Some explanatory notes to enable completion of this document.

In order to help you complete the role description it is worth noting:

(a)  Page 2. Role purpose. Since this section is general to all it should be left intact apart from deleting the section as appropriate. The Archdeacon will make any modifications to this page.

(b)  Page 3. Specific Responsibilities. Please select from and/or add to the list provided of your specific responsibilities.

(c)  Page 4. Under ‘Diocesan and Deanery’ it is the 5th bullet point that really affects you (‘Local Ministers of other Christian Leaders’). Please list these as appropriate for your parish(es).

Under ‘Parish’ please give details relating to each of these 6 bullet points.

Under ‘Role Context’ please provide details of any parish plans you have for church and community. (The Deanery Plan will be provided by the Area Dean, whilst the Diocesan Context will be provided by the Archdeacon.)

(d)  Page 5. ‘Benefice Summary’. You will need to provide details of each of these sections as listed.

Once you have completed each of these sections please return the document to the Archdeacon so that it can be collated.

The Role Description will be reviewed with the Archdeacon at each Ministerial Development Review.

If you would like to receive this document electronically please email the PA to your Archdeacon as below:

PA to the Archdeacon of Portsdown – Mrs Anne Stunt

PA to the Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight – Mrs Sally Read

PA to the Archdeacon of the Meon – Mrs Valerie Agnew


Details of Post

Role title as on licence:

Name of Benefice:



Initial point of contact on terms of service: Archdeacon of

Signed by licence holder:

Signed by Bishop/Archdeacon:


To be reviewed: 6 months after commencement of the appointment and at each Ministerial Development Review

Role Purpose


·  To share with the Bishop both in the cure of souls and the responsibility for co-operating with the Holy Spirit in growing the Kingdom in the parishes. This particularly involves working with other parishes and colleagues in the deanery/Island to develop the deanery/Island plan for mission and ministry (the development of the plan is the responsibility of the Area Dean and Deanery Pastoral committee and Synod)

·  To have regard to the calling and responsibilities of the clergy as described in the Canons, the Ordinal, the Code of Professional Conduct for the Clergy and other relevant legislation, such as the Declaration of Assent

·  To be rooted in the community, to offer pastoral care to all, and to show the love of God by responding to local needs

·  To nurture the congregations through a ministry of word, sacrament, prayer and service

·  To oversee the organisational life of the churches by attending to matters of health and safety, finance, legislative requirements, administration and people management

In your office as a priest you are called

To say Morning and Evening Prayer daily

·  To be servants and shepherds among the people to whom you are sent

·  To be messengers, watchmen and stewards of the Lord

·  To teach and to admonish

·  To call your hearers to repentance and to declare in Christ’s name the absolution and forgiveness of their sins

·  With all God’s people, to tell the story of God’s love.

·  To baptise new disciples in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

·  To unfold the Scriptures, to preach the word in season and out of season, and to declare the mighty acts of God.

·  To preside at the Lord’s table and lead his people in worship

·  To bless the people in God’s name.

·  To resist evil, support the weak, defend the poor and intercede for all in need.

·  To minister to the sick and prepare the dying for their death.

·  To help discern God’s will for the churches and people whom you serve through the guidance of the Holy Spirit to release and foster the gifts of all God’s people that the whole church may be built up in unity and faith

·  To prepare couples for marriage and conduct wedding services

·  To prepare parents of young children for baptism

·  To prepare for and conduct funeral services

Specific responsibilities

·  To oversee the planning, organisation and conduct of worship, making appropriate use of available resources to give glory to God and to nurture the faith of all within the life of the Church

·  In co-operation with the PCCs, to manage the whole mission of the Church on Hayling Island, including appropriate spiritual, legal, financial, Synodical, pastoral and missionary responsibilities

·  To identify how the Spirit inspires each of the three congregations, and, then, building on their strengths and diminishing their weaknesses, encourage joyful inclusion in the whole Mission of the Church on the Island

·  To enthuse clergy and lay colleagues, churchwardens, PCC, parish staff and volunteers to offer their talents and time to the work of the Church, and then use them effectively

·  Building from the existing parish missions, to develop an increased sense of joint mission and outreach

