Soph Clinic Texts

Possible Soph Clinic Texts, Fall 2007

Boisjoly, R. M. (2006, May 15). Ethical decisions - Morton Thiokol and the space shuttle Challenger disaster – Index. Online Ethics Center for Engineering 5/15/2006 1:31:21 PM National Academy of Engineering Accessed: Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Chapter V. The Contributing Cause of the Accident. Report of the PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident. http://history.nasa.


Critical parts of the structure: A look at the Minneapolis bridge’s structural components and where similar kinds of bridges are vulnerable. (2007, August 3). New York Times.

Davey, M., & Wald, M. L. (2007, August 9). Potential flaw seen in design of fallen bridge. New York Times. Retrieved August 21, 2007, from


Douthwaite, B. (2002). Blowing in the wind. How ‘bottom-up’ beat ‘top-down’ for the billion dollar wind turbine industry. In B. Douthwaite, Enabling innovation A practical guide to understanding and fostering technological change (pp. 67-104). London: Zed Books.

Dragga, S. (1996). “Is this ethical?”: A survey of opinion on principles and practices of document design. Technical Communication, 43, 255-265.

Ettlinger, S. (2007). Polysorbate 60. In S. Ettlinger, Twinkie, deconstructed: my journey to discover how the ingredients found in processed foods Are grown, mined (yes, mined), and manipulated into what America eats (pp. 187 – 198). New York: Penguin.

Ettlinger, S. (2007). "Where does polysorbate 60 come from, daddy?" In S. Ettlinger, Twinkie, deconstructed: my journey to discover how the ingredients found in processed foods Are grown, mined (yes, mined), and manipulated into what America eats (pp. 1 – 12). New York: Penguin.

Farkas, D. K. Collaborative writing, software development, and the universe of collaborative activity. In M. M. Lay & W. M. Karis (Eds.), Collaborative writing in industry: Investigations in theory and practice (pp. 13 – 30). New York: Baywood Publishing.

Fatigue cracking suspected on bridge. New York Times. Video.

Hutto, D. (2007). Graphics and invention in engineering writing. Technical Communication, 54, 88-98.

Janis, I. Groupthink. (1996). In E. Griffin (Ed.), A first look at communication theory with conversations, 3rd edition (pp. 235-246, 509). New York: McGraw Hill.

NTSB (2007, July 10). Highway accident report: Ceiling collapse in the Interstate 90 connector tunnel Boston, Massachusetts July 10, 2006. Retrieved August 21, 2007, from

Petrosky, H. (1998). Aluminum cans and failure. In H. Petrosky, Invention by design: How engineers get from thought to thing (pp. 89-104). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Petrosky, H. (1998). Bridges and politics. In H. Petrosky, Invention by design: How engineers get from thought to thing (pp. 160-187). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Petrosky, H. (1998). Paper clips and design. In H. Petrosky, Invention by design: How engineers get from thought to thing (pp. 8-42). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Petrosky, H. (1992). When cracks become breakthroughs. In H. Petrosky, To engineer is human: The role of failure in successful design (pp. 107-121). New York: Vintage.

Pollen, M. (1998, October 25). Playing God in the garden. New York Times Magazine. Retrieved August, 21, 2007, from


Norman, D. (1990). The psychopathology of everyday things. In D. Norman, The design of everyday things (pp. 1 – 33). New York: Bantam Doubleday Bell.

Stille, A. The Gange’s next life. [get from new humanities reader.]

Tufte, E. (1997). The decision to launch the space shuttle Challenger. In E. Tufte, Visual explanations (pp. 38-53). Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press.

Tufte, E. (2006). Powerpoint does rocket science: Assessing the quality and credibility of technical reports. In E. Tufte Beautiful evidemce (pp. 162-169). Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press.

Tuomi, I. (2002). Socio-cognitive spaces of innovation and meaning making. In I. Tuomi, Change and meaning in the age of the internet (pp. 105 – 121). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. (2007, March 14). 2006 status of the nation's highways, bridges, and transit: Conditions and performance.

Weisman, A. (1994, August). Journey through a doomed land. Harper’s, 45 – 53.

Weisman, A. (2005, February 6). Earth without people [Electronic version]. Discover Magazine.

Winsor, Dorothy. (1988). Communication failures contributing to the challenger accident: An example for technical communicators." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 31 (3): 101-107.

Winsor, Dorothy. (1990). The construction of knowledge in organizations: Asking the right questions about the challenger." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 4: 7-20.

Winsor, D. (1992). What counts as writing? An argument from engineer’s practice [Electronic version]. JAC: The Journal of Advanced Composition, 12(2), 337-347. Retrieved August 21, 2007, from


Winsor, D. (2003). Managing an organization through powerful texts. In D. Winsor, Writing power: Communication in an engineering center (pp. 5-24). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Winsor, D. (2003). Using writing to negotiate knowledge and power. In D. Winsor, Writing power: Communication in an engineering center (pp. 29-54). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.