Calculator Procedures

To Enter Data into Lists


select EDIT at the top of the screen

select 1: Edit

enter the numbers

To create a Scatter Plot

enter the data in 2 lists (enter the values for the independent variable in the 1st list used and the dependent variable values in the 2nd perhaps)


select the plot to use (either 1:, 2:, or 3:)

select ON

select the Scatterplot as the Type of plot (it is the 1st type listed)

indicate which lists are to be used as the x coordinates and y coordinates (2nd L1 or L2, L3 etc.)

(x list is the independent variable and y list is the dependent)


adjust window to see the scatterplot using Zoom 9 or Window if you want to define the window

To determine (and Graph) the Equation for the Line of Best Fit - Regression

enter the data in 2 lists (enter the values for the independent variable in the 1st list used and the dependent variable values in the 2nd perhaps)

To determine the equation of the line of best fit (i.e. regression)


select CALC at the top of the screen

select 4:LinReg(ax+b)

indicate which lists to use – Note: how to do that depends on your calculator

Either…… LinReg(ax+b) L1 , L2 (note the comma between the list names) then Enter

Or………. enter the list names where indicated then select Calculate

the calc. will give the slope value as a and the y intercept value as b

To graph the line of best fit the equation must entered in the calculator at Y =

enter the equation by using the slope and y intercept values determined using the procedure above

To determine the Correlation Coefficient

To determine the correlation coefficiententer the data and determine the equation for the line of best fit as described above. The correlation coefficient will be provided as “ r ” with theequation as long as the “Diagnostics On” feature is enabled. To do that


scroll toDiagnostics On



To determine they Coordinate on a Graph for a given x Coordinate

graph the equation

The x coordinate you want to determine the y partner for must be within your graphing window. For example if you are trying to determine the y coordinate with an x coordinate of 5, then your window must be such that the x axis reaches to 5


select 1: value

enter the x coordinate you are using


To find where two lines intersect /an Intersection Point

enter the equations at y =

Graph (The intersection point must be visible on the screen. You may need to adjust your window. Try Zoom then Zoom Out or Zoom Fit)

2nd calc.

select 5: intersect

The calc. will ask First curve? Be sure one of your equations is showing in the corner.


The calc. will ask Second curve? Be sure your other equation is showing.


The calc. will ask Guess?


To determine an X -Intercept

Enter the equation at y =


2nd calc

Select option 2 – Zero

Left bound – Move your cursor to the left of the intercept - Enter

Right bound – Move your cursor to the right of the intercept - Enter

Guess – Enter

To Check Polynomial Multiplication

Enter the polynomials to be multiplied

2nd Test

Select option 1 (=)

Enter your suggested answer/product


1 indicates it is correct, 0 indicates it is incorrect

To Check Factors

Enter the polynomial to be factored

2nd Test

Select option1 (=)

Enter the suggested factors


1 indicates it is correct, 0 indicates incorrect