51 West Cliff Street
Somerville, NJ 08876
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
District Conference Room
7:00 p.m.
Mission Statement
Somerville Schools provide the highest quality education through an environment that promotes individual excellence.
Adequate Notice of this meeting in compliance with Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of 1975, entitled the "Open Public Meetings Act," has been provided by action of the Board of Education’sOrganization/Workshop/Regular Meeting of January 7, 2014. Notice has been providedto the two newspapers circulated in the school district and a posted notice to this effect on the Board of Education building bulletin board, Administrative Headquarters, 51 West Cliff Street, Somerville, New Jersey.
At this time, comment is invited on any matter related to agenda items.
When permitted, public participation shall be governed by the following rules under Bylaw0167:
1. A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by
an announcement of his/her name, place of residence, and any other group affiliation, if appropriate;
2. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes duration
3. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to
speak on that topic have been heard;
4. All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; no participant may address or
question board members individually.
5. The presiding officer may:
a. Interrupt, warn, or terminate a participant’s statement when the statement is too
lengthy, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant;
b. Request any individual to leave the meeting when that person does not observe
reasonable decorum;
c. Request the assistance of law enforcement officers in the removal of a disorderly
person when that person’s conduct interferes with the orderly progress of the
d. Call for a recess or an adjournment to another time when the lack of public
decorum so interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting as to warrant such action; and
e. Waive these rules when necessary for the protection of privacy or the efficient
administration of the Board’s business.
RESOLVEDthat the Board of Education approve the Minutes of the Board of Education Meetings as follows:
*October 14, 2014Regular Meeting
*October 14, 2014Executive Session
*November 11, 2014Workshop/Regular Meeting
*November 11, 2014Executive Session
Somerville Middle School Soccer Teams
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights/Code of Conduct Presentation
Anti-Bullying Specialists
Standardized Testing Results
Mrs. Melissa McCooley, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Mr. Timothy Teehan, Academic Achievement Officer
Summer 2014 Reading Program Overview
Mr. Timothy Teehan, Academic Achievement Officer
District Highlights
Dr. Timothy J. Purnell, Superintendent of Schools
It is recommended that Items1through 5be moved upon the recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools.
1.School Bus Emergency Evacuation Drill Report
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve/accept the School Bus Emergency Evacuation
Drill Reports as follows:
Date of Drill: October 30, 2014
Time: 7:45 a.m.
School: Somerville Middle School
Location: Back Parking Lot
Route Number: 109A
Supervised by: Lani Peruso
Class: SMS MD Class
Date of Drill: October 29, 2014
Time: 8:15 a.m.
School: Somerville Middle School
Location: Preschool Entrance
Route Number: 110A
Supervised by: Susan Haynes
Class: Preschool Disabled
Date of Drill: October 29, 2014
Time: 8:40 a.m.
School: Van Derveer School
Location: Gymnasium entrance of Van Derveer School
Route Number: 109B
Supervised by: Robert Reavey/Susan Haynes
Class: Van Derveer ABA Class/Full Day Preschool
Date of Drill: October 29, 2014
Time: 8:45 a.m.
School: Van Derveer School
Location: Gymnasium entrance of Van Derveer School
Route Number: 110B
Supervised by: Robert Reavey
Class: Van Derveer ABA Class/Full Day Preschool
Date of Drill: October 30, 2014
Time: 11:45 a.m.