·  To seek out people with useful talents among the active retired folk and the young parents of the Island, and bring them and their children into fellowship of the Church

·  To find ways of attracting those on the fringe, to draw them into the life of the church

·  To inspire, motivate and empower all members of the Church in their own discipleship, by all appropriate means

·  To oversee preparation for confirmation, marriage and baptism

·  To identify pastoral care needs within the parishes and ensure appropriate structures and people are in place to provide the necessary support, building from the present working base

·  To nurture and develop relationships with all local schools,

·  To nurture and develop relationships with community groups and other Christian communities within the parishes as appropriate

·  To support discussions within the deanery in the light of future plans for pastoral reorganisation, keeping the congregations informed and involved

·  To make full use of resources and buildings in order to develop the mission and outreach of the parishes

·  To develop own faith and that of those within the congregation through regular worship, prayer, reflection and study

·  To make time for yourself and God, and for yourself and your family

·  To maintain a balanced and healthy life style by attending to personal physical and spiritual well being and needs

Key contacts and relationships

Please see for background detail

Diocesan and Deanery

·  The Bishop and Archdeacon

·  The Area Dean, Deanery Chapter and Deanery Synod

·  The Diocesan Secretary and Diocesan Staff

·  The Cathedral and its staff

·  Local Ministers of other Christian traditions

·  Parishes Licensed and authorised colleagues (eg Readers, assistant clergy)

·  Please go to for fuller information

Revd Tim Wood / Ordained 0.5 stipend associate priest, for all three churches.
Revd Tony Kemp / Ordained SSM retired. St Mary’s
Revd Malcolm Bull / Ordained SSM retired.St Mary’s
Revd Pennie Payne / Ordained SSM retired. St Mary’s
Venerable Tony Turner / Ordained, retired archdeacon. St Peter’s
Canon John Byrne / Ordained retired priest, former Area Dean of Portsmouth, currently interim minister at St Mary’s (until Christmas 2015)
Margaret Evan-Hughes / ReaderSt Mary’s
Jackie Brookfield / ReaderSt Mary’s
Jennie Salisbury / Reader St Andrew’s
Gill Clarke / Reader-in-training

Safeguarding and other officers

Each parish has an identified, trained, safeguarding officer reporting to the PCC

Each parish has a nominated person with oversight responsibility for health and safety matters.

Detail of the committees of each PCC are displayed on the website under each parish.

Each PCC writes an annual report for its APCM, a copy of which can be made available.

Church Wardens, Honorary Secretaries and Hon Treasurers. Churches Together, Webmasters.

Church / Name / Position
St Andrew’s / Gill Clarke / Churchwarden (Chair PCC)
St Andrew’s / Victoria Macey / Churchwarden
St Mary’s / Alan Hoad / Churchwarden (Chair PCC)
St Mary’s / Ann Lloyd / Churchwarden
St Peter’s / Russ Woolnough / Churchwarden (Chair PCC)
St Peter’s / Nigel Chilcott / Churchwarden
St Andrew’s / Sarah Smith / Hon Sec
St Mary’s / Brian Baggett / Hon Sec
St Peter’s / Sue Emery / Hon Sec
St Andrew’s / Gill Clarke / Hon Treasurer
St Mary’s / Stewart Burrows / Hon Treasurer
St Peter’s / Mary Makin / Hon Treasurer
St Peter’s / Russ Woolnough / Asst Hon Treasurer
Hayling Anglicans Moonfruit / Michael Cayley / Webmaster, Hayling Anglicans Moonfruit
Hayling Anglicans St Mary’s / Stewart Burrows / Webmaster, St Mary’s
Churches Together on Hayling Island / Paul Covell / Chairman Churches Together on Hayling Island

Role Context and any other relevant information

Here is a place for the enthusiastic priest to advance a career in the service of the Church and its people.

Hayling Island is part of a deanery containing examples of outstandingly successful parishes.

We are a happy community, our island home bringing about a close-knit population of lively Islanders. But we could be better at prayer, more content, and more hopeful. A strong and confident church community makes a big difference everywhere to the Island.

