SOL Review Packet (World History and Geography II)
Tuscarora High School Social Science Department
Name: ______
1. What was the Renaissance?
Rebirth of classical knowledge
2. Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?
Several important cities, center of trade
3. Why did the Renaissance spread to Northern Europe?
Important cities, merchants and bankers, classical Rome inspired artists, printing press
4. Who was Michelangelo?
Artist and sculptor- Sistine Chapel & David
5. Who were the Medici?
Wealthy Italian family – patrons of arts
6. Who was Leonardo da Vinci?
Artist, sculptor, inventor – Mona Lisa & Last Supper
7. Who was Shakespeare?
8. What is humanism?
Study of human growth and potential
9. Who was Erasmus?
Dutch author, Praise of Folly, humanist
10. Identify the geographic location of the Ottoman, Mughal, Songhai, Aztec and Incan Empires.
Ottoman: Turkey Mughal: N. India Songhai: W. Africa Aztec: Central America Inca: Peru
11. What was the Silk Road? What important trade items were offered by the Chinese?
Trade routes from Asia to Mediterranean. Paper, compass, silk and porcelain
12. What was the Trans-Saharan trade route? What was traded there?
Trade route from Africa to Europe. Gold and Salt
13. Who invented the printing press and why was it so important?
Johannes Guttenberg – increased literacy rates & spread of ideas
14. What conflicts challenged the authority of the Church in Rome?
Merchant wealth, German and English nobility disliked the Italian domination of the Catholic Church, church’s wealth and political power, Corruption, sale of indulgences
15. Why was Martin Luther so significant to the Reformation?
Published 95 Theses: Salvation by faith alone, Bible is ultimate authority, humans equal before God
16. Who was John Calvin?
Started Calvinism, Predestination
17. Who was Henry VIII? What was he known for?
Began the Anglican Church after a dispute with the Pope – reduced power of Church over monarchy
18. Who was Elizabeth I? What was she known for?
Made the Anglican Church the official church of England
19. Describe the Reformation in Germany.
Northern German Princes converted to Protestantism ending the authority of the Church
20. Who were the Hapsburgs?
Ruling family in Europe who supported the Pope and the Holy Roman Church
21. What was the Thirty Years War?
Conflict in Germany between Protestants and Catholics over land, religion and power
22. How did the Renaissance influence the Reformation?
Introduced the idea of challenging authority
23. Who were the Huguenots?
French Protestants granted freedom to worship by the Edict of Nantes by the Catholic monarchy
24. What was the Edict of Nantes?
Granted Protestants Huguenots freedom to worship – promoted religious tolerance
25. Who was Cardinal Richelieu?
Changed the focus of the 30 yrs war from religious to political, regent to Louis XIV
26. Before Martin Luther, there was John Huss and John Wycliffe who called for reforms in the
Catholic Church.
27. What was the Counter Reformation?
Catholic church reforms and reasserts it authority – began with the Council of Trent
28. What was the Council of Trent?
Redefined Catholic doctrine as a result of the Protestant Reformation, formed the Jesuits
29. Who were the Jesuits?
Society of Jesus – opened Catholic schools (Ignatius of Loyola)
30. What was the Inquisition?
Reinforced Catholic Doctrine through torture – persecution of “heretics”
31. What factors contributed to the European discovery of land in the Western Hemisphere?
Demand for gold, spices and natural resources in Europe, spread of Christianity, political and economic competition between European empires, innovations in navigation (compass, better ships)
32. Who was Prince Henry the Navigator?
Portuguese supporter of exploration, started a navigation school
33. Who was Vasco da Gama?
Portugal, found the direct sea route around Africa from Europe to India
34. Who was Christopher Columbus?
Portugal, landed in the Americas (Carribean)