School: Somerville Middle School
Location: Preschool Entrance
Route Number: 110C
Supervised by: Susan Haynes
Class: Preschool Disabled – PM Session
2.Federal Grant Salaries
RESOLVEDthat the Board of Education approve the following percentage of a staff member’s salary, which are partially funded by the 2015 Federal Grants:
Portion FundedBase
IDEA GrantFunding % ByIDEA GrantSalary
Georgette Boulegeris 27.4% $35,280.00$128,558.04
3.Somerville Middle School – Interior Alterations Bid Award
WHEREAS, the Somerville Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) advertised for bids for the Somerville Middle School Interior Alterations at North End Annex Wing Project (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”); and
WHEREAS, on November 14, 2014, the Board received seventeen (17) bids for the Project, as reflected on the attached bid tabulation sheet; and
WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bid for this Project was submitted by Jeral Construction Co., Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Jeral”) with a base bid in the amount of $684,000; and
WHEREAS, the second low bidder, Vanas Construction Co., Inc. submitted a bid protest dated November 14, 2014, alleging that the bid submitted by Jeral is materially defective due to the failure of Jeral to include with its bid a DPMC Form 701; and
WHEREAS, the Board has carefully considered the contention of the protester and finds that bid submitted by Jeral is responsive in all material respects and it is the desire of the Board to award the contract for the Project to Jeral. The Board specifically finds that said omission is a waiveable, nonmaterial defect. Although Jeral did not include with its bid a DPMC Form 701, the information sought in the DPMC Form 701, including the total amount of uncompleted work and affirmation that said amount, together with the bid, does not exceed the firm’s aggregate rating, was provided in the Prequalification Affidavit. Therefore, the Board finds that the deficiency is a nonmaterial, waiveable defect.
- The Board hereby awards the contract for the Somerville Middle School Interior Alterations at North End Annex Wing Project to Jeral Construction Services, Inc. in a total contract sum of $684,000.
- This award is expressly conditioned upon the contractor furnishing the requisite insurance certificate and labor and materials/performance bond as required in the project specifications, together with an AA201-Project Manning Report, an executed A-101-Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, A-201-General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, as prepared by the Board Attorney, within ten (10) days of the date hereof.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board Attorney is hereby directed to draft the agreement with the successful bidder consistent with this Resolution and with the terms contained in the bid documents approved by the Board for the Project. The Board President and the Board Secretary are hereby authorized to execute such agreement and any other documents necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. (Attachment NB-1)
4.Withdrawal From Capital Reserve
RESOLVED that the Board of Education authorize the withdrawal of capital reserve account funds for the purpose of Somerville Middle School Project – Interior Alterations at North End Annex Wing - DOE Project #4820055-14-1003in the amount of $58,000.00.
5.Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Report
RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby acknowledges receipt of the monthly
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying unconfirmed report cases 2014-2015:1VDV-NC,
2014-2015:1SMS-NC (revised), and 2014-2015:2SMS-NC.
It is recommended that Items6*through 9*be moved upon the recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools.
6*Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Report
RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby acknowledges receipt of the monthly
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying unconfirmed report cases 2014-2015:7SHS-NC,
2014-2015:8SHS-NC, and 2014-2015:9SHS-NC.
7*Annual Nonpublic School Nursing Services Contract 2014-2015
RESOLVED that the Board of Education, through contract with the Middlesex Regional
Educational Services Commission, authorizes the administrative personnel of the Commission to
conference, discuss and solicit input in the development of the nursing services contract document
for the 2014-2015 school year which provides nursing services to the following nonpublic schools
located in the Somerville school district:
Immaculata High School
Immaculate Conception.
Nursing services to be provided first by assignment of a licensed nurse and the purchase of
supplies and equipment necessary to implement the law and code – N.J.A.C. 6:29-8 include:
1. Assistance with medical examinations, including dental screening.
2. Audiometric screening.
3. Maintenance of student health records, including immunizations.
4. Scoliosis screening.
5. Adopt written policies and procedures extending the emergency care
provided to the public school pupils to those pupils who are enrolled full time
in the nonpublic school who are injured or become ill at school or during
participation on a school team or squad.