There are not many other priests able to bear the load. How you conduct your Ministry will have to be different from the past, maybe. But many are ready to help you release the hidden talents of lay people in the service of God, to start new ways of doing church, to serve the needs of the Island. The parishes are fertile, the ground is ploughed, and all that we need is someone to sow fresh seeds in this fruitful earth.

The person who can bring this change will love God, love people and love getting things done. He or she will be an all-rounder, diplomatic, excellently organised, and tenacious, a leader and an organiser. His/her example of the Grace of the Holy Spirit will resonate with believers, and encourage those on the verge of belief. If you are ambitious to achieve satisfaction in your calling, Hayling Island offers your opportunity.

·  Any parish plans: church and community

·  The deanery plan

·  Diocesan context

Benefice summary

Parishes: St Andrew’s, Eastoke; St Mary’s, Hayling Island; St Peter’s North Hayling

Patrons: The Bishop of Portsmouth

Licensed Ministers:

Revd Tim Wood / The Bishop of Portsmouth
has appointed the Revd Tim Wood
as (0.5) stipendiary associate priest for the three Hayling Anglican churches from 28 September 2015.Tim has been serving as self-supporting associate priest
at St Andrew’s for much of the last 8 years
Revd Tony Kemp / Ordained SSM retired. St Mary’s
Revd Malcolm Bull / Ordained SSM retired.St Mary’s
Revd Pennie Payne / Ordained SSM retired. St Mary’s
Venerable Tony Turner / Retired archdeacon. St Peter’s
Canon John Byrne / Ordained retired priest, former Area Dean of Portsmouth, currently interim minister at St Mary’s (until Christmas 2015)

Number of PCCs: Three – St Andrew’s; St Mary’s; St Peter’s.

Number of Churchwardens: Two for each parish, total six.

Buildings – to include churches with listings, church halls, parsonage house:St Andrew’s – not Listed; St Mary’s, Listed Grade 2*; St Peter’s, Listed Grade 1

Churchyards – to note whether open or closed: St Mary’s – Open. St Peter’s – Open.

Average Sunday Attendance:

Statistics for Mission 2014 - combined Hayling Anglicans
Question / St Andrews / St Marys / St Peters / Total
1 / Number on parish electoral role / 71 / 159 / 170 / 400
2a / Number usual Sunday adults / 44 / 94 / 62 / 200
2b / Number usual Sunday u16 / 10 / 5 / 14 / 29
3a / Easter communicants / 75 / 123 / 150 / 348
3b / Easter number total / 96 / 148 / 208 / 452
4a / Advent special services congregation / 50 / 221 / 434 / 705
4b / Advent special others / 0 / 496 / 200 / 696
5a / Christmas communicants / 38 / 123 / 161 / 322
5b / Christmas all / 100 / 416 / 197 / 713
6a / October Sunday 1adults / 36 / 126 / 75 / 237
6a / Oct Sunday 1 u16 / 2 / 75 / 15 / 92
6a / Oct Sun 2 adults / 36 / 79 / 82 / 197
6a / Oct Sun 2 u16 / 2 / 3 / 11 / 16
6a / Oct Sun 3 adults / 53 / 99 / 49 / 201
6a / Oct Sun 3 u16 / 2 / 8 / 1 / 11
6a / Oct Sun 4 adults / 32 / 94 / 58 / 184
6a / Oct sun 4 u16 / 2 / 2 / 10 / 14
8 / Worshipping community u10 / 17 / 12 / 10 / 39
8 / Worshipping community 11-17 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 21
8 / Worshipping community 18-69 / 30 / 70 / 58 / 158
8 / Worshipping community 70+ / 34 / 90 / 120 / 244
8 / Total worshipping community / 89 / 179 / 186 / 454
12 / Marriages / 0 / 21 / 14 / 35
12 / Marriage prayers / 0 / 1 / 0 / 1
13 / Funerals in church / 0 / 37 / 16 / 53
13 / Funerals elsewhere / 11 / 9 / 20 / 40
11 / Baptisms / 4 / 21 / 25 / 50
Confirmations (all churches) / 28

NB. The first Sunday in October is Harvest Festival on the Island.