January 2017SRUG Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2017, 1:30 – 3:00 pm
Call: 701-328-1601 – Conference ID/passcode: 62920#
Inst / Attendee / Inst / Attendee / Inst / AttendeeNDUS / Tom McNaughton / DSU / Johnna Douthit / UND / Ray Pospisil
NDUS / Ramona Breuer / LRSC / Dan Johnson / UND / Christina Fargo
NDUS / Lisa Johnson / MaSU / Pam Braaten / UND / Scott Correll
NDUS / Deb Ott / MiSU / Rebecca Ringham / UND / Marci Mack
NDUS / Charles Fjeld / NDSCS / Barb Mund / VCSU / Jodi Klier
NDUS / Mary Bergstrom / NDSU / Rhonda Kitch / WSC / Crystal Hotchkiss
BSC / Tom Leno / NDSU / Jackie Schluchter
BSC / Sandy Fried / NDSU / Ranelle Ingalls
DCB / April Abrahamson / UND / Patty Dorsher
- Meeting minutes recorded by April Abrahamson(DCB)
- Approval of December SRUG meeting minutes: Tom Leno (BSC) moves to approved minutes. Crystal Hotchkiss (WSC) seconds.
Student Record Development Updates:
- CTS Update (McNaughton, CTS)
- Tom M (CTS) sent an email to all user groups in the NDUS system detailing how priorities for developments with CTS are determined and which activitiesare planned for CTS currently.
- The Campus Solutions Roadmap is located here:
- If there are any ideas, comments, questions please send an email to
- Prioritization of DRs
- None needed
- DR status updates (SR Business Analysts, CTS)
- SIS/NSC integration update (Correll, UND)
- Campus’ are in agreement that it would be a time savings and improve efficiencies in offices processing transcripts. Would like to implement when it fits into the CTS timeline.
- Lisa Johnson (NDUS) informed the SRUG committee that late last week she was notified that a memo was going to be sent from the Chancellor’s office to the office of the President on each campus expressing a desire to support an initiative which would require campus’ to exchange transcripts with other NDUS institutions with no charge to the student.
- How would campus’ receive permission to release transcripts?
- What are the impacts on revenue of doing this? Transcript money is used to cover new initiatives, such as Transform and TES, and help pay salaries for employees.
- Would outstanding debt be a reason to hold a transcript from other institution?
- List of in progress DRs (SR Business Analysts, CTS)
- No Updates
Old Business:
- CCUG updates (Hotchkiss, WSC)
- Delegated access
- No Update
- Address inactivation
- Crystal (WSC) haven’t had a chance to write DR. Continuing to work with HR on what effects they may have.
- CC User Group requesting updates to the NDU Service Indicator Report as follows:
NDU Applications > NDU Campus Community > Student Info by Individual > NDU Service Indicator Report
Add prompts for:
Email Type (campuses needing to email students with certain holds)
Address Usage (some campuses send postcards to students with certain holds)
Add fields:
Email (based on prompt)
Address (based on prompt)
Enrollment status (so can filter report to just enrolled or not, etc).
This would help campuses when using the report to generate communications to students who are enrolled, etc.
- Rhonda (NSU) makes a motion to support this change. Tom Leno (BSC) seconds, All approve
- Student View
- How is it working for campuses?
- Campus’ report that it is helpful for troubleshooting.
- Dan (LRSC) concerned that on small campus’ employees would be able to view items which they should not be able to view.
- Can all demographic data be viewed (all phone/email)? Currently only “home” displays.
- Tom M (CTS) this would require a modification, there will be no modifications done to student view at this point.
- Scott (UND) shared the information is there – if an employee has access to view this information they would be able to view if they click on the General Information (2nd) tab.
- SBHE procedure 403.7.5 requiring posting of all credits, including W’s (Ringham, MiSU)
- Update from Financial Aid user group – passed a recommendation to update language.
