Period 3 Terms 1774-1800

Patrick Henry

Stamp Act Congress

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

John Dickinson; “Letters From..”

Samuel Adams

James Otis

Massachusetts Circular Letter

Committees of Correspondence

Intolerable Acts

George III



Salutary neglect

Lord Frederick North

Pontiac’s Rebellion

Proclamation of 1763

Seven Years’ War

Albany Plan of Union

Edward Braddock

George Washington

Peace of Paris

Sugar Act (1764)

Quartering Act (1765)

Stamp Act (1765)

Declaratory Act (1766)

Townshend Acts (1767)

Writs of Assistance

Tea Act (1773)

Coercive Acts (1774)

-Port Act

-Massachusetts Government Act

-Administration of Justice Act

Quebec Act (1774)




John Locke

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Intolerable Acts

Patrick Henry

Samuel Adams

John Dickinson

John Jay

First Continental Congress (1774)

Joseph Galloway

Suffolk Resolves

Economic Sanctions

Declaration of Rights and Greivances

Second Continental Congress (1775)

Olive Branch Petition

Declaration of the Causes and Necessities for Taking Up Arms

Thomas Jefferson

Declaration of Independence

George Washington

Land Ordinance of 1785

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Paul Revere

William Dawes



Battle of Bunker Hill

Battle of Saratoga

George Rogers Clark

Battle of Yorktown

Articles of Confederation

Unicameral legislature

Absolute monarchy

Prohibitory Act (1775)

Treaty of Paris (1783)

Thomas Paine; Common Sense


Loyalists (Tories)



Valley Forge

Abigail Adams

Deborah Sampson

Mary McCauley (Molly Pitcher)

Shay’s Rebellion

James Madison

Alexander Hamilton

Framers of the Constitution

Gouverneur Morris

John Dickinson



The Federalist Papers

Bill of Rights; amendments

Washington’s Farewell Address

“Permanent alliances”

Alien and Sedition Acts

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Slave trade

Infant industries

National bank

Tariffs; excise taxes

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Treaty of Greenville

Public Land Act (1796)

Mt. Vernon Conference

Annapolis Convention

Constitutional Convention

Checks and balances

Virginia Plan

New Jersey Plan

Connecticut Plan; Great Compromise

House of Representatives


Three-Fifths Compromise

Commercial Compromise

Electoral college system

Legislative branch


Executive departments; cabinet Henry Knox

Edmund Randolph

Judiciary Act of (1789)

Federal courts

Supreme courts

National debt

Whiskey Rebellion

Federalist Era

Democratic-Republican party

Political parties

Two-term tradition

John Adams

Revolution of 1800

French Revolution

Proclamation of Neutrality (1793)

“Citizen” Genet

Jay Treaty

Pinckney Treaty

Right of deposit

XYZ Affair