List of Publications of Prof. Zafar A. Reshi
A) Research Papers
1.Khuroo, Anzar A., Zafar A Reshi, Akhtar H Malik, Ewald Weber, Irfan Rashid and G H Dar. 2011. Alien flora of India: taxonomic composition, invasion status and biogeographic affiliations. Biological Invasions (Accepted).
2.Khuroo, Anzar A., Zafar A. Reshi, Irfan Rashid and G.H. Dar. 2011. Towards an integrated research framework and policy agenda on biological invasions in the developing world: A case-study of India. Environmental Research doi:10.1016/j.envres.2011.02.011.
3.Aslam, M., Zafar A Reshi and T. O. Siddiqi. 2011. Genetic divergence in half-sib progenies of Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jackson plus trees in the Kashmir Himalaya, India. Tropical Ecology 52(2):201-208.
4.Khuroo, A. A., Ewald Weber, A.H. Malik, G.H. Dar and Zafar A Reshi. 2010. Taxonomic and biogeographic patterns in the native and alien woody flora of Kashmir Himalaya, India. Nordic Journal of Botany. 28: 685-696.
5.Aslam, M. Zafar A Reshi and T.O. Siddiqi. 2010. Variability in cone and seed characteristics among plus trees of blue pine (Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jackson) in the Kashmir Himalaya, India. International Journal of Pharma and BioScience 1(4): B-212-223.
6.Shah, M.A. and Zafar A Reshi. 2010. Phosphorus application in relation to mycorrhizal association of Anthemis cotula L., an invasive species in the Kashmir Himalaya, India. Mycorrhiza News 22: 8-12.
7.Khuroo, A. A., A. H. Malik, Zafar A Reshi, and G.H.Dar. 2010. From ornamental to detrimental: plnat invasion of Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. (Ox-eye Daisy) in Kashmir Valley, India. Current Science 98: 600-602.
8.Rashid, I. and Zafar A. Reshi. 2010. Does carbon addition to soil counteract disturbance-promoted alien plant invasions? Tropical Ecology 51(2S): 339-345.
9.Shah, Manzoor A., Zafar A. Reshi & N. Rasool. 2009. Plant invasion induces shift in Glomalean spore diversity. Tropical Ecology 51(2S): 317-323.
10.Shah, Manzoor A., Zafar A. Reshi & Damase Khasa. 2009. Arbuscular mycorrhizas: Drivers or passengers of alien plant invasion. Botanical Review 75: 397-417.
11.Khuroo, A.A., Zafar A. Reshi, Irfan Rashid, G.H. Dar and A.H. Malik. 2009. Plant Invasions in montane ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology 7: 408.
12.Shah, Manzoor A., Zafar A. Reshi & Damase Khasa. 2009. Mycorrhizal status of some alien invasive plants of the Kashmir Himalaya, India. Mycorrhiza 20: 67-72.
13.Aslam, M., Ali Mohd, A., Zafar A Reshi, and T.O. Siddiqi. 2009. Status of Himalayan Yew (Taxus baccata Linn.) in a mixed coniferous forest of the Kashmir Hinmalaya. National Journal of Life Sciences 6: 55-61.
14.Rashid, Irfan, G.P. Sharma, K.J. Esler, Zafar A. Reshi, A.A. Khuroo and A. Simpson. 2009. A Standardized response to Biological Invasions. Science 325: 146.
15.Bhat, N., Zafar Reshi, R.K. Verma and A.R. Malik. 2009. Litter decomposition pattern in Fraxinus excelsior and Ulmus villosa forests in different seasons in Dachigam National Park, J&K, India. The Indian Forester 135: 1730-1736.
16.Dar, A. R., Zafar Reshi and G. H. Dar. 2009. Germination studies on three critically endangered endemicangiosperm species of the Kashmir Himalaya, India. Plant Ecology 200:105-115.
17.Reshi, Zafar, Anzar A. Khuroo and G.H. Dar. 2009. Plant species diversity in the Kashmir Himalayan grasslands along an elevational gradient. International Journal of Ecology and Environment 35: 91-100.