For students who first enroll in the fall 2010 semester or later, Institutions must enter into the student administration system as individual courses all undergraduate courses in an undergraduate career, including all upper and lower division courses,and transfer courses and courses with grades of W, I, and Fwith the exception of collaborative student academic records. Collaborative students must have all attempted and completed courses entered by their home institution.
- Discussion regarding this recommendation to the update language was that SRUG would go back to the Financial Aid user group with and update to the language provided. Campus’ agreed that “W” and permanent “I” grades did not need to be transcribed but “F” grades and non-permanent “I” grades should appear on transfer course work. The updated language will also need to include a starting point that this will happen as previously transcribed transfer work will not be re-transcribed to match the updated language.
- Rebecca (MiSU) moves to take the language provided and update
Effective no earlier than Fall 2018, For students who first enroll in the fall 2010 semester or later, institutions must enter into the student administration system as individual courses all undergraduate courses in an undergraduate career, including all upper and lower division courses,and transfer courses and courses with grades of W, I, and Fincluding courses with F and non-permanent I grades with the exception of collaborative student academic records. Collaborative students must have all attempted and completed courses entered by their home institution.
- Ranelle (NDSU)2nds the motion,
- Roll call by campus to approve new language:
BSC-Approve, DCB-Approve, DSU-Approve, LRSC-Approve, MaSU-Approve, MiSU-Approve, NDSCS-Approve, NDSU-Approve, UND-Approve, WSC-Approve
- Rhonda (NDSU) will send the updated recommendation back to the Financial Aid user group.
Agenda items tobe moved to next meeting:
- Complete PERC set up(Kitch, NDSU)
- PeopleSoft graduation process (Ingalls, NDSU)
- Comm Gen updates from CTS
- Student teaching course component definition (Klier (VCSU), Ringham (MiSU), Kitch (NDSU), Fjeld (CTS))
- College Scheduler (Kitch (NDSU) and Correll (UND))
- Ad Astra optimizer (Kitch, NDSU)
- CourseLeaf PeopleSoft bridge (Kitch, NDSU)
- Prior life experience credit entry (Breuer, CTS)
- Record retention of enrollment verifications and transcript requests update (Ringham, MiSU)
New Business:
- Emailing confidential information (Ringham, MiSU)
- Rebecca (MiSU) Information Technology department has informed her office that no confidential information should be sent to student through their email. It is not secure to send information even to the campus email. What other options do campus’ use to send confidential information?
- Tom M (CTS) opposing views on this. Email is not as secure as originally thought because of behind the scenes software
- Rhonda (NDSU) uses a secure portal where a link is sent in an email. View clicks the link and can access the documents. Link is only good for 3 days but has worked successfully.
- Tom M (CTS) Liquid Files will be available for use across NDUS. This will be a secure way to send information though will need to develop what data should be shared.
- WICHE Passport (Mund, NDSCS)
- Dan (LRSC) have submitted an application, Scott (UND) submitted an application and have been approved as part of the program
- Barb(NDSCS) is there some kind of Academic Advisement Report that could be created so measuring whether a student has completed the program is not a manual process
- Scott (UND) developed an advisement report internally.
Agenda items to be moved to next meeting:
- Joint IR/SR enrollment report meeting (Hotchkiss, WSC)
- Communicating OERs (no book purchase required) to students (Klier, VCSU)
- Perceptive Software (Ringham, MiSU)
- Summer and beyond SRUG meetings – consistent scheduling (Kitch, NDSU)
- Classroom Utilization and Scheduling (Mr. Rick Tonder, NDSU Director of Facilities Planning)
- Office 365 Modern Groups information shared with John Underwood, NDUS:
- There is support for the use of Office 365 Modern Groups; it can be a valuable tool for students, staff and faculty.
- Any user groups, classes, and departmental groups need to be hidden so outside members cannot view or gain access to membership rosters or information shared within the group.
- It is also essential faculty be advised to not post any FERPA protected information within the group, including grades, corrected homework, etc.
Future meetings:
- February 22nd
- March 22nd
- April 26th
- May 24th
Future agenda items:
- Ad Astra overview
- Clean up of CCN list (Hotchkiss, WSC)