Flotilla 014-02-06, Monmouth Beach NJ
F26 Website:
Minutes for January 19, 2017 Meeting
Meeting called to order at 1900
Guest:Clay Greenaway, Seaman E3
Attendance:Excused by notification: Gene Barkey, Monica Cavanagh, Walter Pereira, Bill Szilasi IIINote:Please respond to any email that requests a response. DO NOT hitreply all, justreply.
FC – highlights from the Division meeting were presented.
Awards and presentations in our flotilla.
Auxiliary Annual Service Performance Awards – Robert McNamara, 5th, Daniel Smuro, 3rd.
A $20.00 donation was send to the Division for a basket to be raffled at D-Train.Proceeds will go to the CG Foundation.
A change in Division meetings is that the SO officers will not attend the Division meetings.There will not be Division meeting in July and August. “Go to Meeting” Conference calls for discussions between scheduled meetings and during non-meeting months.
Four staff positions are still open, SO-PE, SO-MS, temporarily covered by Glenn Mason and SO-PB and SO-PA, temporarily covered by Vince Labbate.
NY Boat Show, Javits Center, Wednesday Jan 25 – Jan 29. Only acceptable uniform is the Service Dress Blue with Combination cover, Let the DCDR/VDCR know if you plan to go.
Division Change of Watch – Saturday, March 18, Shore Casino
VFC– No report
FSO-FNreport submitted electronically.The Audit is completed and ready for the FC and IPFC to sign.In the past years, we have paid more to the Division in dues than we take in.The PE class scheduled on Jan 28 will help.
FSO-SR– the brief report from December was approved. A get-well card was sent to Stan Abrams.
FSO-CM– Bill has been doing a great job with the website.It is done better than other flotillas.If you have any photos to add, send them to Bill.We are going to put contact information for the FSO-HR (Ben) and for class information to the FSO-PE.
FSO-PE– Bob McNamara, Bob Hook and Catherine Dudley went to Trenton and had the refresher required by the state.All now have current state ID tags.MAST is going well.Since Bob Hook has an injured leg and can’t stand long, the other chapters have been taught by Catherine, Dan and Bob.The class on January 28 has been organized.Each chapter will be taught by instructors that did them at MAST.The class will start early, with people reporting at 7:30 AM.All materials have been set up and I will visit the facility to check it out next week. Thirty people are expected.
New/Old Business:
There was a discussion about membership.We are the smallest in the Division with 15 people.Though the Division philosophy will be to work as “one” unit, helping each other out, we need to get more members.Information on joining will be passed out at the boating class, perhaps a contact number on the back of the ABS completion card.VE’s will be giving out information.Lou is looking to create a Facebook page with a link to our website.
The FSO-HR will send out a letter to all participants in the class, with an invitation to join the Auxiliary.
Clay gave an update on the station.The new gas dock is functional.The CG vessels will return in the summer.The move to the new station won’t be until 2018.An Aux-chef from a southern flotilla has been coming a couple times a week. (The Auxiliary is always looking for more people to train in this program.)
Meeting adjourned 2100
Next meeting, Thursday, 16 Feb 2017