(See also the separate list of relevant CRILE Working Papers)

ALLWRIGHT, D. 1992 “Exploratory Teaching: bringing research and pedagogy together in the language classroom.” Plenary talk for the first Encontro em Ensino das Linguas Estrangeiras, Viseu, Portugal, May, published in Revue de Phonétique Appliquée, Vol. 103-104, pp 101-117. Available from the author on request.

ALLWRIGHT, D. 1993 “Integrating ‘Research’ and ‘Pedagogy’: appropriate criteria and practical possibilities.” IN Edge and Richards (eds) Teachers Develop Teachers Research, Oxford, Heinemann, pp125-135.

ALLWRIGHT, D. 1995 Bringing Research into the Language Classroom: A Case for ‘Exploratory Practice’. Invited plenary talk at the ALAA Conference, Canberra, Australia, September. (Nine page outline only.)

ALLWRIGHT, D. 1996 Integrating Training and Development: the role of research. Invited plenary talk for the International Conference on Teacher Training and Teacher Development: Integration and Diversity, Bilkent University, Turkey, December. 17 pages.

ALLWRIGHT, D. 1997 “Quality and Sustainability in Teacher-Research.” TESOL Quarterly, Spring, 31/2, pp368-70.

ALLWRIGHT, D. 1997 “Exploratory Practice (A response to David Nunan).” ELT News and Views, Year 4, Vol 3, September, pp53-54.

ALLWRIGHT, D. 1997 From Academic Research to Professional Development: the story of Exploratory Practice. Edited transcription of an invited talk and following discussion at the Universidade Federal do Paranà, Curitiba, Brazil, May. 37 pages.

ALLWRIGHT, D. 1998 “Bring Classroom Language Learning to Life.” GELINewsletter (Grupo de Especialistas en Lengua Inglesa, Havana, Cuba), Vol. VI, No. 1-2-3-4, pp 3- 17. Invited plenary talk presented at TESOL ITALY Conference, Rome, November.

ALLWRIGHT, D. 1999 Putting Learning on the Classroom Agenda: a case for learner-based Exploratory Practice. Invited plenary talk for the National Congress on English, Zeist, the Netherlands, January. 20 pages.

ALLWRIGHT, D. 1999 “Three Major Processes of Teacher development and the Appropriate Design Criteria for Developing and Using Them.” Invited plenary presentation at the ‘Research and Practice: Voices from the Field’ Conference on Teacher Education, Minneapolis, May. Awaiting publication in the conference proceedings.

ALLWRIGHT, D. 2000 Classroom Language Learning: Public Behaviour, Private Learning. Invited plenary talk at the KOTESOL Conference, Taegu, Korea, September. 15 pages. Awaiting publication in the conference proceedings.

ALLWRIGHT, D. 2000 Exploratory Practice: an ‘appropriate methodology’ for language teacher development? Invited plenary talk at the 8th IALS Symposium for Language Teacher Educators, Edinburgh, Scotland, November. (Eight page outline only.)

ALLWRIGHT, D. & K.M. BAILEY 1991 “Towards Exploratory Teaching.” Chapter 11 of Focus on the Language Classroom (same authors). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp194-199.

ALLWRIGHT, D. & R. LENZUEN 1997 “Exploratory Practice: work at the Cultura Inglesa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.” Language Teaching Research, 1/1, pp73-79.

BANNELL, R.I. 1997 “It’s All Right in Theory, but What About Praxis? Knowledge, Action and Exploratory Teaching.” IN Field, J. & A. Graham (eds) Teachers Develop Teachers Research 2, Kingston, IATEFL.

BANNELL, R.I. 1998 “Reason, Ideology and Culture: towards a critical perspective in the education of English language teachers." IN Head, K. (ed): Teachers Develop Teachers Research 3, Kingston, IATEFL, pp119-125.

HANKS, J. 1999 “Enthusiasm, Puzzlement, and Exploratory Practice.” The International House Journal of Education and Development, London, International House, Issue No. 7, April/May, pp14-16.

