Somerset Direct Ref: 2759731
Internal ref:140215
Date of request:19/02/14
Due date of response: 19/03/14
Actual date of response: 26/03/14
Cheryl Moy
DearMs Moy
I am writing in respect of your recent request for information from Somerset County Councilwhich has been dealt with under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I confirm that we do hold the information requested.
You asked:
FAO the Elective Home Education Department
Under the The Freedom of Information Act 2000 would you please provide the following information in respect of the years 2010 and 2013.
1)The average number of electively home educated children known to your authority for each of the above years.
Answer: at the end of 2010 there were 196 children registered and 52 not registered but known to EHE service - Total 248
At the end of 2013 there were 379 registered and 103 not registered but known to the EHE service – Total 482
However, we are aware that there will be many more that are unknown to this and many more local authorities due to present legislation of requiring to register.
2)The average number of children registered at a school in your area for the above years.
2010 – 66942
2013 – 66722
3)The number of children considered to be missing education (CME) in your area for the above years.
Sept 10 – Aug 11 = 1446 cases reported of those 34 considered to be CME
Sept 11 – Aug 12 = 2546 cases reported of those 77 considered to be CME
Sept 12 – Aug13 = 3298 cases reported of those 75 considered to be CME
Sept 13 to present = 2065 cases reported of those 31 considered to be CME
4)The number of school attendance orders served on Home Educating families for each of the above years (including how many children per family).
5)How many ESOs (Educational Supervision Orders) have been issued on Home Educating Families in your area for the above years (including how many children per family).
6) The number of those families served school attendance orders which resulted in court proceedings for each of the above years.
7) The number of SAO prosecutions which were upheld for each of the above years.
8) The number of SAO prosecutions that were revoked for each of the above years.
9) The number of SAO prosecutions for each of the above years that did not proceed because they were dropped before the court date for each of the above years and why each case was dropped.
Answer to 7, 8 and 9 – None.
If you feel your request has not been answered in sufficient detail or if you wish to clarify the information given please contact me (i.e. the signer of the letter) and I will be happy to address the issues you raise.
If you are not satisfied with the way in which your request has been dealt with, or the information you have received you can ask for an internal review of our decision. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to:
Peter Grogan
Corporate Information Governance Manager,
County Hall
Or email .
If you are still not satisfied, you can complain to the Information Commissioner, details at
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
SK9 5AF Tel: 0303 – 123 1113
Finally, please be aware that your response will appear, without your contact details, on the Council’s website at:
Yours sincerely,
Michèle Weaver
Information Officer
Information Request Team
Tel: 01823 355959