Journeys into the unknown
Where should we go? Who will go with us? Will there be danger ahead or is it to be plain sailing? As Vulcan and Spitfire voyage ahead they will find out some of the answers to questions that have inspired explorers over the centuries and are still being asked as we continue to explore space and the deep oceans.
Antarctica was a continent that was only explored just over a hundred a years ago, and we will be walking in the footsteps of Captain Scott and his men to understand what motivated them and what harsh conditions were experienced. We’ll find out what and who led to their downfall. Did they have the right experience and did they take the right tools for the job?
Spitfire and Vulcan classes will look at fictional journeys and think about what are the necessary requirements for travelling. Do Roo and his Grandfather really need a golfing trolley when they go on an expedition to find the last polar bears? Environmental questions are raised as we venture North and South in our studies. How are we looking after the world? Why are the poles melting and what could be the effect on the rest of the world?
As part of our RE lessons we will be considering what makes a good leader and why people follow others? Why has Jesus inspired people over the centuries and why was his journey such a difficult one? We will ask the children to reflect on their journeys so far. Where would they like to be in 15 or 20 years’ time?
We will think about the journeys that our food takes as it makes its way through our bodies. Why do we need all the parts we have - what function do they play?
We will be testing our leadership and survival skills as we go on our own journey into the Forest of Dean. We will put our problem solving skills to the test as we work in teams to find ways through shark-infested waters and distribute food carefully onto sledges. Our orienteering skills will be challenged as we try to find our way round using maps and compasses.
We’ll be scientists as we think about how materials change in different conditions, what is best to keep us warm, and we’ll even try our hand at making mittens.
Calendars and timing are some of the main features in any major expedition and they will be a particular focus of our maths work this term.
Our musical journeys will start firmly on the ground but then we will launch into space when the rhythms and the raps send us high! Back on Earth we’ll need a few calming moments which hopefully we’ll have as we take a look at the winter scenes of the great masters and try to create ones of our own, and even ‘catch snowflakes!’
We are in for an exciting journey this term with lots of discoveries to be made along the way!
Our regular timetable
Tuesday – Maths homework given out to be returned on Thursday
Thursday- Spellings and times tables given out to be tested the following Thursday
Thursday- English homework to be given out and brought back on Monday
Monday and Tuesday we have our usual PE slots. Please make sure PE kit is in school on these days.
NB. The above may change sometimes due to changes in our school journey!