18.Reshi, Zafar, Anzar A. Khuroo and G.H. Dar. 2009. Net Primary Production and Transfer Dynamics in Kashmir Himalayan Grasslands. International Journal of Ecology and Environment 35: 101-112
19.Bhat, N., R.K. Verma, Zafar Reshi and M.A. Dar. 2009. Decomposition pattern and nitrogen release from Ulmus villosa leaf litter in Dachigam National Park, Jammu & Kashmir, India. Annals of Forestry 17: 83-88.
20.Bhat, N., R.K. Verma and Zafar Reshi. 2009. Seasonal variation of litter production in Fraxinus excelsior Linn. and Ulmus villosa Brandis forests of Dachigam National Park (J&K). The Indian Forester 135: 825-830.
21.Khuroo, A. A., Zafar Reshi, Irfan Rashid, G. H. Dar and Z. S. Khan. 2008. Operational characterization of alien invasive flora and its management implications. Biodiversity and Conservation 17: 3181-3194.
22.Nazir, R., Zafar Reshi and B. A. Wafai. 2008. Reproductive ecology of medicinally important Kashmir Himalayan species of Digitalis L. Plant Species Biology 23: 59-70.
23.Shah, M. A., Zafar Reshi and Irfan Rashid. 2008. Mycorrhizal source and neighbour identity differently influence Anthemis cotula L. invasion in the Kashmir Himalaya, India. Applied Soil Ecology 40: 330-337.
24.Shah, M. A., Zafar Reshi and Irfan Rashid. 2008. Mycorrhizosphere mediated Mayweed Chamomile invasionin the Kashmir Himalaya, India. Plant and Soil 312: 219-225.
25.Reshi, Zafar, Manzoor A. Shah, Irfan Rashid and Anzar A. Khuroo. 2008. Alien plant invasions: Threat to wetland health and public wealth. Sarovar Saurabh 4: 2-5.
26.Tyub, Sumira and Zafar Reshi. 2008. Mixed litter decomposition in a grassland of Kashmir Himalaya. International Journal of Ecology and Environment 34: 19-28.
27.Reshi, Zafar, Irfan Rashid, Anzar Ahmad Khuroo and B.A. Wafai. 2008. Effect of invasion by Centaurea iberica on community assembly of a mountain grassland of Kashmir Himalaya, India. Tropical Ecology 49: 147-156.
28.Rashid, Irfan, Zafar Reshi and B.A. Wafai. 2007. Effect of seedling emergence time on the performance of mayweed (Anthemis cotula L.): an alien invasive species in Kashmir Himalaya. Proceeding of the 21st Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society (APWSS) Conference 2-6 October. pp. 408-412.
29.Rashid, Irfan, Zafar Reshi, R. R. Allaie and B. A. Wafai. 2007. Germination ecology of invasive alien Anthemis cotula L. helps it synchronise its successful recruitment with favourable habitat conditions. Annals of Applied Biology 150: 361-369.
30.Shah, Manzoor A. and Zafar Reshi. 2007. Invasion by alien Anthemis cotula L. in a biodiversity hotspot. Release from native foes or relief from alien friends. Current Science 92: 21-22.
31.Khuroo, A. A., Irfan Rashid, Zafar Reshi, G. H. Dar and B. A. Wafai. 2007. The alien flora of Kashmir Himalaya. Biological Invasions 9: 269-292.
32.Reshi, Zafar. 2007. Allelopathy, allelochemicals and alien plant invasions. Fluorescence 2: 19-21.
33.Dar, A. R., G. H. Dar and Zafar Reshi. 2006. Recovery and restoration of some critically endangered endemic angiosperms of the Kashmir Himalaya. Journal of Biological Sciences 6: 985-991.
34.Dar, A. R., G. H. Dar and Zafar Reshi. 2006. Conservation of Artemisia amygdalina- A critically endangered endemic plant species of Kashmir Himalaya. Endangered Species Update 23: 34-39.
35.Reshi, Zafar, Anzar Ahmad Khuroo and B. A. Wafai. 2006. Species abundance distribution patterns in Kashmir Himalayan grasslands along an altitudinal gradient. Journal of Himalayan Ecology and Sustainable Development 1: 105-117.