35. Who was Hernando Cortez?
Spain, Conquistador who defeated the Aztecs
36. Who was Francisco Pizarro?
Spain, Conquistador who defeated the Incas
37. Who was Ferdinand Magellan?
Spain, circumnavigated the globe
38. Who was Sir Francis Drake?
England, defeated the Spanish Armada, thief stealing from Spanish Gallons
39. Who was Jacques Cartier?
France, explorer of North America – Canada and St. Lawrence River
40. How did Christianity spread to the “New World?” Why was it important to the Spanish explorers?
Missionaries - Spanish Conquistadors used religion to justify their actions
41. What led to the demise of the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas?
Disease brought to the Americas by the Spanish Conquistadors
42. Describe the rigid class system in Latin America.
Emcomienda (using natives as slave labor, mining and farming) - Peninsulars, Creoles, Mulattos
43. What is a colony?
Territory under control of another country
44. What was the Middle Passage?
Trip to the Americas for slaves from Africa, the middle leg of the Triangle trade journey
45. Why did Europeans turn to Africa for slaves?
Native Americans died from diseases and Africans did not know the land (no escape)
46. What was the Columbian Exchange?
Exchanges of animals, plants and diseases between Americas, Africa and Europe – increased food
47. What is mercantilism?
A country powers was dependent upon its wealth and positive balance of trade
Motive for expanding colonies and acquiring raw materials from colonies
48. What is the Commercial Revolution?
European expansion of trade and business, colonialism and mercantilism during the 16th and 17th centuries
49. Where was the Ottoman Empire located?
Middle East, Turkey
50. What is the importance of the Ottoman Empire? (what contributions did they make?)
Spread of the Islamic religion, Istanbul established trade in Coffee and Ceramics
51. Where was the Mughal Empire located?
Northern India
52. What is the importance of the Mughal Empire? (what contributions did they make?)
Textiles, Arabic Numerals Islam to India, art and architecture – Taj Mahal, European trading posts
53. What did Southern India trade?
Spices – Dutch and British trading posts
54. Describe the class system in Japan (shogunate).
Emperor ruled by military leader (Shogun) – feudal system
55. Why did the Japanese and Chinese stay relatively isolated from Europe?
To limit foreign influences – Chinese set up limited trade Japan - isolated
56. Who was Nicolaus Copernicus?
Heliocentric Theory
57. Who was Johannes Kepler?
Planetary motion using math – elliptical orbits
58. Who was Galileo Galilei?
Conflict with Catholic Church, that expands on Copernicus’ Theory
59. Who was Isaac Newton?
Theory of gravity
60. Who was William Harvey?
Discovered the circulatory system
61. What was the Scientific Revolution?
Advances in science, and the creation of the scientific method – use of reason over faith
62. What is absolutism and divine right?
One leader centralizes all of the power - Kings given the right to rule by God
63. Who was the Sun King? What did he build?
Louis XIV – Palace of Versailles
64. Who was Louis XVI?
Beheaded during the French Revolution, absolute monarch ruler of France
65. Who was Frederick the Great?
Prussia, absolute monarch,- military might important
66. Who was Peter the Great?
Russian Czar who westernized Russia & built St. Petersburg because he wanted a port
67. How did the English Civil War promote the rights of Englishmen?
Parliament v the King - created a limited monarchy, limited the power of the King
68. Who was Oliver Cromwell?
Executed Charles I, puritan leader who created a commonwealth in England- military dictator
69. What was the Restoration?
Charles II restored the monarchy to England after Cromwell
70. What was the Glorious Revolution?
Overthrow of James II by Parliament who installed William and Mary – bloodless revolution
71. What was the English Bill of Rights of 1689?
Established a limited monarchy
72. What was the Enlightenment?
New thought in philosophy and government – reason was the ultimate authority
73. Who was Thomas Hobbes?
Wrote Leviathan, the state as a central authority to manage behavior – social contract theory
74. Who was John Locke?
Wrote two treatises on government, People are sovereign – Natural Rights (Life, Liberty, Property)
75. Who was Montesquieu?
Wrote the Spirit of the Laws - separation of powers
76. Who was Jean-Jacques Rousseau?
Wrote the Social Contract - contract between rulers and people for a democratic government
77. Who was Voltaire?
Wrote about Religious Tolerance and separation of Church and State
78. How did the Enlightenment influence the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights?
Jefferson embraced enlightenment ideals in the Declaration of Independence (Equality/Inalienable Rights)
Constitution – Sep. of Powers, Democracy Bill of Rights – Personal Freedoms (Speech/Religion)
79. What were the causes of the French Revolution?
Wealth gap, weak Monarch, corrupt government, high taxes, Third Estate had no power, Enlightenment ideals, and the American Revolution
80. What was the Reign of Terror?
Time period where Maximillien Robespierre controlled the French government, and executed anyone who spoke out against him – everyone under suspicion
81. What were the outcomes of the French Revolution?
End of absolute monarchy, democracy in France, Reign of Terror, Rise of Napoleon.