LENZUEN, R. 1994 “Exploratory Teaching: looking back on our experience.” Views and News #9, Cultura Inglesa-Rio de Janeiro, July.

LENZUEN, R. & M.SAMSON 1998 “The Development of Exploratory Practice at SBCI.” ELT Views and News, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp72-74.

MAZZILLO, T.M. 1994 “Quality and Exploratory Teaching: the missing link.” Views and News #9, Cultura Inglesa-Rio de Janeiro, July.

MAZZILLO, T.M. 1994 “On Becoming a Researcher.” TESOL JOURNAL, 4/1, Autumn, pp45-46.

MILLER, I.K. & R.I. BANNELL 1998 “Teacher Education, Understanding and Exploratory Practice. IATEFL Teacher Trainers SIG Newsletter, No. 22, pp20-27.

NAIDU, B., K. NEERAJA, E. RAMANI, J. SHIVAKUMAR & A. VISWANATHA 1992 “Re-searching Heterogeneity: an account of teacher-initiated research into large classes.” English Language Teaching Journal, 46/3, pp252-263.

NUNAN, D. 1997 “Teaching Portfolios for Teacher Development.” ELT News and Views, Supplement 4.1-Teacher Development, March, pp4-7.

O’BRIEN, T., G. NEWHAM, & L. TINKER 2000 “Collaborative Practice-based Research in Supporting the Language Development of Primary Level Bilingual Children: a case study.” Educational Action Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, 43-64.

ÖZDENIZ, D. 1996 “Introducing innovations into your teaching: innovation and exploratory teaching.” In Willis, J. & D. Willis (eds): Challenge and Change in Language Teaching, Oxford, Heinemann, pp110-125.

SAMSON, M. Forthcoming. “Researching Exploratory Practice at the Sociedade Brasileira de Cultura Inglesa Rio.” Paper presented at the 6th National Convention of BRAZ-TESOL, Recife, Brazil. Forthcoming in the convention proceedings.

EPCentre, Lancaster, April, 2001.



No 7 ALLWRIGHT, D. 1991 Exploratory Teaching, Professional Development, and the Role of a Teachers Association. Invited paper for the Cuban Association of English Language Specialists (GELI), Havana, Cuba.

No 8ALLWRIGHT, D. 1991 “Understanding Classroom Language Learning.” Plenary talk given at XI ENPULI, São Paulo, Brazil. IN Anais do XI Encontro Nacional de Professores Universitários de Língua Inglesa, pp14-27.

No 9ALLWRIGHT, D. 1991 “Exploratory Language Teaching.” A description and report on a mini-course conducted at XI ENPULI, São Paulo, Brazil. IN Anais do XI Encontro Nacional de Professores Universitários de Língua Inglesa, pp160-170.

No 13ALLWRIGHT, D. 1992 Integrating ‘Research’ and ‘Pedagogy’: Appropriate Criteria and Practical Possibilities. Invited paper for TRTD Conference, Birmingham. 23 pages.

No 14ALLWRIGHT, D. 1992 Understanding Classroom Language Learning: An argument for an 'exploratory' approach. Paper for the British Council Conference, Milan, April.

No 18ALLWRIGHT, D., R. LENZUEN, T. MAZZILLO, and I.K. MILLER 1994 Integrating Research and Pedagogy: Lessons from experience in Brazil.

No 37ALLWRIGHT, D. 1992 Am I now, have I ever been , and could I ever be - a ‘developer’? Invited plenary talk for the International Conference on Teacher Training and Teacher Development: Integration and Diversity, Bilkent University, Turkey, December.

No 40ALLWRIGHT, D. 1998 Learning (and teaching) as well as you know how: why is it so very difficult? Invited plenary talk for a day conference at Odense University, Denmark. 29 pages.

No 41ALLWRIGHT, D. 1998 For the last time: am I now, have I ever been, and could I ever be - a ‘Developer’? Revised version of 37 above.

No 42ALLWRIGHT, D. 1998 The Role of TESOL in Research, and the Role of Research in TESOL.

EPCentre, March, 2001.