36.Allaie, R. R., Zafar Reshi, Irfan Rashid and B.A. Wafai. 2006. Effect of aqueous leaf leachate of Anthemis cotula—an alien invasive species on germination behaviour of some field crops. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 192: 186-191.
37.Allaie, R. R., Zafar Reshi and B.A. Wafai. 2005. Demographic plasticity in relation to growth and resource allocation pattern in Anthemis cotula—an alien invasive species in Kashmir Himalaya, India. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 4: 63-74.
38.Khuroo, A. A., G. H. Dar, Z. S. Khan and Zafar Reshi. 2005. Observations on Gentiana kurroo Royle, a Critically Endangered Medicinal Plant from the Kashmir Himalaya. Endangered Species Update 22: 139-143.
39.Allaie, R. R., Zafar Reshi and B.A. Wafai. 2005. Demographic studies on alien invasive Anthemis cotula L. in Kashmir Himalaya. Trends in Life Sciences 20: 49-56.
40.Shah, M. A. and Zafar Reshi. 2005. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis: Need for an eco-centric approach. Applied Botany Abstracts 25: 231-240
41.Shah, M. A. and Zafar Reshi. 2005. Incidence of arbuscular mycorrhizae in Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jackson of Kashmir Himalaya. Mycorrhiza News. 17: 11-14.
42.Ahmad, Syed Hilal, Zafar Reshi, Javed Ahmad and Muhammad Iqbal. 2005. Morpho-anatomical responses of Trigonella foenum graecum Linn. to induced cadmium and lead stress. J. Plant Biol.48:64-84.
43.Reshi, Zafar, Ruveida Rasool Allaie and B. A. Wafai. 2004. Plant Invasion….a contemporary ecological concern. J Res. & Dev. 4: 1-19.
44.Reshi, Zafar and B.L. Sapru. 2004. Weed-fertilizer interaction in transplanted paddy under temperate conditions of Kashmir Himalaya. Indian J. Agric. Res. 38:28-33.
45.Banday, F. A., Zafar Reshi, S. Kapila and S. S. Kumar. 2004. Restricted habitat preference in Kashmir Himalayan mosses. Punjab University Research Journal 54: 75-77.
46.Reshi, Zafar A. and B.L. Sapru. 2003. Evaluation of different herbicides for weed control in chilli (Capsicum annum L.) under temperate conditions of Kashmir Himalaya. J. Indian Bot. Soc.81:199-202.
47.Ganaie, M. M. and Zafar Reshi. 2003. Studies on standing crop of chlorophyll of a temperate grassland of Kashmir Himalaya. Ecol. Env. Cons.9;171-173.
48.Aquil, S., Syed Hilal Ahmad, Zafar Reshi, Mahmooduzzafar and Muhammad Iqbal. 2003. Physiological and biochemical response of Albizzia lebbeck Benth. to coal smoke pollution. Poll. Res.22: 489-493.
49.Ganaie, M. M. and Zafar Reshi. 2003. Floristic composition and seasonality of a temperate grassland of Kashmir Himalaya. Ecol. Env. Cons.9;109-113.
50.Reshi, Zafar and B. L. Sapru. 2003. Weed control efficiency of different herbicides in transplanted paddy under temperate conditions of Kashmir Himalaya. J. Curr. Sci. 3:35-39.
51.Reshi, Zafar and B.L. Sapru. 2001. Phytomass, density and dominance-diversity pattern of a pastureland of Kashmir Himalaya. Bull. Env. Sci. 19: 53-61.
52.Reshi, Zafar and B.L. Sapru. 1992. Biomass structure and productivity pattern of wheat crop and its associated weeds. Jour., Natcon. 14: 11-20.
53.Reshi, Zafar and B.L. Sapru. 1991. Biomass structure and productivity pattern of sarson crop and its associated weeds. Jour., Natcon., 3: 169-178.
54.Reshi, Zafar and B.L. Sapru. 1991. Biospectral analysis of weed flora of Kashmir valley. Adv., Plant Sci., 4: 223-229.
