capt (ret’d) Watt.
- SARVA Transition. Swotty Wotherspoon as temporary representative.
b)As there was only one nomination for each position, the entire slate was carried unanimously.
- Adjournment
Maj Steele provides a reminder to solicit membership from former serving members. Maj Troy Steele adjourned the meeting at 1700 hrs.
Minutes submitted by: Capt (ret’d) Jason Watt. Recording of this meeting is available at
Minutes approved by: