KYWCA Spring meeting 4/29/17
Meeting minutes
The meeting convened at 1:00 at Louisville Central High School
8 schools were represented
The meeting was called to order
Bob Davis Made a motion to approve the agenda, Phil Dettwiller second the motion, the motion carried unanimously.
Treasures report $16,766.33
Danny Upchurch reported that the website is up and running.
Schools that had not paid State Dual Entry fees are:
- John Hardin
- Larue
- Fern Creek
- Simon Kenton
Che Founder will E-mail each Coach, AD and Principal from each of those schools to check on the status of getting those fees paid.
Schools cannot wrestle at sectional duals without having a coach as a paid member of KYWCA. $25 per coach up to $100 for all coaches on staff (a list must be provided to the KYWCA when membership is paid. Each coach must be certified through the KHSAA) A $50 late fee will be charged to teams that have not paid or mailed membership dues 2 weeks before the sectional tournament. Membership forms are available on
Bob Davis made a motion to buy a ring for all past KYWCA presidents similar to the HOF rings but saying “KYWCA President” and Che Founder Seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Che was approved to contact the representative from the ring company to create a presidents ring.
Pending the response from the representative from the ring company we may change representatives from the company.
Bob Davis made a motion to purchase trophies for the top 4 placers at the state duals for big and small schools (8 trophies total) and 168 medals total. Phil Dettwiller seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Bob Davis made a motion to keep State Duals at Lindsey Wilson for 2 more years, Scotty Teater Seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Chris McCoy Made a motion that sectional Duals must be completed on or before 2nd weekend in January. Tim Ruschell Seconded the motion. Motion carries unanimously.
Sectional representatives are responsible for making sure that sectionals happen and must have a backup plan. Sectional representatives are responsible for making sure teams are members and that any coach in the corner are paid KYWCA members.
Location: Louisville Central High School if available, Male High School is the backup location.
Food will be catered.
Clinic Fee1 Coach / $100
3-5 Coaches / $90 per Coach
6+ coaches / $80 per Coach
Where will state be this year?
About Board should be used at state.
Academic Team recognition Saturday.
NWCA fees need to be paid by KHSAA.
Team KY Selection
Che Founder made a motion that at the state tournament returning state placers coach will receive a letter of invitation from the association for wrestler to compete for team Ky. The wrestler must respond by the date on the letter, If numbers dictate a 3rd team could possibly be funded by KYWCA..
Bob Davis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Joey Sallee Seconded the motion.