Vocabulary Homework Menu

Choose one option below for Vocabulary Homework.

®  Vocabulary Boxes: Include the word, a definition, your own sentence, and a picture illustrating the word. Make sure to make a box for all ten words.

Word / Definition
Own Sentence / Picture

®  Short Story: Write a story using all ten vocabulary words. Underline the vocabulary words. Make sure that the examples use the words correctly!

®  Rhyme: Write a poem or song that uses all ten vocabulary words. Underline the vocabulary words. Make sure that the examples use the words correctly!

®  Comic strip: Create a comic strip that shows a story using all ten vocabulary words. Underline the vocabulary words.

®  Crossword puzzle: Create a crossword puzzle with twenty clues, using each word twice. Include a definition for each of the ten vocab words and either an antonym, a synonym, a picture or an example sentence for each of the ten words. Put the answers on the bottom of the page.

Def: definition

Ant: word meaning opposite

Syn: word meaning the same

Ex: create an example sentence

Pic: illustration of the word