Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Weekly goals/objective
5 minutes of fun.
Solfege ear training- 5 minutes. Follow the hand, 2 hands.
Solfege ear training- 5 minutes.
Solo for Best Day
Costume expectations.
Detention slips
Thriller / Solfege ear training- 5 minutes.
Johnny- to the end.
Best Day- Drums
Guitar, Piano. Make it Fun
Thriller / Solfege ear training- 5 minutes.
Profile project follow ups
Concert rep cont.
Thriller / Solfege ear training- 5 minutes.
Concert rep cont.
Thriller / Solfege ear training- 5 minutes.
Concert rep cont.
Thriller / Popular Artist objectives:
Understand and recognize
The styles and genres of
artists being
Understand the
background/life stories of
artists being studied.
Name 1 key point and 1
famous song from each
Put artists in appropriate genre catergories

Sound - The instruments and sounds used to make music

Harmony - Anything pertaining to the accompaniment or background

Melody- The "tune" which identifies the song

Emotion - Feelings, Images, or Thoughts expressed in the music.

Rhythm - Tempo and rhythmic patterns or "beat" which define the song.

Form - The Structure of the song, which part happens first, next, last?

Typically,most 7th graders fall victim to music marketing, and ignore the actual elements of the music. Use this as the guideline to introduce these concepts. You can include other "units" into each category, (Note durations under Rhythm; Staff for Melody; chords for harmony; Instrument families for Sound, etc.) Eventually, the kids should have the vocabulary to express what they hear in the music. They can even use the elements to compare and contrast different pieces, or different performances of the same piece; they can even define specific genres and musical periods through the 6 elements. (Baroque tends to use more polyphonic harmony; Classical, more Homophonic.)