Pupil Premium Impact Report


GCSE results over time

2014 / 2015 / 2016
Measure / PP / NPP / PP / NPP / PP / NPP
Progress 8 / -0.96 / -0.39 / -0.58 / -0.32
Best 8 Value Added / 924.5 / 972.7 / 971.6 / 987.4
Attainment 8 / 36.4 / 47.4 / 40.2 / 50.1
Best 8 APS Per Pupil / 239.54 / 298.62 / 243.83 / 309.15 / 278.79 / 338.69
5 A*-C Eng & maths / 25.7 / 57.7 / 29.2 / 52.5 / 34.3 / 61.7
A*-C Eng & maths / 33.8 / 60.3 / 32.3 / 54.2 / 44.3 / 68.3
Ebacc / 13.5 / 30.8 / 7.7 / 25.4 / 8.6 / 29.8

Progress 8

  • The Progress 8 score for PP students reflects their increasing performance which is moving rapidly towards the national average Progress 8 score.
  • The gap between PP and NPP[1] students has narrowed significantly by this measure as illustrated in the graph above.
  • This reflects the improved provision for students across all subjects and a curriculum that is meeting the needs of all students regardless of background.

Attainment 8

  • There has been a improvement in the overall Attainment 8 figure and this is reflected in improvements for both PP and NPP students. The improvement for PP students has been more significant that for those who are NPP.
  • As a result of increased progress, attainment has also risen within the PP cohort.
  • The gap between PP and NPP students has also narrowed in the 2016 results. This narrowing is a resulted of an improved performance of the PP cohort greater than the improvement in the NPP cohort.

Basics (A*-C in English and maths)

  • The performance of disadvantaged students has risen over the past 3 years. Therefore there has been a narrowing gap between PP & NPP in comparison with these students nationally.
  • This again reflects the increased focus on PP students and a positive impact from bespoke approaches to supporting their progress.
  • The attainment of NPP students is now in line with the same national cohort.
  • In 2015 PP Holly Lodge PP students performed in line with the national PP cohort. There is currently no data for this in 2016.

Post 16 Provision

For year 13 (2015/16)

  • 18% of cohort was FSM
  • 87.5% of FSM pupils accessed a bespoke work experience placement. One student declined the offer of a place.
  • 75% of FSM pupils went directly to university
  • 12.5% went to study Art foundation,
  • 12.5% Started an apprenticeship.
  • 70.5% of non FSM went directly to uni

VA scores

Academic / Vocational
Whole school / -0.47 / 0.61
FSM / -0.43 / 0.81

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Percentage absence figure[2]:

2014 / 2015 / 2016
% of sessions missed due to Overall Absence / % Persistent absentees - absent for 15% or more sessions / % of sessions missed due to Overall Absence / % Persistent absentees - absent for 15% or more sessions / % of sessions missed due to Overall Absence / % Persistent absentees - absent for 10% or more sessions
School / National / School / National / School / National / School / National / School / National / School / National
PP / 7.7 / 7.3 / 8.8 / 11.5 / 6.9 / 7.5 / 8.9 / 10.9 / 6.9 / 7.5 / 18.5 / 21.6
Non-PP / 4.4 / 4.1 / 2.1 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.3 / 1.9 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 4.1 / 5.8 / 8.3
  • Attendance of PP students has improved and is lower than the national average for this cohort.
  • There is a narrowing gap between the attendance of disadvantaged students and other students nationally.

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[1] PP = Students eligible for Pupil Premium funding, NPP = Students not eligible for Pupil Premium funding.

[2] Data from RAISE Online