Biology Quarter 3: Weeks 20-21
January 19-February 1, 2010
DATE / IN CLASS / HOMEWORKTuesday-Wednesday
(1; 95 min.
5; 80 min.)
1/19-20/10 / Introduction to Genetics
* How is genetic information passed from one generation to the next? How do geneticists use Mendel’s principles and probability to predict the outcome of genetic crosses? / 1. Biology Ch 11.1-2: Notes
DUE: Th-F 1/21-22
2. Genetics Problems I
DUE: Th-F 1/21-22
3. Journal Entry 6
DUE: M-T 1/25-26
(1,5; 95 min.)
1/21-22/10 / Intro to Human Genetics Disorders Project
Solving Genetics Problems
* How do geneticists use Mendel’s principles and probability to predict the outcome of genetic crosses? How are genetic disorders different than communicable diseases? / 1. Biology Ch 11.4: Notes
DUE: M-T 1/25-26
2. Genetics Problems II
DUE: M-T 1/25-26
2. Journal Entry 6
DUE: M-T 1/25-26
(1,5; 95 min.)1/25-26/10 / Formative Assessment/Genetics Research
Meiosis and Linked Genes
* How does meiosis maintain the continuity of species? What are the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis? How are genetic disorders inherited and diagnosed? / 1. Biology Ch 11.3: Notes
DUE: M-T 1/25-26
2. Genetics Disorder Poster
DUE: Th-M 2/4-8
(1; 80 min.5; 95 min.)
1/27-28/10 / Non-Mendelian Genetics
Genetics Research
* How is the inheritance of sex-linked traits different than the inheritance of other traits? / 1. Biology 14.1-2: Notes
DUE: F-M 1/29-2/1
2. Genetics Disorder Poster
DUE: Th-M 2/4-8
(1,5; 95 min.)1/29-2/1/10 / Human Genetics, Blood Typing, Pedigrees
* What information does Karyotyping provide? Why is it important to have empathy in dealing with genetic disorders? / 1. Check for Understanding
DUE: T-W 2/2-3
2. Genetics Problems III
DUE: T-W 2/2-3
3. Genetics Disorder Poster
DUE: Th-M 2/4-8
q Mendelian Genetics
o Gregor Mendel
o The Principle of Dominance
§ Genes, alleles, traits, and hybrids
o The Principle of Segregation
§ P, F1, and F2 generations
§ Gametes
· Probability and Punnett Squares
o Homozygous vs. Heterozygous
o Genotype vs. Phenotype
o Single trait crosses
o Multiple trait crosses
o The Principle of Independent Assortment
· Non-Mendelian Genetics
o Incomplete dominance
o Codominance
o Multiple alleles
o Polygenic traits
o Genes and the environment
· Meiosis
o Homologous pairs
o Meiosis I
o Meiosis II
o Human gamete formation
· Gene linkage and Chromosome Maps
q Human Genetics
· Human Heredity
o Human Chromosomes
o Karyotping
o Pedigrees
o Sex-linked traits
· Human Genetic Disorders
C. Gay 1/15/10 Steamboat Springs High School