8*Field Trips
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the enclosed request for field trips. (Attachment NB-3)
9*Travel Expenditure Resolution
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has determined that the school district travel expenditures for the attached programs are in compliance with State travel guidelines as established by the Department of the Treasury and within the guidelines established by the Federal Office of Management and Budget; except as superseded by conflicting provision of Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes and in compliance with the district policy on travel; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves the attendance of the listed number of school board members and district employees at the attached training and informational programs, and the costs of attendance including all registration fees, and statutorily authorized travel expenditures, provided that such expenditures are within the annual maximum travel expenditure amount. (Attachment NB-4)
A.Student Board Member Report
Tayauna Moore-Baytops, Somerville High School/Branchburg Representative
Christina Schuler, Somerville High School/Branchburg Representative
B. Finance Committee:
Dennis Garot, Chairperson
Kenneth Cornell, Member
Al Kerestes, Member
It is recommended that Items 1and3 be moved upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
1.Acceptance of Monthly Reports
RESOLVED that the Board of Education accept the monthly reports as listed below: (Attachment B-1)
A. Middle School Fund (September and October)
B. Van Derveer School Fund (Not Available)
2.Bills Lists
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the payment of the following obligations of the School District: (Attachment B-2)
Van Derveer and Middle Schools
Bills List Dated November 25, 2014
10 General Fund$ 205,090.69
20 Special Revenue Fund2,307.44
30 Capital Projects Fund12,501.04
TOTAL $ 220,146.67
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the payroll payments for the following dates:
October 30, 2014$ 495,988.40 (MS &VDV)
November 15, 2014$ 539,988.40 (MS &VDV)
It is recommended that Items 4* through8* be moved upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
4*Board Secretary's Financial Reports
RESOLVED that the Board of Education accept the Board Secretary's Reports listed below:
- Treasurer’s Report (October) (Attachment B-3)
- Secretary’s Report (October) (Attachment B-4)
- Investments(October ) (Attachment B-5)
- Food Services (October) (Attachment B-6)
5*Acceptance of Monthly Reports
RESOLVED that the Board of Education accept the monthly reports as listed below: (Attachment B-7)
A. High School Fund (September and October)
B. Athletic/Extracurricular Fund (September and October)
6*Bills Lists
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the payment of the following obligations of the School District: (Attachment B-8)
Bill List Dated November 25, 2014
10 General Fund$ 1,511,073.34
20 Special Revenue Fund97,147.28
30 Capital Projects Fund30,489.11
60 Cafeteria Fund72,466.40
TOTAL $ 1,711,176.13
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the payroll payments for the following dates:
October 30, 2014$529,402.19 (ADMIN & HS)
October 30, 2014$ 14,351.77 (FICA)
November 15, 2014$495,284.85 (ADMIN & HS)
November 15, 2014$ 36,085.99 (FICA)
8*Line Item Transfers
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the enclosed October line item transfers. (Attachment B-9)
Certification of Major Account Status
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)(4), the Somerville Board of Education certifies that as of October 31, 2014 after review of the Board Secretary's and Treasurer's monthly financial reports and upon consultation with the appropriate officials, to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C6A:23A-16.10(c)(4) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year (Major accounts are Current Expense, Capital Projects and Debt Service)
C.Buildings and Grounds Committee:
Kenneth Cornell,Chairperson
Dennis Garot, Member
Al Kerestes,Member
Facilities Report – November 2014 (Attachment C-1)
D.Athletics and Student Activities Committee:
John Prudente,Chairperson
Al Kerestes, Member
Lucien Sergile, Member
1.Somerville Middle School Scratch Club
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the newly created Scratch Club at
Somerville Middle School for students interested in programmingand coding.
E.Curriculum Committee:
Norman Chin,Chairperson
Dennis Garot, Member
Daniel Puntillo, Member
Curriculum Committee Meeting – October 14, 2014 (Attachment C-2)
F.Policy Committee:
John Prudente,Chairperson
Melissa Sadin, Member
1.*First Reading
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the following policies for a first reading:
(Attachment C- )
Van Derveer Elementary School School- Level Title I Parent Involvement
Somerville Middle School School-Level Title I Parent Involvement
P2415.04 Title I District-Wide Parental Involvement
G.Technology Committee:
Norman Chin,Chairperson
Kenneth Cornell,Member
Al Kerestes, Member
Technology Report – November 2014 (Attachment C-4)
H.Borough Council/B.O.E. Liaison:
Luc Sergile, Liaison
I.Somerset County Educational Services Commission:
Daniel Puntillo, Liaison
J.New Jersey School Boards Association:
Linda Olson, Delegate
K.Somerset County Association of Boards of Education:
Melissa Sadin, Delegate
L.Security Committee:
John Prudente, Chairperson
Norman Chin, Member
Kenneth Cornell, Member
Al Kerestes, Member
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve and/or accept the Superintendent of School’s
recommendations as follows: (appointments and salaries contingent upon verified documentation)
1.To approve the appointment of Rodney Weems to the position of volunteer to supervise the newly
created Scratch Club at the Somerville Middle School for the 2014-2015 school year at no
additional remuneration.
