Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday, 19thMarch 2015.
Present:David GoodmanBrenda BellPeter Markham
Marion MaloneChris Lacey (Clerk)Garry Wheatley (Dist Cllr) Judith Virgo (Cty Cllr) Natalie Quinn (Police)Matt Bradshaw (PCSO) Three members of the public.
- OPENING The Meeting opened at 7.35pm. David Goodman, Chairman, welcomed all those in attendance.
- APOLOGIES.Sarah Catchpole (family commitment),Christopher Kemp (Dist Cllr)
- MINUTES The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 15thJanuary2015 were approved and signed.
The Meeting was adjourned at 7.37pm
Judith Virgo (Cty Cllr) reported that the County Councilwas in consultation with the community over the future of the Hewitt School.
Garry Wheatley (Dist Cllr) reported that there more litter than usual on the roadside verges and South Norfolk Council was taking steps to deal with the problem. Planning had allowed an extension to the time on the Villa Farm application to allow the applicant to provide more information with particular regard to landscaping. The target date is 29th April 2015. It is thought that Villa Farm is putting in another application for further development. District Council might be able to assist with the funding of the War Memorial repairs providing that the Parish could demonstrate that the wider community would benefit from the proposed works. There are also unspent small amounts of monies in the member ward fund available for small projects within the village.
Natalie Quinn (Police) reported that there had been one recorded crime in Bawburgh so far this year. The police would like to be kept aware of any fly tipping in the village. The police advise that open land should be secured.
There were no public questions.
The Meeting was reconvened at 8.02pm.
a)2014/2590 - Proposed development of a Field Trials Station at Church Farm. The South Norfolk Development Management Committee had refused this application. The main reason for this was that the proposed buildingwould be inappropriate in open countryside.
b)2015/0140–Brookview, New Road. Councillors had recommended approval. The applicant has been informed that the application had been refused by District Council; Gary Wheatley will obtain further information for the applicant.
c)There were no other planning matters.
a)Councillors had noted that a number of potholes had been filled in and there were markings around those that remained. The following issues remain outstanding: (i) The 30mph on the Marlingford Road (South) is missing from the Bawburgh sign.(ii) There are a number of potholes in the road from the King’s Head to the Mill buildings. (iii) There is a blocked drain and thick debris at the end of Bawburgh Road near the junction with the Watton Road. (iv) The pothole on the B1108 has not been filled in. (v)There is flooding from the bottom of Bawburgh Hill to the hump back bridge and also on the other side of the bridge.
b)There no new items to report.
a)Mini Recycling Centre notice.District Council has ordered a new sign.
b)War Memorial.The War Memorial Heritage Conservation Officer had advised that there may have been deterioration in the foundations and structural stability of the Bawburgh War Memorial. Councillors had provisionally accepted the quotation from Abbey Memorials to fix a new foundation and accepted the quotation from the same contractor for cleaning and repainting the Memorial. The Clerk had applied for a grant from the War Memorials Trust (“WMT”)for the foundation work but the application was refused as they required more historical evidence and a condition survey. Councillors resolved to appoint Abbey Memorials to carry out the proposed works on the foundations and asked the Clerk to pursue funding from District Council. Cleaning and repainting the Memorialwould be considered at a later date. The Clerkhadasked the WMT if the memorial could be turned around so that the listings were more visible. WMT advised against this. Marion Malone had asked the PCC the same question; the PCC advise that turning the memorial would be inappropriate. The Church will consider cutting the hedge in front of the memorial down to the fence level.
c) Gypsies and Travellers Short Stay Stopping Place. Nothing new to report.
a)The following payment was approved: C lacey (Clerk’s salary for January/February 2015 - £455.86.
b)NS & I interest of £24.57 had been credited to the Parish Council account.
c)Councillors agreedto renew the CPRE membership.
d)Councillors approved a payment to M Buck (£416.00) for cutting back hedges and trees in the village. As this work was not in the annual quotation Councillors asked the Clerk to advise the Contractor of the processes for additional work.
a)A resident had asked if a Geo Cache could be placed somewhere in the village. It would probably be a small plastic container to be hidden in the ground which will contain a log for finders to sign along with a few small toys for children to take /swap. Peter Markham agreed to carry out some research on this activity.
b)The Clerk reported that the Parish Council had to comply with the requirements of the Transparency Code. The Parish Council must publish agendas, minutes and accounting documents online. Councillors resolved to use the free services of the Norfolk Association of Local Councils to set up a website.
a)Land is being cleared at the former piggery near the village hall; outline planning permission had been given for five dwellings at this site.
b)An overgrown hedge is being cut back at a property in Stocks Hill.
c)A lived in caravan in Stocks hill had been brought to the attention of Saffron Housing.
d)It was noted that there are plans to introduce 20pmh limits on some Norwich City roads and 40mph limits on some North West Norfolk roads.
e)Marion Malone is not seeking re-election in the forthcoming elections. The Chairman expressed the Parish Council’s gratitude for Marion’s diligence and devotion throughout her tenure of office.
- DATE OF NEXT MEETING. The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 21st May 2015 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall. This will be followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting
The Meeting closed at 08.55pm