Please print out this form filling in your personal details and the amount and type of CD’s required in the correct column. If you are ordering more than one CD please total the amount at the bottom of the form. Please note that all CD prices include p&p within the UK. If you are ordering from outside the UK please add £1 per CD for shipping costs. All payments must be in pounds Sterling. Please make all cheques payable to “Movinmusic”, and send along with this form to PO Box 38, Penryn, Cornwall, UK TR119YD.
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Artist / Album / Price / No
Big Town Playboys / "Roll the Dice" / £9.50 inc p&p
BluesMove / "Beat'n'Trak" / £6.99 inc p&p .
Cadillac Kings / “Trouble in Store” / £8.99 inc p&p.
Cadillac Kings / “Highway 17” / £8.99 inc p&p.
Cadillac Kings / “Lou Ann” / £8.99 inc p&p.
Diana Braithwaite / “Blues Dance” / £6.99 inc p&p.
Earl Thomas and the Blues Ambassadors / Earl Thomas Introducing the Blues Ambassadors / £9.99 inc p&p.
Earl Thomas with Paddy Milner & the Big Sounds / Earl Thomas with Paddy Milner & the Big Sounds / £10.99 inc p&p.
Family Style / “Live in Nottingham” / £8.99 inc p&p .
Family Style / “Walk” / £8.99 inc p&p .
Giles Robson & the Dirty Aces / “Crooked Heart of Mine” / £10.99 inc p&p .
Gregg Wright / “Lightning Strike” / £9.99 inc p&p .
Honeyboy Hickling / "Blowin' Through Town" / £9.99 inc p&p .
Honeyboy Hickling / "Blue It" / £9.99 inc p&p .
Honeyboy Hickling / "Straight from the Harp" / £9.99 inc p&p .
Ian Siegal / “A Bigger Plate of Meat & Potatoes” CD & DVD / £10.99 inc p&p,.
James Hunter / “People Gonna Talk” / £10.99 inc p&p.
Jon Cleary and the Absolute Monster Gents / “Mo Hippa” / £8.99 inc p&p.,
Lightnin’ Willie & the Poorboys / “Tracks” / £9.99 inc. p&p.
Lightnin’ Willie & the Poorboys / “Live" 2006 Release / £7.99 inc p&p .
Lightnin’ Willie & the Poorboys / “Buy American” (thin cardboard wrapped) / £6.99 inc p&p .
Lightnin’ Willie & the Poorboys / “Live" (thin cardboard wrapped) / £6.99 inc p&p .
Lightnin’ Willie & the Poorboys / “Lightnin' Willie & the Poorboys” (thin cardboard wrapped) / £6.99 inc p&p .
Lisa Mills / “Tempered in Fire” / £9.99 inc p&p
Little Jenny & the Blue Beans / “Hot, Spicy Dish” / £5.99 inc p&p.
Little Jenny & the Blue Beans / “Live” / £5.99 inc p&p.
Marcus Malone / “Hurricane” / £8.99 inc p&p.
Marcus Malone / “Walkin’ Shoes” / £8.99 inc p&p .
Mark Flanagan / “The Chosen Few” / £9.99 inc p&p
Mark Flanagan / “Down the Wire” / £9.99 inc p&p
Memo Gonzalez / “Live in the UK” / £7.99 inc p&p,
Memo Gonzalez / “10,000 Miles” / £7.99 inc p&p .
Matt Schofield Trio / “Siftin’ Thru Ashes” / £10.99 inc p&p .
Mick Pini Band / “Blues Gonna Be My Way” / £9.99 inc p&p .
Mike Sanchez / “You Better Dig It” / £9.99 inc p&p.
Mike Sanchez / "Women & Cadillacs" / £9.99 inc p&p .
Mike Sanchez / “Blue Boy” (CD) / £9.99 inc p&p .
Mike Sanchez / “Red Hot … Live” (DVD video) / £13.990 inc p&p .
Mud Morganfield (Muddy Waters Jr) / “Son of the Seventh Son” / £10.50 inc P&P.
Derrin Nauendorf / “Skin of the Earth” / £8.99 inc p&p,
Derrin Nauendorf / “The Rattling “Wheel” / £8.99 inc p&p,
The Spikedrivers / “Ain’t it Real” / £8.99 inc p&p
The Spikedrivers / “Blue Trash” / £8.99 inc p&p .
The Spikedrivers / "Delta Roots" / £8.99 inc p&p .
Rob Tognoni / “Rock and Roll Live” 2 x CD’s / £12.99 inc p&p .
Sherman Robertson & BluesMove / “Guitar Man – Live” / £9.99 inc p&p
Steve Arvey & BluesMove / "Live at the Blues of the Month Club / £5.99 inc p&p .
Steve Arvey Band / “Chicago Roots” / £5.99 inc p&p .
Steve Arvey Band / “It’s a Fine Line” / £5.99 inc p&p .
Steve Arvey Band / “Soul of a Man” / £5.99 inc p&p .
Wamma Jamma / “Six by Four” / £4.50 inc p&p .
West Side Heat / “Live at Blues on Grand / £5.99 inc p&p .
Total Price / Total CD’s
Overall Total