82. What were the Revolutions of 1848?
Series of political revolutions throughout Europe, challenging traditional authority (monarchies)
Began in France and spread though Europe and Latin America – ended quickly
83. What two events influenced revolutions in Central and South America?
French Revolution and American Revolution
84. What countries gained their independence in the 1800’s?
French, Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the Western Hemisphere
85. Who was Toussaint L’Ouverture?
Led slave revolt in Haiti
86. Who was Simon Bolivar?
Led Venezuela independence from Spain – military and political leader
87. What was the Monroe Doctrine?
European countries were to stay out of North and South America - would be considered an act of war
88. Who was Johann Sebastian Bach?
German composer
89. Who was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
German Composer
90. Who was Eugene Delacroix?
Impressionist Artist
91. Who was Miguel de Cervantes?
Spanish Novelist who wrote Don Quixote.
92. Who was Napoleon?
French military dictator
93. What was the Napoleonic Code?
Restructured legal code – became basis of civil law
94. What happened at the Congress of Vienna?
Restore pre-Napoleon boundaries, reestablished monarchies, established balance of powert
95. What is the balance of power doctrine?
No country is more powerful than another
96. What is liberalism?
European middle class merchants (1800’s) wanted more political power - create Parliaments
97. What is conservatism?
European wealthy landowners (1800’s) wanted to restore power to traditional monarchies
98. What was the significance of the Revolutions of 1848?
Increased nationalistic tensions
99. Who was Count Cavour?
Unified Northern Italy
100. What was the last European nation state to form? Who unified it?
Italy was unified by Giuseppe Garibaldi
101. How was Germany unified?
Due to Franco Prussian War (1870) appealing to nationalist feeling
102. Who was Otto von Bismarck?
Finalized unification of Germany and became the first Chancellor
103. What was Realpolitik?
Bismark’s practice of Tough power politics(strength) instead of basing it on idealism
104. What was the Agricultural Revolution?
Landowners experiment with different farming methods to improve production
Increased food production fueled industrial revolution
105. What was the enclosure movement?
Wealthy landowners created corporation farms form series of smaller private farms
106. What was the Industrial Revolution?
Shift from cottage industries to factory system and industrialization (use of machines to due work)
107. What raw materials were important to industrialization?
Cotton, iron, steel, water power
108. Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?
Because of natural resources (iron, coal), people, wealth, geography (navigable rivers)
109. Who was James Watt?
Steam engine
110. Who was Eli Whitney?
Cotton gin
111. Who was James Hargreaves?
Invented the spinning jenny
112. Who was Henry Bessemer?
Steel making process – lead to construction of railroads and skyscrapers
113. Who was Edward Jenner?
Smallpox Vaccine
114. Who was Louis Pasteur?
Germ Theory (Bacteria causes disease) and Pasteurization
115. What is urbanization?
Moving towards cities from the country
116. What working conditions were workers dissatisfied with?
Child labor, long hours, low pay, & unsafe conditions
117. What is capitalism?
Individuals own and control means of production – People free to invest money to make profit
118. Who wrote Wealth of Nations?
Adam Smith
119. What is laissez-faire?
No government interference in business – key element of capitalism
120. Who was Karl Marx and what did he write?
Communist Manifesto – laid the groundwork for communism and socialism
121. What were the benefits of child labor?
Low pay, easy to control, small hands could work machines - profits high
122. What caused the rise of labor unions?
Working conditions, child labor, workers rights
123. What is collective bargaining?
Method of mediation between labor and management – workers coming together to bargain for rights
124. What benefits did labor unions provide?
Collective bargaining increased wages, limited hours, improved working condition, no child labor
125. What did the British abolish in 1833? What is suffrage?
Slavery Right to vote
126. What is nationalism?
European nations competed for colonial possession, economic, military and political power
127. What is imperialism?
A strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically
128. What are protectorates?
A country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power
129. What are spheres of influence? What was an example in the late 1800’s?
Area over which a state has significant cultural, economic, military or political influence
China – foreign countries controlled, prior to the Open Door Policy (1900)
130. How was Japan opened to trade in the 19th century?
By force, U.S. Commodore Perry sailed 4 ships into Tokyo Harbor
131. What is the significance of the Suez Canal?