Employee Evaluations – Merit Adjustments
Module: Human Resources
Topic: Employee Evaluations
Employee Evaluation Merit Adjustments Munis Version 11.2
This document provides an overview of the Merit Adjustments functionality. It is intended users with intermediate to advanced knowledge of the Employee Evaluations program and Munis.
The Employee Evaluation program is now capable of processing Merit Adjustments. The calculations for Merit Adjustments are based off of the employee Total Score field within Employee Evaluations. The Merit Adjustments program now has the abilityaffect Pay Band and Salary Increases.
Before you can successfully use this feature, you must ensure that the necessary settings and codes are in place.If settings and codes are not set up, or not set up correctly, you may need to contact your Munis system administrator or department manager to have them updated or added into the Munis system.
- Menu and data access for the Employee Evaluations program are required in order to utilize the Merit Adjustment functionality.
In order to ensure that the Merit Adjustment functionality works correctly, it is important to consider the following conditions.
- Only Employee Evaluation records will be considered for merit adjustments that have a valid date populated in the Completed Date field.
- Only Employee Evaluation records that are designated as a 360 Source, SUPERVISOR EVALUATION will be considered when performing merit adjustments.
- If you are not using workflow for Employee Evaluations, (Business Rule Process: PMR – Employee Evaluation Approval) then you will not see the Workflow Status field on Employee Evaluation records. All records will be automatically approved once the Release button isclicked. This is located under Morewithin the Menu group on the ribbon. The example below is an Employee Evaluation that has a Business Rule setup for Employee Evaluation Approvals.
- If workflow is being used, all records that are submitted for merit adjustments must have a Workflow Status of Y-APPROVED.
- An Employee Job/Salary base pay record must exist for the job class that is linked to the Employee Evaluation record.
- If you have more than one instance of an evaluation that meets all of this criteria, then the record with the most recent Complete Date will be utilized. If more than one evaluation record has the same completion date, the record that was created most recently will be used.
Overview of Merit Adjustments
The Merit Adjustments functionality will be explored using the Employee Evaluations program. The following employees shown in the Employee Master Browse page below will be used as examples throughout the document.
The employees have at least one Employee Evaluation record, with the exception of Emp # 1111 – Lucy Lafferty. Below you can see that within the Employee Evaluations Browse page,two evaluation records were added to illustrate that employees with multiple job classes can be processed through Merit Adjustments.
To run the Merit Adjustment program, click More on the Menu group on the ribbon.
The Merit Adjustment program is designed to select employees based on either the Current Findset or Selection Criteria.
There are differences between the Employee Selection options that are important to note before proceeding with processing.
Current Findset: This selectionprocesses all records within the active set from Employee Evaluations. Note that if you have define criteria within the Merit Adjustment program and select Current Findset as an option, the data entered will not be removed from the fields and it will still process the active set selected.
Selection Criteria: This selection uses defined criteria to determine what Employee Evaluation records to process. The Employee Criteria section uses information from the Employee Master to determine which records to process. Recall that only 360 Sources that are defined as 001- SUPERVISOR EVALUATION will be processed. The 360 Source field should be left open as range: blank to all Z’s.
The Review date field will only include evaluations with a Review Period begin date greater than or equal to the start date specified and a Review Period end date less than or equal to the end date specified. You can verify this by looking at a sample Employee Evaluation record, the Review Period date field is on the Review tab.
Percentile: These cells represent the maximum percentile at which the employee would receive the percentage change.
Percent Change: Percent Increase (or decrease) that would be given to the employee who earned a percentile at or below the percentile range specified.
The Percentile column will automatically arrange itself in ascending order once you have clicked Accept.
Calculations of Merit Adjustments
Merit calculations impact the % Increase field on the Recommendation tab in Employee Evaluations. An example of this process along with the formula that the program uses to calculate the % Increase will be reviewed below.
After defining the Merit Adjustment selection criteria, clicking Generate will create calculations based on the employees rank relative to other employees.
The formula for the calculation of the Percentile column is as follows.
L+(.5 x S) / N x 100 = Percentile
L = The number of employees below rank (also includes employees that share the same rank).
S = The number of employees with the same score.
N = Total Evaluations being considered.
As an example, Emp # 1234 – Jack Monson had one of the highest scores. The calculation for this employee’s Percent amount would be calculated as:
9 + (.5 x 2) / 11 = 0.909090 x 100 = 90.9091
In this instance L = 9 due to the fact that all employees were below this employee’s score. The only exception to this is Emp # 77 – Joshua Groba. Recall that the L variable also includes employees of the same rank as well as those below the specific rank.
The proof page allows you to update the Percentages column to manually maintain. These records can be adjusted at any time before clicking Apply. Once Apply is clicked a notification will appear asking you to verify whether you wish to apply the amounts to the Employee Evaluations.
After clicking Yes, you can see that the % Increase field has been updated within Employee Evaluations.
The %Increase field can now be used as a method to calculate both Pay Band Increasesand Mass Contract Changes programs.
Processing Increases
The Pay Band Increases and Mass Contract Changes programs have two new options that have been added to allow functionality for calculating based off of percentages from the Employee Evaluations program.
Pay Bands
The Pay Band Increase program can be used to apply the percentage increases from the evaluation records. There is an option in the Pay Band Increases called Percent from evaluations – empsalary. This option factors the % Increase field from Employee Evaluations into the calculation for pay bands.
The following example will display the usage of the Percent from evaluations – emp salary. This pay band increase will be run for employees that are attached to a pay band under Job Class MAJ.
The Pay Band Increase program is defined with the Increase Type selection, Percent from evaluations – emp salary.
After clicking Accept and then Output-Post you can see that the percentages were calculated by multiplying percentages by the employee’s salaries.
Recall that Emp # 1234 – Jack Monson had a percentage increase of 12.5896. The calculation that the Pay Band Increases program preformed is: (85,000 x 12.59% = 10,701.50)(10,701.50 + 85,000 = 95,701.50)
Note: The Employee Evaluation program allows for four decimal places. However, the Pay Band Increases program will only use the first two. So in this instance 12.5896 is rounded to equal 12.59.
Mass Contract Changes
The Mass Contract Changes program is capable of implementing the percentages from the Employee Evaluations program. The Percent From Employee Evaluations Change Option can be selected to factor the percentages from Employee Evaluations.
Below is an example of employees and their Employee Evaluation % Increase fields.
After clicking Accept and then Output-Post, you can observe similar increases that occurred within the Pay Band example.
Note: The Employee Evaluation program allows for four decimal places. However, the Mass Contract Changes program will only use three decimal places. An example of this would be Employee # 1347 – Sarah Michaels’ % Increase amount of 4.3588. The Mass Contract Change would be effectively calculating this as 4.359. The full calculation would be: (68,000 x .04359 = 2,964.12) (2,964.12 + 68,000 = 70,964.12).
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