55.Reshi, Zafar and B.L. Sapru. 1991. Biomass and productivity pattern of paddy crop and its associated Weeds. Jour., Natcon., 3: 20-31.
56.Siddiq, M. A. A., Zafar Reshi, B.L. Sapru and P.Kachroo. 1988. Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC……….An addition to the flora of Indian sub-continent. Geobios New Reports 7: 166-167.
57.Reshi, Zafar, B.L. Sapru and P. Kachroo. 1987. Floristic and phenological observations on weed flora of Kashmir valley. Indian Jour., Ecol., 14: 218-223.
58.Siddiq, M. A. A., Zafar Reshi, B.L.Sapru and P. Kachroo. 1985. Weeds of kharif crops in Kashmir valley. Indian Jour., Weed Sci., 17: 22-34.
59.Reshi, Zafar, M.A.A. Siddiq, B.L.Sapru and P.Kachroo. 1986. Studies on weeds of rabi crops of Kashmir valley. Indian Jour., Weed Sci., 17: 1-13.
B. Book Chapters
60.Reshi, Zafar A. and Irfan Rashid. 2011. Risk Assessment for Management of Biological Invasions. In: Invasive Alien Plants: An Ecological Appraisal for the Indian Subcontinent. (Eds. J. R. Bhatt, J. S. Singh, R.S. Tripathi, S. P. Singh and R.K. Kohli). CABI International, United Kingdom.
61.Khuroo, Anzar A., Zafar A. Reshi, G. H. Dar and Irshad A. Hamal. 2011. Plant Invasions in Jammu and Kashmir State, India. In: Invasive Alien Plants: An Ecological Appraisal for the Indian Subcontinent. (Eds. J. R. Bhatt, J. S. Singh, R.S. Tripathi, S. P. Singh and R.K. Kohli). CABI International, United Kingdom.
62.Shah, M. A., and Zafar A. Reshi. 2011. Invasion by Alien Macrophytes in Freshwater Ecosystems of India. In: Invasive Alien Plants: An Ecological Appraisal for the Indian Subcontinent. (Eds. J. R. Bhatt, J. S. Singh, R.S. Tripathi, S. P. Singh and R.K. Kohli). CABI International, United Kingdom.
63.Ganie, Aijaz Hassan., Zafar A. Reshi and B. A. Wafai. 2011. A brief appraisal of genus Potamogeton L. in Kashmir Valley. In: Invasive Alien Plants: An Ecological Appraisal for the Indian Subcontinent. (Eds. J. R. Bhatt, J. S. Singh, R.S. Tripathi, S. P. Singh and R.K. Kohli). CABI International, United Kingdom.
64.Reshi, Zafar A., Manzoor A Shah, Irfan Rashid and Nazima Rasool. 2011. Anthemis cotula L. ___ a highly invasive species in theKashmir Himalaya, India. In: Invasive Alien Plants: An Ecological Appraisal for the Indian Subcontinent. (Eds. J. R. Bhatt, J. S. Singh, R.S. Tripathi, S. P. Singh and R.K. Kohli). CABI International, United Kingdom.
65.Ganie, A. H., Zafar Reshi and B.A. Wafai. 2008. Multiple reproductive strategies contribute to invasiveness of Potamogeton crispus L. (Potamogetonaceae) in freshwater ecosystems of Kashmir Himalaya, India. In: Proceedings of Taal 2007: The 12th World Lake Conference (Eds. M. Sengupta and R. Dalwani). pp. 1067-1073.
66.Dar, A. R., G. H. Dar and Zafar Reshi. 2008. Narrow endemics of the Kashmir Himalaya: Threat assessment and Conservation. In: Science for Better Tomorrow (Eds. M.Z. Chishti and Fayaz. Ahmad). pp. 31-39. Universal Printers, Khanyar, Srinagar, J&K.
67.Shah, Manzoor A. and Zafar Reshi. 2007. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Biotechnology: Approaches, Challenges and Prospects. In: Biofertilizers. (Ed.) P.C. Trivedi. pp 258-273. Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, India.
68.Reshi, Zafar and B. A. Wafai. 2006 Some plant communities are more invasible than others. Why? In: Biotechnology and Biology of Plants. (Ed. P.C. Trivedi). pp. 220-247. Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur, India.
69.Verma, V., S. M. Ahmad, M. M. Ganaie, S. F. Basir, Zafar Reshi, G. N. Qazi. 2005. Ribosomal genes in plants – Phylogenetic importance. In: Advances in Biotechnology (Ed. P.C. Trivedi). pp. 241-254. Agrobios (India), Jodhpur, India.
70.Reshi, Zafar, B.A.Wafai and R.R. Allaie. 2005. Some reflections on the paradox of biological invasion. In: Plant Biodiversity, Microbial interaction and Environmental Biology (Eds. S.N. Chaturvedi and K.P. Singh), pp.189-198. Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur, India.
71.Ganaie, M. M. and Zafar Reshi. 2004. Species diversity and dominance pattern in a temperate grassland of Kashmir Himalaya. In: A.N. Kamli and A.R. Yousuf (eds.) Bioresources: Concerns and Conservation. pp. 3-16. Centre of Research for Development, Srinagar.
72.Ahamd, Syed Hilal, Samina Aquil, Zafar Reshi, Mahmooduzzafar and Muhammad Iqbal. 2004. Morpho-anatomical and physiological response of Croton bonplandianum Baill. to coal smoke pollution. In: A.N. Kamli and A.R. Yousuf (eds.) Bioresources: Concerns and Conservation. pp. 155-176. Centre of Research for Development, Srinagar.
73.Reshi, Zafar A. 2000. Anthropogenic causes of species extinction. In: M.A. Khan (ed.). Environment, Biodiversity and Conservation. A.P.H.A. Pub. Co., New Delhi. pp. 451-461.
74.Reshi, Zafar. 1996. Energy: Resource or Pollutant. In: A.H. Khan and A.K. Pandit (eds.). Ecology, Environment and Energy. Department of Distance Education, University of Kashmir, Srinagar. pp. 333-349.
C. Book
75.Reshi, Zafar and Sumira Tyub. 2006. Detritus and Decomposition in Ecosystems.
New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India.
D. Conference presentations/abstracts
1.Reshi, Zafar A. 2010. Alien plant invasions in the Himalayan biodiversity hotspot: An emerging threat to the native biodiversity under changing environment. Paper presented at the International workshop on “Mountain Biodiversity and Impacts of Climate Change with special reference to Himalayan Biodiversity Hotspot” organized by GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Almora, India from 06th to 08th December, 2010.
2.Shah, M.A. and Zafar A Reshi. 2010. Molecular biogeography of the interaction between plant invasions and soil microbial diversity with particular reference to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Paper presented at the International Conference on “Mountain Biodiversity: Conservation & Sustainable Utilization from March 13-15, 2010 held at Doon University, Dehradun.
3.Ganie, A. H., Zafar Reshi and B. A. Wafai. 2009. Reproductive ecology of invasive alien Potamogeton pectinatus L. in freshwater ecosystems of the Kashmir Himalaya. Paper presented at the 16th International conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, April 19-23, 2009. Montreal, Canada.
4.Rashid, I., Imtiyaz Ahmad Bhat, Zafar Reshi and M. Z. Chisthi. 2009. Nematode density changes following Mayweed Chamomile invasion in the Kashmir Himalaya, India. Accepted for presentation during the10th International Conference on the ‘Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions (EMPAI 10). August 23-27, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
5.Reshi, Zafar, Anzar A. Khuroo, Irfan Rashid, Manzoor A. Shah and G. H. Dar. 2009. Plant invasions in the Kashmir Himalaya, India: Current understanding and future concerns. Accepted for presentation during the International Meet on“Plant Invasion & Forest Ecology: Concerns & Solutions” March 16-18, 2009. Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab.
6.Khuroo, A. A., Zafar Reshi, Irfan Rashid and G.H. Dar. 2009. A uniform research and policy framework for inventorying the invasive alien plants of India. Accepted for presentation during the International Meet on“Plant Invasion & Forest Ecology: Concerns & Solutions” March 16-18, 2009. Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab.