2.To approve the newly created position of K-8 Mathematic Coach
3.To approve the job description for K-8 Mathematic Coach. (Attachment P-1)
4.To accept the resignation of Zina Van Ness from the position of cafeteria/playground aide
at Van Derveer School effective October 15, 2014.
5.To accept the resignation of Linda Gallo from the position of cafeteria/playground aide
at Van Derveer School effective November 14, 2014.
6.To approve the following staff members to the position of crowd control monitors for the 2014-
2015 wrestling season at Somerville Middle School at the rate of $69.00+ per event:
Evelyn Casperson
Kristine DaCosta
Jennifer DePace
Jocelyn Eckardt
Bruce Harms
Lindsey Kulis
Joanne Miele
David Piest
William Penn
Freddy Shaker
Antonia Strothers
David Zubia
7.To approve the following staff members to the position of clock operator for the 2014-
2015 wrestling season at Somerville Middle School at the rate of $53.00+ per event:
Evelyn Casperson
Kristine DaCosta
Jennifer DePace
Jocelyn Eckardt
Bruce Harms
Lindsey Kulis
Joanne Miele
David Piest
William Penn
Freddy Shaker
Antonia Strothers
David Zubia
8.To approve the following staff members to the position of crowd control monitors for the 2014-
2015 basketball season at Somerville Middle School at the rate of $69.00+ per event:
Sally Booth
Alyssa Breeman
Evelyn Casperson
Kristine DaCosta
Bruce Harms
Lindsey Kulis
Joanne Miele
Allison Parajon
David Piest
William Penn
Freddy Shaker
Antonia Strothers
Debra Trifari
Sandra Vladyka-King
David Zubia
9.To approve the following staff members to the position of clock operators for the 2014-
2015 basketball season at the rate of $53.00+ per event:
Sally Booth
Alyssa Breeman
Evelyn Casperson
Kristine DaCosta
Bruce Harms
Lindsey Kulis
Joanne Miele
Allison Parajon
David Piest
William Penn
Freddy Shaker
Antonia Strothers
Debra Trifari
Sandra Vladyka-King
David Zubia
9-12 and Districtwide
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve and/or accept the Superintendent of School’s
recommendations as follows: (appointments and salaries contingent upon verified documentation)
10*To approve the following individual as a volunteer at Somerville High School for the 2014-2015
school year:
Stephen StilianosFencing
11*To approve a paid maternity disability leave of absence for Andrea Wong, teacher of social studies
at Somerville High School, effective January 5, 2015 to February 20, 2015 and an unpaid child care leave of absence in accordance with the New Jersey Family Leave Act effective February 23, 2015 to May 4, 2015.
12*To approve Denise Lang for a New Jersey Family Leave Act effective October 27, 2014 through October 31, 2014 and November 5 through November 11,2014.
13*To approve the following list of substitute teachers at $90.00 per diem:
Lauralee Arnold
Elaine Cochran
Jessica Hagood
Kelly Loughran
Timothy Reagan
David Ward
At this time, comment is invited on any matter related to the school district.
When permitted, public participation shall be governed by the following rules under Bylaw 0167:
1. A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by
an announcement of his/her name, place of residence, and any other group affiliation, if appropriate;
2. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes duration
3. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to
speak on that topic have been heard;
4. All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; no participant may address or
question board members individually.
5. The presiding officer may:
a. Interrupt, warn, or terminate a participant’s statement when the statement is too
lengthy, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant;