See reverse (p.2) for instructions


☐Fill Vacant Position / ☐Temporary Use of Position Budget / ☐Hours Change / ☐Band Change
☐Create New FT/PT Position** / ☐Create New Temp/OC Pool Position / ☐Months Change / ☐Title Change
☐Hire Temp/OC Staff / ☐Increase Existing Temp/OC Pool / ☐Salary Change / ☐FLSA Change
☐Direct Appointment / ☐Other: Click here to enter text.

HR/July, 2013

See reverse (p.2) for instructions


Employee Name:
Position Number: / Band:
Exempt or Non-Exempt / Annual Salary: $
Annual Hours: / Base Months:
Estimated Average Weekly Hours:
Fund: / Org: / Percent:
Fund: / Org: / Percent:
Supervisor Name:
Vacant Effective Date:
Does this position supervise others?


Employee Name:
Position Number: / Band:
Exempt or Non-Exempt / Annual Salary: $
Annual Hours: / Base Months:
Estimated Average Weekly Hours:
Fund: / Org: / Percent:
Fund: / Org: / Percent:
Supervisor Name:
Change Effective Date:
Will this position supervise others?

HR/July, 2013

See reverse (p.2) for instructions

Rationale for the request:

Explain how this request will be funded (include begin and end dates for “soft” funding sources):


Requested by (immediate supervisor) – please print name and signDate submitted


Department Head (sign & date) / Comments:
Cabinet Member (sign & date) / Comments:
Human Resources (sign & date) / Comments:
Budget Office (sign & date) / Comments:
Sr. Vice President for Finance & Administration (sign & date) / Comments:

HR/July, 2013

See reverse (p.2) for instructions

Instructions to complete SPAF

NOTE: Any activity which may have budget impact must be discussed first with the

Budget Office before submitting a SPAF.

Fill Vacant Position: Explain why it is necessary to fill this position at this time and provide any changes to the position/function or restructuring. Indicate the date by which the position must be filled or the date when the position should be posted.

Create New FT/PT Position: Before a new benefit-eligible position can be posted, HR must have reviewed and evaluated the new job description. Explain why the new position is required and how it will support the mission of the college. Provide information regarding the funding source, including the additional cost to fund benefits. If the source of funds is a grant or endowed fund (list the appropriate split in the position detail), in full or in part, document the name of the fund and any relevant detail (such as only one year, etc.).

Hire Temp/OC Staff: Prepare a job description, and work with HR to determine an appropriate rate of pay for the duties required. This box is checked if a department already has budget established (operating budget account code 613005) to support the hiring of temporary (less than 6 months) or occasional/on-call staff (less than 1000 annual hours, but more than 6 months). Notewhether this request is for direct hire of a specific individual (name) or recruitment.

Direct Appointment: If direct hire is requested in lieu of recruitment, provide a rationale for this action.

Temporary Use of Position Budget: When a position is expected to remain vacant for an extended period, a request may be made to use vacancy salary savings to fund alternative salary needs. This may include hiring temporary staff, providing supplemental pay to existing staff, or providing additional hours to existing non-exempt staff. Explain the request and include an estimate of the total cost.

Create New Temp/OC Pool Position: If the department does not have a temp/OC pool established (operating budget account code 613005) check this box to request that one be created.Explain the need and funding source.

Increase Existing Temp/OC Pool: Identify the funding source to include 7.65% for benefits (FICA) and provide details if any special conditions exist.

Other: This form is to be used for any changes to a position including, but not limited to, promotion, reclassification, lateral transfer, or status change. In most cases, an updated job description and Job Analysis Questionnaire will be required. If the request includes a change in annual hours, include the new work schedule.

If additional explanation is necessary, or if prior authorizations or emails will help facilitate the request for the record, supporting documents may be attached.

Approvals: The form is to be signed by the immediate supervisor making the request and forwarded to the department head to review and approve the request, then to the respective Cabinet member. After signature by the Cabinet member,the SPAF is submitted to HR for research, validation, and analysis. HR will work with the supervisor to address any questions and obtain necessary additional information. The Director of Human Resources will sign the form and route it to the Budget Office for approval. The Vice President for Finance & Administrationisthe final approver.

HR/July, 2013