7.Shah, M. A., Damase P. Khasa and Zafar Reshi. 2009. Impact of Plant Invasion on Soil Microbial Diversity: A Molecular and Biogeographical Approach. Accepted for presentation during the International Meet on“Plant Invasion & Forest Ecology: Concerns & Solutions” March 16-18, 2009. Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab.
8.Rashid, I., Zafar Reshi and A. A. Khuroo. 2009. Evaluation of risk assessment schemes in relation to prediction of plant invasions in the Kashmir Himalaya, India. Accepted for presentation during the International Meet on“Plant Invasion & Forest Ecology: Concerns & Solutions” March 16-18, 2009. Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab.
9.Ganie, A. H., Zafar Reshi and B.A. Wafai. 2009. Alien invasive and non-invasive species of Potamogeton L. in the Kashmir Himalayan freshwater ecosystems: A comparative appraisal. Accepted for presentation during the International Meet on“Plant Invasion & Forest Ecology: Concerns & Solutions” March 16-18, 2009. Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab.
10.Shah, M. A. and Zafar Reshi. 2009. Smart strategies of an invasive species to sabotage sincere soil symbionts. 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists, June 28-July 2, 2009, Goteborg, Sweden.
11.Amin, F., S. N. Raina, Zafar Reshi, B. A. Wafai, T. H. Dar, Deepmala Sehgal and Sapna Jain. 2009. Baker’s rule of uniparental reproduction in alien invasive species is defied by Anthemis cotula L. (Asteraceae) in Kashmir Himalaya, Indi. Accepted for presentation during the National Conference on Biodiversity: Present Status and Future Challenges. 12-14 March, 2009, University of Kashmir, Srinagar.
12.Wafai, B. A., A. H. Ganie and Zafar Reshi. 2009. Reproductive biology in relation to habit and habitat characteristics of the genus Potamogeton L. (Potamogetonaceae): An Overview. Accepted for presentation during the National Conference on Biodiversity: Present Status and Future Challenges. 12-14 March, 2009, University of Kashmir, Srinagar.
13.Rashid, I., Zafar Reshi and B. A. Wafai. 2009. What constrains Galinsoga parviflora (Asteraceae) from being invasive in the Kashmir Himalaya, India? Accepted for presentation during the National Conference on Biodiversity: Present Status and Future Challenges. 12-14 March, 2009, University of Kashmir, Srinagar.
14.Itoo, Z. A., Zafar Reshi and M. S. Reddy. 2009. Ectomycorrhizal diversity associated with Pinus wallichiana and Cedrus deodara in the Kashmir Himalaya, India. Accepted for presentation during the National Conference on Biodiversity: Present Status and Future Challenges. 12-14 March, 2009, University of Kashmir, Srinagar.
15.Khuroo, A. A., Zafar Reshi, Irfan Rashid, G.H. Dar. 2009. An Unified Framework for Inventorization of Invasive Alien Flora of India. International Conference on Invasive Plants in the Tropics: Ecology, Management and Livelihoods. Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE). 5-6 January, 2009.
16.Rashid, I. and Zafar Reshi. 2009. Factors promoting spread and abundance of Conyza canadensis (L) Cronq. (Asteraceae), an invasive alien species in the Kashmir Himalaya, India. International Conference on Invasive Plants in the Tropics : Ecology, Management and Livelihoods. Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE). 5-6 January, 2009.
17.Rashid, I., Manzoor A. Shah, Zafar Reshi and B. A. Wafai. A functional niche promotes an invasion in a biodiversity hotspot. 5th International Weed Science Congress 23-27 June 2008. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
18.Reshi, Zafar 2008. Plant community assembly and performance of non-parametric species richness estimators under grazing and exclusion regimes in amontane grassland of Kashmir Himalaya. Abstract volume of the 4th J&K, Science Congress, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, held on 12-14 November, 2008. pp. 158.
19.Shah, M. A. and Zafar Reshi. 2008. Challenges and choices in belowground microbial-invasive plant interaction research. Abstract volume of the 4th J&K, Science Congress, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, held on 12-14 November, 2008. pp. 176.